Vassal Summer Tourney 2017 - Round 2

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

You can just agree final score....

You will kill yav, i will kill ties. Game done.

1 hour ago, moodswing5537 said:

In this instance, at the time it occurred (my 2nd straight game past 12:30am), the board state would not have allowed me to gain anymore pts over what I already had. This is where we both decided sleep was more valuable than him gaining his 3 tourney points.

While I agree that normally a concession screws the winning player, I guarantee you this situation was not the case.


Then you made a good call.

1 hour ago, moodswing5537 said:

In this instance, at the time it occurred (my 2nd straight game past 12:30am), the board state would not have allowed me to gain anymore pts over what I already had. This is where we both decided sleep was more valuable than him gaining his 3 tourney points.

While I agree that normally a concession screws the winning player, I guarantee you this situation was not the case.

These are really nasty situations. In this case you can as well do what Ginkapo said ;) .
Just agree to finish it here, and use the current standing as final score. But this could as well be a collusion (something that was a problem in X-Wing for a while).

And a concede is as well ok when one of the players has no time anymore, or just cannot finish. In most cases a concede is absolute resonable. A bad result (maybe for both), but there is still no other way.
It can even be that you are leading, but something came up and you have to stop. And in case you cannot finish this match later, a concede is the only way (even a sad one).

The problem, that cause this way FFG ruled the concede, might not even happen in tournaments at all (Aramda Player are to kind ;) ).
But someone "could" always concede to deny the opponent the points (the evil concede). The person will not lose this much (1 score point), and after such a lose you might be out of the game after all. But this way you can even hurt your opponent, and there is nothing he can do against it. And this is something that i don't find ok (by the attitude and the rules).
As i said, it might never happen at all. But alone the option is bad enough. One of the options, that i see it can happen, are team pushing. A team member deny a non team member the points to catch the team member who is on the same score.

But this could be a part of an own discussion, not here.

Edited by Tokra

I missed the concession part. That's.. Sorry :D My bad, right before bed.

Inattention happens even to the best of Mr Gernessens there are ;)

PodRacer vs maturin is paused at the bottom of the fifth, just awaiting the dice to be rolled to confirm a maturin 7-4, as is curretly a tight 6-5, with both sides squadron wings decimated or in need of repair and fleeing.

5 hours ago, Tokra said:

The problem, that cause this way FFG ruled the concede, might not even happen in tournaments at all (Aramda Player are to kind ;) ).
But someone "could" always concede to deny the opponent the points (the evil concede). The person will not lose this much (1 score point), and after such a lose you might be out of the game after all. But this way you can even hurt your opponent, and there is nothing he can do against it. And this is something that i don't find ok (by the attitude and the rules).

But this could be a part of an own discussion, not here.

In tournaments of any size, a concession does help the conceding player reduce the score differential. While a concession is a loss of one point for the person who concedes from a coming 10-1, the winner has a net loss of 3 points from the concession. Even in a small tournament, it reduces the lead the winning player will gain by one. It will take a TO paying close attention to prevent this kind of unsportsmanlike behavior.

Be the community we want to be.

Vassal cheating solved.

Nudge nudge @BiggsIRL

That is an evil thing to do, if you are in the final round and exactly 9 points ahead of your opponent.

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs Villakarvarousku

Objective: Navigational Hazards

277-196 (MoV 81)

7-4 Win for JJs Juggernaut

A great game played by Villakarvarousku (not as hard to pronounce as you think :D ) . Early on I lost one TRC90 by not using my nav command on turn one, and the ET liberty kept me from being able to escape medium range by a hair. I did some damage to the liberty though, which would be important later. First player really helped me out this game, as it allowed me to finish off Admonition before it escaped through my squadrons. It cost be Bright Hope, but that same move also saw my Assault frigate roll an almost perfect roll to bring down his liberty which had taken a few rounds of long range shooting, and a handful of squadron shots. However, I had to speed up to avoid the second MC30, which almost certainly meant I was headed off the board in 2 turns. I didn't plan an extra nav in time to avoid it, or the extra squadron to finish off his second MC30 in exchange.

