crane story is up

By Matrim, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

5 hours ago, WHW said:

Would also estabilish Kachiko as the person in control.

In any case, this was not Kachiko's story, so that it would make little sense.. It was Hotaru's story with a Kachiko walk-in. Perhaps the Scorpion history will include the same scene from Kachiko's PoV where you'll see how K is running in circles around H. Or not... perhaps she is just as smitten as her.

So do you think that each of the stories will focus on each Clan Champion? ... if so will be interesting how they incorporate the elemental council for Phoenix.

The one thing this fiction makes clear is that Doji Hotaru is a very good Champion.

So, the story leaders in FFG need to write regularly something that satisfies a public which is able to produce 277 comments in less than 24 hours, about a fiction 11 pages long, analyzing every single word of the text?

Good luck.

They may need to hire Stephen King himself...

Edited by Koriume
8 minutes ago, Koriume said:

So, the story leaders in FFG need to write regularly something that satisfies a public which is able to produce 277 comments in less than 24 hours, about a fiction 11 pages long, analyzing every single word of the text?

Good luck.

They may need to hire Stephen King himself...

Or, hire a good author.

1 minute ago, RandomJC said:

Or, hire a good author.

A very good one? I think the story is solid. Sure, a little too much exposition, but it is not as horrible as some people make it out to be here!

4 hours ago, Isawa Tasatu said:

So do you think that each of the stories will focus on each Clan Champion? ... if so will be interesting how they incorporate the elemental council for Phoenix.

"Yes, the five shugenjas poring over black scrolls and maho rituals to understand Meishodõ in that old tower are the leading voices of our clan."

Edited by Ser Nakata
6 hours ago, Isawa Syd said:
11 hours ago, Kakita Renju said:

The phoenix's strength in warfare is their synergy between bushi and shugenja.
They have skillful shiba bushi boosted by magic.

Fixed that for ya ;)

Actually, I disagree. The Agasha and Mirumoto always worked much better together than the Isawa and Shiba. The Phoenix's strength is that, when they do bring Shugenja to war, the bring an overwhelming force of them. Where the Dragon would send a unit of Mirumoto with a handful of Agasha enhancing them, the Phoenix would send a smaller unit of Shiba and a smaller unit of Isawa (perhaps the Firestorm Legion), that worked towards the same goal, but not in an integrated manner.

I am just happy with decent stories that get the message through. I do not need a Nobel Prize in Literature to write the fiction. ^_^ The story could have used some more explaining about certain details that only vets may understand due to previous experience but I am happy with the story.

Edited by Wintersong
1 hour ago, Tetsuro said:

Add to it even in Rokugan being a homosexual isn't 100% okay, it's just something people try hard to ignore or pretend doesn't exist, but there is an underlying impression that the person is wrong for being 'that way'.

Where in the world did you get that idea from??

As far back as City of Lies, it is established that homosexuality isn't a big issue. There's a Scorpion who keeps his same-sex affairs secret only because the Scorpion are expected to have a secret, not because it's considered bad. (I think his name is Gobei, but I can't remember his family, it might be Bayushi). The way it's presented I always got the impression the denouement would have as much seriousness as "your Daimyo secretly enjoys Kabuki more than Noh!"

14 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Where in the world did you get that idea from??

As far back as City of Lies, it is established that homosexuality isn't a big issue. There's a Scorpion who keeps his same-sex affairs secret only because the Scorpion are expected to have a secret, not because it's considered bad. (I think his name is Gobei, but I can't remember his family, it might be Bayushi). The way it's presented I always got the impression the denouement would have as much seriousness as "your Daimyo secretly enjoys Kabuki more than Noh!"

