Vassal Summer Tourney 2017 - Round 2

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

7 minutes ago, GiledPallaeon said:

FFG (or @Drasnighta ) plz nerf.

I am aware, and my personal position lies with you.

However, that is not the position mandated at this point in time.

Podracer vs Maturin has finished Final results 6-5 win for maturin with a 5 point mov.

I maintain my perfect record of losing the game on 50/50 dice roll with the last shot of turn6, which once the salt wears off, will be quite an achievement in this one as i so nearly had maturin snatching defeat from the hands of victory!!

Going into turn 6, all ships alive, and all but my 4 health yv666 and two mutilated vcx freighters on 1 and 2health, succumbed to what can only be described as one of the most entertaining back and forth squadron matchups. ever. If anyone watches the logfile back later.. check out maturins excellent dice on his alpha strike, followed by the rally of my remaining squads followed by the dual aa of a pair of glad 2s.... a must see for all you dice analysts!(to be uploaded upon mats return from work)

The only ship in danger seemed to be Chiraneau in his bashed up Glad2 going into turn 6, 3 hulll and no left shields,evade gon, within range of a double arcing pelta black range, jainas light with trc, the remaining yavaris activating squads, and the second pelta with long range. The closest pelta activated first and scored 6damage over 2 shots, but was unable to score vital accuracies to get the damage over, he did score a good crit that would deny me a dice from my anti ship attacks. having cued up a concentrate fire the pelta was unable to accelerate away from black range of the glad.

I had no plan b, i thought chir would die and we would go about our days. activating my other glad first, i projection experted over my remainig shields to the front of my beaten up glad to negate the incoming trc fire. flew off and awaited my jainery demise, however the neb activated and with no reply from my yv666 double tapped my bare hull scoring a damage and leaving me on one hull. result.

activating chiraneau felt surreal, shot my side arc at the pelta and got hit blank h/c. vet gunners got me 2 doubles with apt, dropping shields and leaving the ship with two health and a single defense token. i scored the aa hits i needed to finish off his squads and limped forwards in jainas side arc with one hull 4 shields and an exhausted redirect. His concentrate fire command made a bit of sick come to the back of my mouth... pew pews later and i was a no shield no defence 1 hull shell awaiting my doom.

The twist was now, when my vic activated and took his two reds at long range into the limping pelta...... perfect roll, 4 damage and pushing me ahead.

Of course the armada gods didn't favour me and mat got his single red damage to seal the deal. I gave him a good fright tho. My quest for that elusive tournament victory continues!

Good game sir!

PodRacer wasn't kidding when he mentioned good luck in my alpha strikes. Out of the first four triple blue rolls, the RNG gave me three damage three times. Two on the other. It almost felt unfair, and we may have invoked Green Knight's name in vain a few times. ;)

As PodRacer mentioned, it was a close and entertaining game....well done sir. Those Glads really dished out the ack ack - I'd say they were responsible for at least half the damage on my squads. I thought I had managed to deploy well enough to neutralize the VSD....which was true until that very last shot. I nearly died seeing those double doubles. :P

I felt I made better use of Leia this game than the last, with Yavaris getting lots of triple double taps, a few instances of speed 2 --> 0 ---> 2, which allowed for my ships to coordinate the final attack run on Chiraneau's glad. Jaina's light stood a decent chance at finishing off that Glad using Leia's power to cf and fish for an acc, but it was not to be.

Log file to be posted when I get home later. Thanks PodRacer for a great game and being flexible with scheduling.

EDIT: At long last, here is the log file: First 5 turns only (sorry!).

Edited by Maturin

Rocco79 vs Darth Veggie starts today between 9.30 to 10 AM UTC (winter time)!

Doobleg vs Dorrin314 is set for Thursday 25th May 0400 GMT. :)

Darth Veggie vs. Rocco79 ended with 277 to 123 (MoV 154; 8-3 victory) in favour of the ignominious dark side carrot (me). Objective played: Precision Strike. I was first player.