Good game to my opponent, I hope to see you around more on Vassal!


Part 1: Tourney JJs vs Villakarvarousku.vlog?dl=0

Part 2: Tourney JJs vs Villakarvarousku pt2.vlog?dl=0

Brobafett V Plagueis is over! We knew it would be scrummy and it absolutely was.

Plagueis managed to kill a ship first activation by launching Rhymer and Maarek/Jendon at my Suppressor Gozanti I had placed in the 0 deployment bubble. I figured he would be safe as only Maarek could reach him and he would need 4 damage and a structural to kill him. Turns out Rhymer was a pixel in range, but he blanked out and I went back to being confident the Gozanti would live. He rolled 4 damage and pulled a structural. Womp womp.

From there Plagueis capitalized on the sudden activation parity we had and I could never catch him. Demolisher constantly dodged, Gozantis zoomed, and even though my 4 plain defenders tore through his squadrons at the end of the day I simply could not catch any of his small ships to put enough guns on them to bring them down with the ISD.

Turn 3 Demolisher placed itself excellently and rolled 2 huge volleys to take out both Raiders in one activation. From there the book was pretty much sealed.

An excellent 7-4 win to Plagueis! (133 v 269, 136 mov.)

Edited by BrobaFett

SoonerTed narrowly defeats Emfrank72 with a 6-5 win. (197 to 161 MOV 36). Good game Ted.

If anyone is interested: @itzSteve VS @RStan is scheduled for Saturday the 27th at 2pm PST (that's 5pm in Michigan).

Edit: adjusted to reflected @moodswing5537 correct MoV.

Round 2

1: @Roquax VS @Tokra
2: @Matt Antilles VS @Paindemic7708
3: @Darth Veggie VS @Rocco79
4: @Truthiness VS @pt106 - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 188 to 152
5: @Lord Preyer VS @MrScience
6: @SkyCake VS @fullmetal2017
7: @Plagueis VS @BrobaFett - Match Results: @Plagueis is the winner 269 to 133
8: @Dorrin314 VS @doobleg
9: @BiggsIRL VS @CaribbeanNinja
10: @JJs Juggernaut VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 277 to 196
11: @moodswing5537 VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @moodswing5537 is the winner 203 to 40
12: @ManInTheBox VS @Irishmadcat
13: @Maturin VS @PodRacer
14: @NebulonB VS @thecactusman17
15: @itzSteve VS @RStan
16: @Ginkapo VS @comatose - Match Results: @comatose is the winner 0 to 400
17: @ThrawnsMB VS @Aresius
18: @Green Squadron 3 VS @Dr Alex
19: @Undeadguy VS @GiledPallaeon
20: @MattShadowlord VS @SilentSteve
21: @Visovics VS @Hystarr - Match Results: @Visovics is the winner 400 to 47
22: @SoonerTed VS @emfrank - Match Results: @SoonerTed is the winner 197 to 161
@Lyraeus has a BYE


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Truthiness 15 298 4.0
2 @Plagueis 15 276 4.25
3 @pt106 14 260 4.25
4 @moodswing5537 14 202 2.75
5 @JJs Juggernaut 14 151 3.75
6 @comatose 13 400 4.25
7 @BrobaFett 12 144 7.0
8 @Visovics 11 353 3.0
9 @Villakarvarousku 11 96 4.5
10 @Darth Veggie 10 400 2.75
11 @Matt Antilles 10 400 0.25
12 @Paindemic7708 10 384 0.5
13 @Roquax 10 381 1.75
14 @Tokra 10 336 0.25
15 @Rocco79 9 222 0.5
16 @SkyCake 8 207 0.75
17 @Lord Preyer 8 201 0.75
18 @MrScience 8 182 0.75
19 @fullmetal2017 8 140 0.0
20 @Dorrin314 8 140 0.0
21 @doobleg 7 104 1.0
22 @CaribbeanNinja 7 94 1.0
23 @BiggsIRL 7 77 1.25
24 @SoonerTed 7 36 3.75
25 @ManInTheBox 6 59 1.25
26 @drdoom28704 6 2 4.75
27 @emfrank 5 0 5.5
28 @Ginkapo 5 0 5.0
29 @Irishmadcat 5 0 3.5
30 @PodRacer 5 0 1.5
31 @Maturin 5 0 1.5
32 @RStan 4 0 3.5
33 @itzSteve 4 0 2.75
34 @NebulonB 4 0 1.75
35 @thecactusman17 4 0 1.75
36 @ThrawnsMB 3 0 2.0
37 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 2.0
38 @Aresius 3 0 2.0
39 @Hystarr 2 0 5.25
40 @Undeadguy 2 0 3.75
41 @GiledPallaeon 2 0 3.5
42 @Dr Alex 2 0 2.25
43 @SilentSteve 1 0 2.5
44 @MattShadowlord 1 0 2.5
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 4.0
45 @Lyraeus 0 0 2.0
Edited by Green Knight