Sure, I remember Gobei. Granted I dont have CoL anymore but I do recall people mostly reacted to him with kind of an eye roll, which I certainly would classify as disdainful. But you also have to consider that any kind of romantic expression tends to be frowned upon as inappropriate in the first place, and you couple that with the fact that generally speaking you're going to be in an arranged marriage and therefore have to have an affair to be involved in that kind of relationship, plus the general disdain in a feudal society for people who are seen as unable (or unwilling) to produce an heir and you have a combination for a slight bit more disdain than society would have for a more 'normal' relationship. But, in general it's frowned upon to engage in any sort of passionate romantic relationship in the first place, and logically if people are aware that you are homosexual, it's because you've failed to hide that you were engaged in one, which makes people inclined to be disdainful.

That's always the impression I got from it all, anyway. Of course I'm willing to concede that my time at AEG and their own attitude towards the subject may be coloring that perception.

2 hours ago, Isawa Tasatu said:

So do you think that each of the stories will focus on each Clan Champion? ... if so will be interesting how they incorporate the elemental council for Phoenix.

In this case, I'm excited for a 20+ page Phoenix fiction... :P

3 minutes ago, daimaru said:

In this case, I'm excited for a 20+ page Phoenix fiction... :P

Well this Crane story was mainly about one character with a few added bits.... for Phoenix anything less than 50 pgs will be a travesty....

28 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

The way it's presented I always got the impression the denouement would have as much seriousness as "your Daimyo secretly enjoys Kabuki more than Noh!"

Or is a lavish sponsor of geisha pageants as he greatly enjoys the question-and-answer portion... :lol:

1 hour ago, RandomJC said:

Or, hire a good author.

Honestly, I don´t think it´s fair to sayr that the authors or the text are not good.

Both considering the purpose it was created for, and comparing with other similar texts I read for the L5R universe, in the CCG and the RPG.

In my opinion, it´s fair enough.

1 hour ago, Drudenfusz said:

A very good one? I think the story is solid. Sure, a little too much exposition, but it is not as horrible as some people make it out to be here!

4 minutes ago, Koriume said:

Honestly, I don´t think it´s fair to sayr that the authors or the text are not good.

Both considering the purpose it was created for, and comparing with other similar texts I read for the L5R universe, in the CCG and the RPG.

In my opinion, it´s fair enough.

:ph34r: I think both missed I was slamming Stephen King.

The author of the story is a fine author. I think everyone is just being overly critical and expect a whole book in the first chapter.

But why? We are talking about L5R-fiction. It always had been like this.

Edited by Bayushi Nono
53 minutes ago, Tetsuro said:

That's always the impression I got from it all, anyway. Of course I'm willing to concede that my time at AEG and their own attitude towards the subject may be coloring that perception.

If it helps.


In Rokugan homosexuality is not viewed in anything like the way modern Western society sees them. Close same-sex relationships are common and expected throughout society, and what defines a friendship or an affair is pretty ambiguous, and many relationships float in one direction or another over time. Physical intimacy in relationships is also uncommon and unexpected, but even that is politely ignored as long as discretion and proper romance protocol are respected, but a sure path for disgrace and dishonor should it come to public attention - no matter the gender of those involved. Sexual intimacy is an act, not an identity, and exists apart from and alongside same-sex bonding within Rokugani society. So long as personal attachments and preferences don't interfere in the way of the samurai and proper behavior, it's no one's business.

In short, you can demonstrate your intimacy in a myriad way, as long as both sides are consensual and you keep your On and your behavior pristine.

I got this from the Quick Guide to Rokugan Topic on the official Winter Court 4 forum (Game Info Page). I'll glad I saved some info from there b/c it seems like the forum is no longer up anymore. :)

Edited by BlindSamurai13
3 hours ago, Tetsuro said:

Add to it even in Rokugan being a homosexual isn't 100% okay, it's just something people try hard to ignore or pretend doesn't exist, but there is an underlying impression that the person is wrong for being 'that way'.

I hate this forum software, anyway: remember that setting was reimagined with inclusivity in mind. We have no way of telling how the homosexuality is going to be presented, but so far, there is more evidence of it being 100% ok than not.

2 hours ago, Koriume said:

So, the story leaders in FFG need to write regularly something that satisfies a public which is able to produce 277 comments in less than 24 hours, about a fiction 11 pages long, analyzing every single word of the text?

Good luck.

