The Fallex Crisis

By Stethoscope Nunchucks, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On page 20 of Onslaught at Arda I, the "Fallex Crisis" is mentioned, but googling this comes up with no hits. Does anyone know more about this? I thought it be good fodder for an offshoot story line based out of Arda I.

"Operations on Arda I were not solely limited to the outlying systems, and other missions of note include the Fallex Crisis, in which the Rebel Alliance assisted the populace of the world of Fallex in rising up against Imperial oppression and overthrowing the local governor. Fallex is an important source of raw materials for the Rebellion and supplies many crucial fuel sources"

' if dozens of Google searches cried out, and were silenced.'

This sounds like the perfect moment to stretch those GM muscles and spin that hook into an adventure. Will the Empire spend the resources to retake Fallex with a direct attack? Perhaps the ISB is smuggling in arms and credits to a breakaway region of Fallex, sponsoring a religious insurection. Topically, Imperial Intelligence could be hacking Fallexian communications and leaking the sordid affairs of the political class to the press.

I can't find anything on Fallex beyond OaA, so I'd bet it is one of the hundreds of adventure hooks FFG left for GMs to flesh out.

8 hours ago, O the Owl said:

' if dozens of Google searches cried out, and were silenced.'

Haha... Definitely a story waiting to be written.