It started with me totally messing up Admo and Foresight resulting in both having the wrong commands. However my plan to take out Bright Hope at the beginning of round 2 succeeded nevertheless thanks to pretty hot dice which gave me the Acc anyway (I planned to get it by CF command and token, but as I said I messed up my dials). What followed were more hot dice on my side - and a ruthless slicering of Rocco's fleet by my two slicer tools flotillas (Yavaris was slicered thrice, the other two remaining flotillas each once). In the end the dice who were all the time in my favour changed their mood radically resulting in Forsight's doom. However, this was paid by Cracken flying off the map and the last flotilla of my enemy taken apart by my Admo and Jaina's Light.

Also dying in the course of the battle: My Tycho, one of Rocco's YT1300 (didn't know that they can die...)

Rocco was an opponent great to play against . And I love to play against him anytime in the future (but not this fleet - he won't fall into the same trap twice and that means that I would get a proper spanking).

Logfile will come soon!

12 hours ago, GiledPallaeon said:

It was a disastah! Nobody? Humph. Guess I know who isn't getting invites to my TI7 watch party * grumble grumble

In all seriousness, Undeadguy played well, got Avenger into great position and went to work. In theory my set up is exactly what my fleet was designed for, and if Mon Karren had lived long enough to fire, even if she died when she tried to move, I would like to think that I would have destroyed Avenger and won. Instead, the universe went sideways, and instead of intelligently disengaging, I turned to chase. I really need to get better about those decision points.

In other news, and I mean this in no way to diminish Undeadguy's victory, the current interpretation of Sloane (that the defender can't spend an attacked token) is OP as hell. And this is coming from a guy that wouldn't (and still won't) call Rieekan Aceholes OP. FFG (or @Drasnighta ) plz nerf.

I agree Sloane is pretty OP for what she can do. Luckily you only had Tycho for me to abuse Sloane upon.

I will say, being able to activate Sloane squads and exhaust tokens to set up for an Avenger attack was brutal. And I barely got enough damage on MK to kill it. If that had not happened, I definitely would have lost.

I also missed on a close range double arc on Madine's flotilla, so that shows how badly the dice swing.

I thought it was a good game. You pulled off some tight maneuvers while I was durdling around wondering what I was thinking when I deployed. And I kept forgetting my upgrades haha.

1 minute ago, Undeadguy said:

I agree Sloane is pretty OP for what she can do. Luckily you only had Tycho for me to abuse Sloane upon.

I will say, being able to activate Sloane squads and exhaust tokens to set up for an Avenger attack was brutal. And I barely got enough damage on MK to kill it. If that had not happened, I definitely would have lost.

I also missed on a close range double arc on Madine's flotilla, so that shows how badly the dice swing.

I thought it was a good game. You pulled off some tight maneuvers while I was durdling around wondering what I was thinking when I deployed. And I kept forgetting my upgrades haha.

Yes, the dice gods did favor me re: Madine, and @pt106 helped keep us both honest, which I appreciated. You also "abused"Sloane to blow off both MK and Liberty 's tokens. More than once I would have just followed up a Sloane attack with a burn would it have been available. Don't get me wrong, it was a great game, and Madine once again displayed why he is the king of the Liberty for maneuver shenanigans. I'm just salty that our record as a series now 2-0 your favor. ;)

Just now, GiledPallaeon said:

Yes, the dice gods did favor me re: Madine, and @pt106 helped keep us both honest, which I appreciated. You also "abused"Sloane to blow off both MK and Liberty 's tokens. More than once I would have just followed up a Sloane attack with a burn would it have been available. Don't get me wrong, it was a great game, and Madine once again displayed why he is the king of the Liberty for maneuver shenanigans. I'm just salty that our record as a series now 2-0 your favor. ;)

Hahahaha just wait till you see my new Wave 6 fleets. It's a combination of Dual Glads and Sloane Aces. It will be like facing both of those fleets at the same time!

17 minutes ago, Undeadguy said:

Hahahaha just wait till you see my new Wave 6 fleets. It's a combination of Dual Glads and Sloane Aces. It will be like facing both of those fleets at the same time!

I challenge you with the dreadnoughts! It will be a battle for the ages!

Note that this challenge needs to be c. August, not now. Need to get those ships worked up properly.

