Recently took the plunge into this game, got super invested in it, and as someone who runs D&D games and creates content for fun, I really like taking all these tiles and making my own map configurations. However, there's an unfortunately sharp limit to how creative I can get, primarily in making multiple paths that connect at the same end point. Some tiles just don't match up to two other tiles to create a loop, and some CRITICAL pieces, like the two short, doublesided hallway connectors, you only get one copy of. Or the small, square, corner pieces that let hallways 'turn', only 2 copies. What I'd really like to do is get more copies of those tiles, BUT, I sure as hell (haha) can't afford to buy a whole 'nother copy of the game just for that. Especially since I really don't need another set of the minis; cleaning off the mould lines and then painting all the ones I already have is daunting enough.
Is there any other way I can get what I need? Is there some way to buy game pieces from FFG, or is there anyone who maybe just wants the minis and doesn't need their tiles? I'd also like to get some more dice for those rare occasions where there's more than 4 red and/or 2 black for a roll, and having extra copies of the special weapons would be nice, too. But ultimately it's more tiles I really need.
P.S. When do we get Archviles (yeah yeah, Summoners, whatever), Hellknights, and the Praetor Suit marine figure? How about a Lightning Rifle set? Come on FFG, don't you want me to throw my money at you?