They may need to hire Stephen King himself...

11 pages every two weeks isn't a lot. Add the fact that they had literally years to prepare and polish these 11 page fictions, or at very worst months. If they are written "on the fly", then they are already on the dangerous path IMHO.

53 minutes ago, Tetsuro said:

Sure, I remember Gobei. Granted I dont have CoL anymore but I do recall people mostly reacted to him with kind of an eye roll, which I certainly would classify as disdainful. But you also have to consider that any kind of romantic expression tends to be frowned upon as inappropriate in the first place, and you couple that with the fact that generally speaking you're going to be in an arranged marriage and therefore have to have an affair to be involved in that kind of relationship, plus the general disdain in a feudal society for people who are seen as unable (or unwilling) to produce an heir and you have a combination for a slight bit more disdain than society would have for a more 'normal' relationship. But, in general it's frowned upon to engage in any sort of passionate romantic relationship in the first place, and logically if people are aware that you are homosexual, it's because you've failed to hide that you were engaged in one, which makes people inclined to be disdainful.

That's always the impression I got from it all, anyway. Of course I'm willing to concede that my time at AEG and their own attitude towards the subject may be coloring that perception.

It's publically and formally disdainful to have a romance, especially if it enters the public space. Having a proper secret affair was always OK and a reason for swag, especially if you could keep it "secret from public" while also making "everyone get the idea" simultaneously. It even had it's own sidebar in one of the book, having an affair it was titled I think :P. I understand your dissonance, though; weren't you a member of story team or something? I'm pretty sure that while it was "estabilished" in setting (mostly in RPG books, at least when that certain dev wasn't looking and stomping it) that both things are OK, story team had it's hands tied when trying to provide actual examples and had to write conservative stories as far as both romance and sexuality were concerned, no?

whoever said this fiction needs a setting when there is one. Granted, it does not explain to newbies the world and protocols that is Rokugan but it does give glimpses of it.

what it does do is giving the readers the setting of the Crane Clan..war with Lion, trouble with pirates, peasant insurrection because of the famine and the Scorpion getting an upperhand in the Emperor's court.

You are not expected to relate to Hotaru, although if you did..good for you. You are though presented with the hopelessness of the situation of the Crane as a clan currently.

Also, a Crane Clan Champion bargaining with a ronin?! Hah! I could hear Trump saying it the worst deal he has seen.

and, too bad that the situation was GoT like with the death of Satsume, instead of him being killed by Shoju in a duel as it was before.

Edited by Bayushi Bajie

I think as the first official fiction in two years, the amount of hype and expectation people had built around this was something this story was never going to live up to, even if it was the greatest L5R fiction of all time (not saying it was, but it wouldn't have been enough).

I still think it was an OK piece based on it's own merits (my first two posts about it were all about what i think was good or very good, people tend to forget i sometimes praise things too :P), but I also still think it had it's priorities mismatched as far as context of being a first introducory fiction goes. Though it's totally possible that they decided that a new customer won't be affected by the fiction at all, and that it was mainly aimed at convincing and hyping the "old timers" (which makes sense; you probably want to save your BIG REAL FIRST PIECE OF INTRODUCTORY FICTION for release or the game box itself, i guess). It's hard to judge what works and what will not work, especially without all the data and experience the company has access to.

Edited by WHW
16 minutes ago, WHW said:

I still think it was an OK piece based on it's own merits (my first two posts about it were all about what i think was good or very good, people tend to forget i sometimes praise things too :P), but I also still think it had it's priorities mismatched as far as context of being a first introducory fiction goes. Though it's totally possible that they decided that a new customer won't be affected by the fiction at all, and that it was mainly aimed at convincing and hyping the "old timers" (which makes sense; you probably want to save your BIG REAL FIRST PIECE OF INTRODUCTORY FICTION for release or the game box itself, i guess) . It's hard to judge what works and what will not work, especially without all the data and experience the company has access to.

I think that makes the most sense. Most new players will read that fiction before anything else, so it makes sense for that to be the real new player friendly world setting piece.