Edited by GiledPallaeon

Biggs defeats @CaribbeanNinja in a close fought and defensively focused game, of careful maneuvering and disengagement.

Final Score: Biggs 124 - 101 CaribbeanNinja

Demo and Home One were selected as objective ships from my Advanced Gunnery. I tried to set up a trap for Demo if he went against either my Endeavor or the Home One, and C. Ninja wisely decided to first/last spring the trap by wiping my Pelta off the board, and whooping off into the darkness. The rest of his fleet, coming around to support, also decided to disengage, but his Tagge-ship was a bit too close to the board edge to make a full Starboard turn, and retreated off the board. Our fighter duel ended with my cover dead, but Valen killed by point defense fire from Home One. Finally, Endeavor got a lucky shot from the longest of ranges on a Gozanti, and flipped the structural damage he needed to secure me the win.

An excellent game, and an excellent opponent. Would almost lose to again!

@Matt Antilles vs @Paindemic7708 . Matt wins 400-40. I have the sadness now... but a great game by Matt.

Pfft! You know nothing of sadness, Paindemic.

Dorrin314 defeats Doobleg 400-0! :D

Dorrin vs @doobleg goes to me. We played my Station Assault, 10-1, 400-0 MoV. Stacked BCC's are scary. ISD, Raider and Demo dead over 2 turns, the Pelta limped away on 1 hull left after getting shot by Avenger, some advanceds, and Demo.

2 hours ago, Dorrin314 said:

Dorrin vs @doobleg goes to me. We played my Station Assault, 10-1, 400-0 MoV. Stacked BCC's are scary. ISD, Raider and Demo dead over 2 turns, the Pelta limped away on 1 hull left after getting shot by Avenger, some advanceds, and Demo.

*checks lists*


Hi @MrScience ! Hope you got my messages. Please PM me if you can play. Eager for our match though timings are getting tricky now! Cheers!

Manninthebox vs irishmadcat starting now

@ManInTheBox vs @Irishmadcat : a win to myself 257 to 263. The draw was swung with the very last shot of the game, popping one more A-Wing.

We played IMC's Solar Corona. I set up all the TRC-90s in a block in the middle of my deployment, facing the middle of the board and then split the 'vettes around IMC's fleet, plinking away at the Lib until it eventually succumbed to a thousand cuts. In the mean time, his squadrons rolled spectacularly badly, especially the Z95s that couldn't hit for toffee and kept getting statically unlikely results like triple accuracies. My squads and ships were rolling fairly decently and I definitely got the better end of the deal with respect to luck.

I flew my ships terribly at times, with multiple collisions and lost my flagship Jaina's Light on the same turn as the Lib went down. IMC played a swarmy squadron game and it was all I could do to lock them down for a bit to stop constant plink damage.

Leia helped me pull some mad handbrake turns and sideslips until she died, though.

A really fun game that could easily have swung to IMC. A great opponent to play against.

Logfile: Round 1-5
Logfile: Round 6

Edited by ManInTheBox

@NebulonB vs @thecactusman17 will be played to completion on Monday, June 29th at 9pm Austria time, starting from the point where NebulonB initially declared he could no longer continue during our previous round. Thank you to Green Knight for allowing us to resolve this unfortunate issue that was mostly due to scheduling mixups. This will prevent NebulonB from being forced to concede the game.

Edited by thecactusman17

We have a small, general extension: end date is now Tuesday 30th (instead of Sunday 28th).

21 hours ago, Lord Preyer said:

Hi @MrScience ! Hope you got my messages. Please PM me if you can play. Eager for our match though timings are getting tricky now! Cheers!

I'm considering this a failure to schedule on @MrScience 's part, unless he comes through VERY soon.

On 5/25/2017 at 9:33 AM, Dorrin314 said:

Dorrin vs @doobleg goes to me. We played my Station Assault, 10-1, 400-0 MoV. Stacked BCC's are scary. ISD, Raider and Demo dead over 2 turns, the Pelta limped away on 1 hull left after getting shot by Avenger, some advanceds, and Demo.

400 to ZERO!?

