Please don't throw the art aside. Some of these cards look like they were pulled from coloring books. I'm curious about other opinions.
Card art
Those are some colouring books.
Some are way better than others. Some arts make me think "hey, I could do that!" I wonder if there's a way to submit art to FFG for them to use? That would be cool.
When cat and mouse first previewed, I was like. There can be no way that that is legit, just look at that art.
There certainly is a wide range of art styles through the cards. Rejuvenate looks like a photograph while Wingman looks like it came from a comic book. Mostly, the cards get across the right idea and the varying styles really don't make a difference to me. Chebacca was probably the card I like least, not because it was cartoony, but because the rendition of the iconic wookie seems a little off. Bowcaster and some of the other cards were much more recognizable.
Aurra Sing art has bothered me from the get go. She looks like an overweight 10 year old boy.
I crack up every time I see Emergency Evacuation.
Have you seen the art for Premonitions? Where exactly IS Yoda's other hand!? The first time I saw the card I did an immediate double take.