Commence primary (campaign) ignition...

By Daronil, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Well, my first AoR campaign in FFG has begun!

Three players (my best mate, my wife and my daughter), and we spend four solid days of gaming to knock over the adventure built into the AoR Core Book, followed by my conversion to FFG of the old WEG D6 module "Planet of the Mists".

Went beautifully! :)

The characters are: Bo'ab (Human Ace/Soresu Defender); Ryann (Mandalorian Bounty Hunter/Survivalist), and Valatha (Human Scoundrel/Thief/Force Sensitive Emergent).

Ended with an epic lightsabre duel between Bo'ab and Director Vost Tyne (who I reconfigured as an Imperial Inquisitor) - the only down-side was that Bo'ab managed to kill Tyne, thus eliminating the potentially fun starfighter chase/combat through the minefield in orbit around Marca.

We'll only get to play a couple of times a year, but if was a fun intro to FFG's Star Wars for all of us. And I have to say, using the iPad dice app made life SOOOOO much easier!!

Edited by Daronil