Been a while since I witnessed that happen.

I've yet to hear anything from @Lyraeus , so he's considered to have dropped.

Story so far:

Matt, Veggie and Dorrin looking good up there, but lots of players not so far behind.

Round 2

1: @Roquax VS @Tokra
2: @Matt Antilles VS @Paindemic7708 - Match Results: @Matt Antilles is the winner 400 to 40
3: @Darth Veggie VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Darth Veggie is the winner 277 to 123
4: @Truthiness VS @pt106 - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 188 to 152
5: @Lord Preyer VS @MrScience
6: @SkyCake VS @fullmetal2017
7: @Plagueis VS @BrobaFett - Match Results: @Plagueis is the winner 269 to 133
8: @Dorrin314 VS @doobleg - Match Results: @Dorrin314 is the winner 400 to 0
9: @BiggsIRL VS @CaribbeanNinja - Match Results: @BiggsIRL is the winner 124 to 101
10: @JJs Juggernaut VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 277 to 196
11: @moodswing5537 VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @moodswing5537 is the winner 203 to 40
12: @ManInTheBox VS @Irishmadcat - Match Results: @ManInTheBox is the winner 263 to 257
13: @Maturin VS @PodRacer - Match Results: @Maturin is the winner 5 to 0
14: @NebulonB VS @thecactusman17
15: @itzSteve VS @RStan
16: @Ginkapo VS @comatose - Match Results: @comatose is the winner 0 to 400
17: @ThrawnsMB VS @Aresius
18: @Green Squadron 3 VS @Dr Alex
19: @Undeadguy VS @GiledPallaeon - Match Results: @Undeadguy is the winner 318 to 45
20: @MattShadowlord VS @SilentSteve
21: @Visovics VS @Hystarr - Match Results: @Visovics is the winner 400 to 47
22: @SoonerTed VS @emfrank - Match Results: @SoonerTed is the winner 197 to 161
@Lyraeus has a BYE


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Matt Antilles 20 760 3.0
2 @Darth Veggie 18 554 5.75
3 @Dorrin314 18 540 2.0
4 @Truthiness 15 298 6.25
5 @Plagueis 15 276 4.25
6 @pt106 14 260 4.75
7 @moodswing5537 14 179 4.0
8 @JJs Juggernaut 14 151 3.75
9 @comatose 13 400 4.25
10 @BiggsIRL 13 100 4.25
11 @Rocco79 12 222 5.0
12 @BrobaFett 12 144 7.0
13 @CaribbeanNinja 12 94 4.25
14 @ManInTheBox 12 65 5.25
15 @Paindemic7708 11 384 5.5
16 @Visovics 11 353 5.0
17 @Undeadguy 11 273 4.75
18 @Villakarvarousku 11 96 4.5
19 @Maturin 11 5 5.5
20 @Roquax 10 381 1.75
21 @Tokra 10 336 0.25
22 @Irishmadcat 10 0 6.5
23 @PodRacer 10 0 4.25
24 @SkyCake 8 207 0.75
25 @Lord Preyer 8 201 0.75
26 @MrScience 8 182 0.75
27 @fullmetal2017 8 140 0.0
28 @doobleg 8 104 5.5
29 @SoonerTed 7 36 3.75
30 @drdoom28704 6 2 6.0
31 @Ginkapo 5 0 6.5
32 @emfrank 5 0 5.5
33 @GiledPallaeon 4 0 6.25
34 @RStan 4 0 3.5
35 @thecactusman17 4 0 3.0
36 @itzSteve 4 0 2.75
37 @NebulonB 4 0 2.0
38 @ThrawnsMB 3 0 2.0
39 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 2.0
40 @Aresius 3 0 2.0
41 @Hystarr 2 0 5.5
42 @Dr Alex 2 0 3.0
43 @SilentSteve 1 0 5.0
44 @MattShadowlord 1 0 2.5
0 (D#3)@Lyraeus 0 0 4.5
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 4.0
1 hour ago, Green Knight said:

I've yet to hear anything from @Lyraeus , so he's considered to have dropped.

If he has a BYE, would you hear from him?