Go on like this, my predictions for the matches are really good so far :P . 3 times the right result, 2 times the right winner and only 2 were wrong ( @Ginkapo , you have failed me for the last time ;) ).

Even when predictions are really a gamble in Armada. Such a tiny step (could be one dice roll) from win to total loss. One little fault could result in a deverstating 1-10 defeat.
But i love to make forecasts for matches. And when watching the logs, it is sometimes possible to see why a forecast was wrong or what was done different that lead to such a result.
And i cannot forecast the skill for some players, only the pure list as i would play them. But i become better in it :D .

@Ginkapo how are the Euros doing vs the US in the comp?

3 hours ago, Plagueis said:

@Ginkapo how are the Euros doing vs the US in the comp?

At the moment. Not great.

@Tokra you failed to account for the fact I am a squadron light msu player running a carrier build.....

Just now, Ginkapo said:

At the moment. Not great.

@Tokra you failed to account for the fact I am a squadron light msu player running a carrier build.....

Doomed were all doomed

@ThrawnsMB i can't send you mp. When we can play?

Edit: mmm why he is not on the forum?

Edited by Aresius

Do you mean: @ThrawnsMightyBrain ?

@SoonerTed and @emfrank72 completed last night. He's got the exact score and will post soon. (Spoiler alert, I won. Shocker I know)

Edited by SoonerTed
28 minutes ago, SoonerTed said:

@SoonerTed and @emfrank72 completed last night. He's got the exact score and will post soon. (Spoiler alert, I won. Shocker I know)

You mean 6-5 with a MOV of 36?
He already posted it earlier, and GK already added it to the current standings :P

Just now, Tokra said:

You mean 6-5 with a MOV of 36?
He already posted it earlier, and GK already added it to the current standings :P

Huh...I looked for it and didn't see it. *facepalm*

@GiledPallaeon vs Undeadguy. Played Giled Fleet Ambush. 318 vs 45 Undeadguy favor.

I got lucky with Sloane and an Avenger shot that killed Mon Karren in a single attack, which probably is the only thing that let me win. I'll post more later.

19 minutes ago, Undeadguy said:

@GiledPallaeon vs Undeadguy. Played Giled Fleet Ambush. 318 vs 45 Undeadguy favor.

I got lucky with Sloane and an Avenger shot that killed Mon Karren in a single attack, which probably is the only thing that let me win. I'll post more later.

It was a disastah! Nobody? Humph. Guess I know who isn't getting invites to my TI7 watch party * grumble grumble

In all seriousness, Undeadguy played well, got Avenger into great position and went to work. In theory my set up is exactly what my fleet was designed for, and if Mon Karren had lived long enough to fire, even if she died when she tried to move, I would like to think that I would have destroyed Avenger and won. Instead, the universe went sideways, and instead of intelligently disengaging, I turned to chase. I really need to get better about those decision points.

In other news, and I mean this in no way to diminish Undeadguy's victory, the current interpretation of Sloane (that the defender can't spend an attacked token) is OP as hell. And this is coming from a guy that wouldn't (and still won't) call Rieekan Aceholes OP. FFG (or @Drasnighta ) plz nerf.