Rule question: Recruitment card Wooky Bodyguard

By Raahk, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hello guys,

yesterday evening in yet another awesome SW:Rebellion 2v2 match aquestion came up i wasn't able to clarify: The special recruitment card wooky bodyguard allows the player to use this card as soon as an opponent tries to resolve a special operations mission. This mission automatically fails. Does Chewbacca has to be in the system where this mission takes place?

As i am writing this it dawns on me that the answer is probably yes :D



Yes, for each action card to be able to resolve, the corresponding leader should be there. So to resolve Wookie Guardian, Chewbacca should be in the system where the Spec Ops mission is attempted, you could send him to oppose it and then use the action card so no dice should be rolled, the mission automatically fails.

I leave you the refference from the RRG, page 2:

"Action cards used during a mission or combat can only be used if one of the leaders shown on the card is already in the system in which the mission or combat is occurring. The only exceptions are action cards that specifically move the leader to the system."

Edited by Lemmiwinks86