The Army Painter Daqan Bundle???

By Ninjaman65, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

I see that The Army Painter did a bundle special for the Waiqar faction. Does anyone know if they'll do one for the Daqan?

I imagine they would, especially now that they released the painting guide. I'm looking forward to it if they did.

6 minutes ago, Ninjaman65 said:

I see that The Army Painter did a bundle special for the Waiqar faction. Does anyone know if they'll do one for the Daqan?

I imagine they would, especially now that they released the painting guide. I'm looking forward to it if they did.

They had one for a while. Like the Waiqar one, it said it would be available until December. Since it's not on there anymore, maybe they had a limited quota and they sold out on those bundles.

That's interesting. I hope they make it available again.

I've been painting minis for years now but have never gotten into the "basing" aspect. I'm also interested in the technique of priming in the color most of the miniature will be painted (Daqan Blue for example) and doing mostly details. And most of my paints/brushes are old so I could use a fresh start.

I got Army Painter paints but wasn't very happy with them. The coverage was poor comparing to vallejo.

I ended up buying vallejo equivalents which are great.

10 minutes ago, ankhx said:

I got Army Painter paints but wasn't very happy with them. The coverage was poor comparing to vallejo.

I ended up buying vallejo equivalents which are great.


I've found no appreciable difference in quality between Army Painter and Vallejo, and I use both extensively.

If anything, Army Painter comes out thick, and needs to be thinned.

20 hours ago, Tvayumat said:

If anything, Army Painter comes out thick, and needs to be thinned.

I find thinning paints a necessity no matter what paints you use.

I did notice in one tutorial video that they were putting on the paint fairly thick in my opinion. They were losing a lot of detail. Again, that's my personal opinion and I'm certainly no expert! XD

3 hours ago, Ninjaman65 said:

I find thinning paints a necessity no matter what paints you use.

I did notice in one tutorial video that they were putting on the paint fairly thick in my opinion. They were losing a lot of detail. Again, that's my personal opinion and I'm certainly no expert! XD

You can sometimes get away without thinning stuff like Vallejo game air, though I'll still usually thin that, too, for brushwork.

The point, though, is that coverage shouldn't be an issue.

Edited by Tvayumat
On 5/20/2017 at 0:18 PM, Budgernaut said:

They had one for a while. Like the Waiqar one, it said it would be available until December. Since it's not on there anymore, maybe they had a limited quota and they sold out on those bundles.

Right you are! I reached out to Army Painter and they said that they ran out of Ultramarine Blue primer spray pretty quick so they had to take it down. However they said they should be getting more in stock by the end of the week. Sweet!

Is has been posted again. It's $25 less than the Waiqar one, too. Lol

2 hours ago, rowdyoctopus said:

Is has been posted again. It's $25 less than the Waiqar one, too. Lol

I think it's always been cheaper because it doesn't have as much stuff in it.

1 minute ago, Budgernaut said:

I think it's always been cheaper because it doesn't have as much stuff in it.

Oh, I believe it. Just funny to me. Boring humans are so much less colorful!