150 pts Waiqar (Wave 0)

By SirCast, in Runewars List Building

This evening I will do some games agains the Daqan. I only have 2 cores so that the army I will field:

Ardus IxErebus x1

--Unique: Ardus Fury

Reanimates x6
--Music: Trumpets

Reanimate Archers x2
--Equipment: Rank Discipline

Reanimate Archers x2
--Equipment: Rank Discipline

Carrion Lancers x1
Carrion Lancers x1

Any suggestions? I ordert the commando expansions and the archers. But till they arrive here 150 points is the place to be :)

We played two games. First one I got obliterated only one Carrion Lancer was left, and I only managed to destroy a 2x2 spearmen unit. Kari killed the two Archer Units on her own and a 2x3 Cav Unit chrushed my army.
Second game I managed to kill the hole Daqan army, only Kari got away. But I was super lucky. First half of the battle his cav blocked the rest of his army, till it got erased, and his Spearman 3x3 blocked got hard hit by betrayal.

All in all, we Need much more games, to learn the movement. Personal I feel UDs realy need better Reanimation to survive the bad Ini + slow marching, so holding out for Reanimation Expansion :)
And Kari is realy good for her points...

Welcome to the jungle.

Core is quite unbalanced. The power on waiqar comes on complex synergies. Few units: few synergies. That makes the game not so balanced under 200 points.

We also rely more on upgrade cards than daqan: few choices = disadvantage.

I expect that the expansions at least partially solve the unbalance and I trust the company to achieve a great balance in the long term.

Edited by druchii7

Nice little battle report, Kari can be a beast eh.

I have found in the first 6 or so games Daqan had an advantage, but not anymore and we share only 1 core ATM.

now our games come down to who makes less mistakes. I think Waiqar just have a tougher learning cure and Daqan are more straight forward.

Yes I think so too, with the expansions the Undead will able to regenerate better, so the can hopefully overcome the first strikes by the daqan troops easier.
Blight token are not so easy to spray on 100 -150 point battles too, but right know they are maybe the only way to overcome the better dials from the daqans. Hard to wait, for the expansions to get some alternatives.

And with 200 points per side, good rolls by Kari doesn't play such a dominant roll like they do in smaller battles.

I played two 100 point games last night as Waiqar. I focused on screening my archers so that they would still get Line of Sight, but so that it would be difficult for Kari to get line of sight back to them, and so that they would be nearly impossible to charge without colliding with one of the screening units first.

While obvious, I have to say that the tactic was a complete success. The archers were able to dish a surprising amount of blight and do more damage than they ever had, making the melee elements far more effective. I was 2-2 in the first four games with Waiqar, and my wins were much closer than my losses. But I won two games last night by much wider margins than I ever had and it wasn't an army list change at all, it was a tactical change.

@SirCast , your list is basically just a larger version of what I ran last night, so I think you can do pretty much the same thing: Screen the archers to pour blight and shred the rest with your melee troops.

For comparison sake, here's the lists I ran:

Game 1: 6 Reanimates with Ardus and Terrifying Heraldry; 1 Carrion Lancer; 2 Archers with Rank Discipline

Game 2: Ardus with Ancient Fury; 6 Reanimates with support carrion lancer and trumpets; 2 Archers