This is what I want to do:
1. Bring Hera into Mercs with a Rancor or Bantha
2. Deploy Hera in the middle of 5 figures, with the massive figure to the rear
3. Use the 1 movement point on the massive figure to push 3 figures (hera and 2 others) 2 spaces each (I will make sure that the closest space they can be pushed is 2 spaces away
4. Use the 1 movement point on the figures that just got pushed
5. Use the 1 movement point on the figures that weren't pushed, but were adjacent to Hera
If I'm doing the math right, I just moved 1 massive figure 1 space, 3 small figures 3 spaces a piece, and 3 other small figures 1 space for a total of 13 movement points gained.
Some rules questions:
1. Are there any restrictions on which figure has to use its movement point from smooth landing first?
2. Do the figures that are being pushed by the massive figure need to spend their movement point right after they are pushed, or do you wait til all 3 are pushed first?
3. Is there anything else in this plan that seems illegal?