Core Set Finally Complete (album)

By mattlarnold, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Just in time for the expansions... which I get this week. And my friend is buying another core set and I said he could be Waiqar and I would paint the other core set. I'll never be done.

Need to post more often I guess. Took like 36 hours to approve by admin :P


The undead colour scheme is excellent.

They are so crisp! Really digging your legion of undying warriors. Also, seems like that [EDIT: Carrion Lancer] color scheme has been popping up here and there. That's basically what mine is going to look like, too. :P We must have good taste.

Edited by Parakitor
3 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

They are so crisp! Really digging your legion of undying warriors. Also, seems like that color scheme has been popping up here and there. That's basically what mine is going to look like, too. :P We must have good taste.

Wait, you're not going with purple?

Just now, Budgernaut said:

Wait, you're not going with purple?

Woops. I left out a very important phrase: Carrion Lancer. The fleshy skin tone with black sclerites is specifically what I was referring to. My Reanimates will all be stock purple, but I want to try something a little different for the siege units.

I really like Ardus in gold armor like that. I want his original Legionnaires to be ostentatious, to really sell the notion that they were once the saviors of the Baronies, the elite who turned back the Uthuk and that despite being dead, they still have that claim to nobility. That it is the weak impotent humans of the modern day who dare to stand before them after they made all these sacrifices for them. Waiqar, a contemporary of Daqan himself, should sit the throne if anyone does. And he apprenticed to Timmoran, the orb should be his in payment for the blood he shed in the Wastes and the torture he endured at the hand of Llovar.

So Ardus looking way more regal than the reanimates fits that well and distinguishes the fully sapient ones from the more traditional undead reanimates.

Fantastic paint job and great shots.