Split Card Control

By Terrant, in UFS Rules Q & A

My friend and I were playing UFS earlier, and we were having problems resolving whether or not Split Cards share control between the two separate cards. Just as an example card, take Ken's Shotokan.

He was saying that it wouldn't make sense for a card to not have a control, so they should be sharing the one. In the rules, it says that every card has a control, but split cards are considered separate from the other when you play them. The way I took that is that literally, one card, one piece of paper, has a control. If some cards can't have block modifiers, then why can't there be cards without controls? The only reason why it's important is because he was trying to use a foundation's R that was dependent on the control of the split card he just played as an action rather than the foundation. The boxes of the two separate cards are what divide them, and the control of the foundation is clearly outside of the action.

The way I see it, it specifically states that it is only one or the other when you play it, so it isn't one of those that you can just assume that they share. I would think that if the bottom half of a split card was meant to have a control, it would be printed down there as part of it.

So my question is basically this: Do split cards share controls, or does the control only belong to the completely separate top half?

I think the split cards only have one control value that is shared by the two card types. If not, it would have 2 control values on the card so that doesn't make much sense. In play or attempting to play, the card is of the type of the side you choose, having the difficulty there printed and the shared and only control.

name, difficulty, control, block modifier area, attack stat area, resource row, card type, text box

these are things that every card has. this is the template for all cards. split cards are just like any other card, but with more information, usually just an extra text box, and difficulty (and attack stats in the case of an attack).

to specifically answer your Q, every card has a control value, and it is found in the same area on every card.

Note that when you play a split card as a block, you can play either side.

aslum said:

Note that when you play a split card as a block, you can play either side.