Daqan color schemes

By Leveton, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

It looks like I'm going to be playing Daqan in Runewars. But that leaves me pondering what I should do for the color scheme of their armor, banners, etc. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I have some ideas of what I don't want to do:

  • I don't want to use the promo art color scheme of blue with a mix of red, white and gold accents, because there will probably be plenty of such armies.
  • I don't want yellow or white as the main color, because both can be a pain to do.
  • I don't want to use brown or gray as the main color, either, because I just don't like them as the main color.
  • I don't want to use a metallic color for my main color, because between swords, spears, and armor accents, there will be plenty of other places for metallics.

So that leaves me weighing a few options for the color scheme:

  • Main color: Red, green, blue, purple, or black
  • Secondary colors (up to two): Red, orange, yellow, or white.
  • Metallic accents: Gold, silver, or bronze.

Obviously, some color combinations work better than others. I wouldn't want to use red with orange or purple with red, for instance. But there are a lot of decent color combinations available. What do you think, and what sort of color scheme are you using with your army?

I'm sticking with the lore colors, but I'd love to see more orange-armored Daqan out there.

I've gone with a dark grey (needs to go darker than my test), brass/gold and purple (need a more vibrant purple than my test). Looks good, and not the cartoonishness of full colour armour, or the moderate cheese of an army of full metallic armour (too much, imo).

Black and yellow fits very good, like the medivial german Staufer or the fantasy Baratheons from GoT. Black and white looks great too, as Blue white do. Don't take Green red, Looks like Christmas.

I wanted a bright color scheme for my Daqan. Going for a Yellow/Grey combination with silver lining for my metal bits except for the spear tip ofcourse(Work in progress). From your prefered colors I would definetly go for a Red/White combo with maybe a darker metal color?

Daqan Spearman 2.jpg

I decided on a twist: Oxford Blue (Vallejo) with an Oily Steel/Bronze armor. Still need to do some washes and highlights but I like the combination.

I went with a Calendor Sky and a Fire Dragon bright combo. Really like it. Staying more traditional with the Undead.

heros from base set 3.jpg

Edited by docForsaken

I'm pretty happy with how my blue/white/silver scheme turned out. I guess the blue will be very common, due to the official artwork, but I don't mind. I'm not a fan of the colored armor style, so pure metallic for the armored parts is my choice.


love the shield work man! looks great.

I really like the look of the quartered shield, @Uthoroc. That's probably what I'll do with my shields, as well, rather than trying to freehand some symbol or use water transfers.

I haven't seen anything with red/orange or red/yellow yet, I think you could pull off a unique and aggressive look with that (maybe fire themed if you're into maintaining themes).

I tried to go for a unique color combo as well, ended up having to mix up a custom metal color. Looks like this after washing (pardon the painting quality):

Thank you! The simple geometric shield designs are also easy to vary. I've got the Oathsworn using the same designs with a little extra flourish.
