New AoR Campaign just asking for ideas

By BladeVampire, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So this is my second Campaign I'll be running in this awesome game. I plan to set them on Byblos a planet that focuses on technological exports such as weapons, technology, vehicles, and etc... I want to start them out in a cantina perhaps looking for ties to the rebellion to join (Considering that's what they would like to do, but I own all the core books so there's options). Then have some form of confrontation to force them away, and get a contact in the process. A small contact just to begin with, and hopefully I can lead them to an old speeder track that could've been used for testing many years ago or longer. Then have them begin their rebellious life style. Starting them with randomized vehicles, and such.

I'm just looking for some input or ideas. I pitched a simpler vague version of the story to my players and they like it. I want them to stay on the planet for some time until they are more recognized by the Rebellion.

I'm already going to start them with a knarly crazy vehicle that will be awesome but a possible death trap.

74-Z Speeder Bike

Upgrades: High-Output Ion Turbine, Overcharged Ion Engines (1 Talent Shortcut & 1 Talent Tricky Target)

Silhouette: 2 Speed: 5 Handling: 0

Hit Thresh: 2 Strain Thresh: 3

I don't think any of them will try anything that crazy, but I do know some of them are a little loopy. But this is supposed to be a cool find within the underground portion of the track they stumble upon, and maybe get something like a light speeder truck or something.

Now I just need to come up with some possible simple starting "mission(s)" so they can start their rebellious career. Or whatever all you think would be a great addition.

It's late at night and they're all in the cantina eating, drinking, and what have you. The day has been long and the weeks and months even longer still. In bursts a lone figure, shrouded in a deep black cloak. The figure pulls approaches the bar and throws back the hood. A Knowledge check, Easy or Average, results in the PCs recognizing the figure as a suspected Rebel sympathizer with a fairly large bounty, 10-25 thousand credits. It becomes quite apparent that others in the bar recognize the figure but only a few will seem to care.

These others approach from various sides of the bar (Knowledge Warfare or Knowledge Underworld could tell the players that these individuals are moving in a carefully planned manner). As the closest adversary approaches, the sympathizer whips around with a vicious looking heavy blaster pistol in hand and threatens the adversary approaching to back off. You, as the GM, could make a roll to determine what happens next or you can just the adversary be unfazed by the threat because he knows his buddies are around.

Now the PCs should recognize that this is a situation rapidly getting out of hand for the sympathizer. While you describe the chain of events they can either watch everything unfold or intervene whenever they feel like it. There doesn't need to be a group consensus on the course of action, especially if none of the PCs know each other, but each player should be getting involved in the conversation of events.

The sympathizer feels threatened and begins firing at the adversary and mayhem ensues. The adversaries are obviously bounty hunters and should be firing stun shots at the sympathizer but the sympathizer is not holding back. If the sympathizer is stunned unconscious, a bounty hunter should toss the sympathizer over the shoulder and run out of the cantina into a waiting speeder. A chase ensues and if your players catch up to the bounty hunters they can free the sympathizer. If not, the sympathizer becomes a prisoner of the local garrison and a compatriot of the sympathizer could approach the group and attempt to enlist their help in freeing the sympathizer.

Hopefully this helps.

Sabotage the arms factories. They are going to the empire. The make a name for themselves robbing supply convoys and blowing up things.

Eventually, imperials come to stamp you out, but rebels have intercepted the call an launch a surprise counter offensive, give the pc's a chance to escape. The rebels say.they've been watching then for a while, they've proven worthy of Alliance support!

Awesome thanks guys! K actually already planned something similar but with a Gank to rescue them. But I'll consider all the details, especially the arms factory so simple didn't think about it lol.

Random starting missions for a group trying to join the Rebellion.

Steal from a local Imperial squad that is on planet for whatever reason. They have some intel or equipment that would be very handy for the Rebellion to have.

There is a local gang of thugs/criminals, that has caught wind of the local Rebellion element on planet, and are planning on selling them out to the Empire. The PC's must remove the threat to the Rebel cell, by any means necessary.

The Empire has a contract with one of the manufacturing companies on planet, and the Rebellion wants to know what it is. The PC's have to sneak in, or slice their way in, to uncover the details of the project, and perhaps steal the plans so they can develop their own version to counter it.

The local Rebellion cell needs to get off planet quick. The PC's are hired to shipjack something for them to use. They have to chop it to minimize the amount of identifying information on it, and possibly create new credentials for the ship to pass customs.

There is an important shipment of widgets coming in for the Empire. The PCs intercept the shipment and destroy or sell off the items to criminals or hutts. The Rebellion misses out on the opportunity to hijack the shipment for themselves and are furious with the PCs. So the rebels tell the PCs to pull some jobs to make up for the lost shipment of widgets.

Thanks guys, really helps!

A rebel pilot/important tech/other mcguffin has been shot down and forced to bail out over a dense forest/wasteland/other form of terrible terrain. The Rebel Alliance needs it back, and hires the PC party to track it down. The Empire/unaffiliated mercenaries have also caught wind of the incident and have their own search parties on the way. However, a torrential storm is making things difficult in the area so starships or airspeeders cannot be used.

Have them eventually have a fight over a particular location (like on endor in ep 6.) Or object And give them a base of operations.

Have them recover a shipment retrieved from an abandoned Gozanti ship clearly imperial and evidence it was part of a convoy apparently ambushed with this ship being lost and presumed destroyed.

Their patron wants the cargo delivered to a contact on your high tech world.

Once they do they either head offworld or go look for something on the world.

There's a sudden explosion as far in the distance (whether still on the planet or heading into space preparing to jump out of the system) the Megacorp building literally starts to dissolve and merging with city around it before expanding rapidly.

Those on world need to race back to their hangar get aboard their ship with others trying to do the same with masses of refugees trying to board as they do so.

Fighting to take off and flee offworld seeing the world behind them slowly overwhelmed as it begins to reform into a form similar to the Death Star.

Those already offworld discover they've been blamed for the terrorist attack and are attacked by TIEs as they go ally able to escape the system.

One side is blamed the other at least can claim they're innocent especially if they carried refugees with them in either case the Empire is now hunting them and they're the only witnesses who can verify it was an Imperial Superweapon that was responsible but what do they do about the makeshift battlestars on the Empire is planning on securing?

Too much?

Edited by copperbell