
By Tri3, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I was looking for some replacements for the terminal and crate counters. I remembered I saved a bag of Sedition Wars scenery. Boom that it! Perfect scenery for games.

Here are some of the pieces painted by Agis Neguebauer.


The two sentry guns (very good to be used in “Indebted” as the pulse cannons) are also from Sedition Wars scenery.


Here is Agis Neugebauer's website


Wow those look really nice. How did you get the imperial cog on those crates? Decal I assume?

I didn't paint these. Agis Neugebauer did. I assume he used a decal, but maybe he painted it. He is that good.

Nice, I saw these around while looking for inspiration for my terrian builds, really nice.

Terminals don't block line of sight/movement/etc... but it appears you can't put a unit on top of yours.

On 17/05/2017 at 9:40 PM, caseycheesecake said:

Terminals don't block line of sight/movement/etc... but it appears you can't put a unit on top of yours.

I tend to pop the token underneath the 3d, then remove the 3d if occupied by a figure.

That is a good solution.