Some more Dormitz magic in Epic

By Kalandros, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Had another great epic game using my Dormitz shenanigans

Here's deployment (and before you mention it, yes the Tantive wasn't supposed to deploy straight up - it has to touch the player's board edge, but it was left as is)


So yea I stretched my deployment forward to its maximum with both Stridan and Kagi (this guy is actually on a debri right now, thus the Stress), I was thinking that I had 2 good turns of straight up firing on the Tantive before either of them were in any danger of being removed by being stepped on by the Tantive.


This is right before the FIRST turn of Combat! I misplayed my right flank (seen on the left) - Carnor gets no shots and the other PS8s behind him only have a Z to shoot at~ and Ahsoka did her wonderful EMP magic followed by Thermals next turn... ugh I should have planned this better! Anyhow.. Tantive shoots a few missiles that don't do much (Kagi gets beaten up) and I destroy the Fore section of the Tantive quite easily - which is what my list is made to do, alpha strike a section of a Huge ship that has all its firepower - then take a breather.

A few mistakes were made with bumps and whatnot because heck, have you seen how close we started out and how crazy its gonna get?
At one point just before destroying the Tantive, my entire army was surrounded by his and all within range 1 and 2 of the Tantive, including his stuff - major parking lot!


Tempting fate with Stridan being a few millimeters away from the Tantive but that is the sweet spot in terms of being safe - he didnt have to bank Left to use his Rear to crush me as that would have crushed 2 of his own and a bank to the right only ended up crushing Carnor Jax - oh well! Then I destroyed the rear section and could finally start doing some turning around to stop being picked on from all sides by the rest of his list!


This is all that remained after the 3 hours were up (gotta put a limit!)
Ahsoka on 2 hulls, Dutch on 5 hulls, Roark on 2 hulls, Dormitz on 5 hulls, Stridan on 6 hulls, Epsilon FO on 1 hull, Duchess on 2 hulls, Omega Leader on 2 hulls

Everyone pretty beaten up but enough Imperials still up and running to claim victory!

Nice report. Always good to see pictures. Remind me again, have you tried this squad against other squads that don't have a huge ship? As you said, it is designed to cripple a huge ship in one round, and early in the game. Can it do the same thing to a swarm of enemy ships?

I've faced a few non-huge epic lists and can hold my own quite well - the only loss I have with this build is against one Scum player that I honestly played poorly in the mid-game, costing me Carnor Jax instead of removing Kath Scarlett, losing 2 turns of attacks with Vessery because I bumped into a higher PS ship forgetting I was moving first (ugh!). But my deployment also allowed him to tie me down while his flank flew in - Won't be doing that mistake again. He also deployed nicely to counter my alpha, all his PS1-5 ships were on the border of the table and he did 1 straights/1 banks/0 red on all that stuff while his other flank had his high PS stuff come full speed to flank me. Kath HLC + IG88B HLC + Zuckuss Mistweaver only took 2 shields off Vessery right off the bat because I had 5 tokens~ When he finished off my last ship (vessery) he had 1 hull on IG88B, 1 hull on Zuckuss and a still untouched Mangler Scyk.

Against someone who underestimates Dormitz.. well we played 2 turns and we called it - All he had alive was IG88B and Asajj and I had only lost the PS1 Epsilon.

I've learned my lesson for my only loss so far, if someone tries to deny me the 1st turn where I'm all tokened up, thats fine too, that turn isnt as critical when its not against a Huge ship. It just gives me a really big protection against Range 3 stuff. Also swapped a few things around - I had no stress source against his Scum list that had 6 Mindlinks~ really didnt help my case! Now I've got Rebel Captive on Kagi which he will likely be shooting at anyway ;) and Kylo Ren's Shuttle title on Stridan.

Edited by Kalandros

Had another game, a rough one this time against ruthlessness x3 TIE/D Ion cannons - the perfect thing to plink off the shuttles onto my 3 hull 1 shield TIE/FOs, rip Omega Ace and Omega Leader, as well as the last hull on Duchess.


This is Turn 1 at the start of combat - his Carnor Jax (adaptability, he had no points to put anything else and really wanted carnor jax to stop my tokens) died off to a VERY lucky shot from Omega Leader juking his only evade on 3 dice with 2 hits rolled by OL - Quickdraw had taken down 1 hull from one attack, didnt baffle the stress that turn.

After that, luck was upon me: crackshot from vessery got a crit through the Glaive's remaining shield (Omega ace had taken down 2 shields with his 4 auto crits) which revealed a blinded pilot = no double attack from the glaive, no ruthlessness there! O:

Anyway, long story short: I won 260-149 approx from remembering what I had on the table (Kagi, Dormitz, Carnor, Vessery, PS1 TIE/FO) and what he had left at the end (Jonus and one Academy)

Ruthlessness is really tough to deal with, I really managed it as well as I could even with one funny moment where I ... kinda dug Omega Leader's grave by coordinating the defender out of Ionized Stridan's way which let Stridan complete the move instead of bumping and I had planned my Omega to be far from Stridan Range 1 to avoid Ruthlessness but I ended up range 1 due to the move I allowed through - but it turned out for the better as my opponent bumped everything as he also hadnt foreseen that. It only dawned on me when I declared coordinate on Dormitz' activation.. glad I did that, sacrificed Omega Leader to cripple his entire turn!


Pic without the MSPaint doodles

Also gotta admit that we both had a fighting chance to win it out but the lucky start definitely favored me - killing his Jax to open up my tokens and the Blinded Pilot crit stopping 2 ruthlessness attacks.

And I enjoyed the game A LOT compared to playing against Huge Ships which is just, honestly, not fun - trying to kill both sections before your ships desintegrate to the ridiculous amount of firepower a Huge ship can produce, of course I have the perfect counter in Dormitz but I'd rather play against non-huge epic lists.

Edited by Kalandros

Forgive my .. very very bad photos, out of focus ]: need more focus tokens for my phone.

300-185 - hard fought victory over another Raider, those triple Homing Missiles with Stridan supplying TLs + Raider TLs all with weapon engineer, nightmare! But I'd say the Upsilons showed what they can do when one had a clean Range 1 shot BEHIND The raider! And narrowly missed by the Raider's footprint - had he done a Bank 1 when I sneaked in behind instead of a Bank 2, Stridan would've been destroyed x: But thanks to that I go home the victor.

Setup (sorry for img quality ]: )


This is.. TURN ONE COMBAT - I used Coordinate on Quickdraw with Dormitz to trigger Rage + Baffle to destroy one of the PS1 blockers he had in my face, that let my Stridan do his full move to take 2 target locks. Whew.


my PS1 Epsilon was destroyed so that I wouldnt block his moves, my Omega Ace survives with 1 hull and gets 3 crits (4 minus the reinforce token) into the hulls of the Front section after my PS9 & PS8s depleted those shields and did a few hulls too. Vessery did a few more hulls, round ends with 1 hull remaining on the front section, -2 dice for his primary, 1 energy cost per action and a direct hit.

Next turn he recovers 2 shields only after having to spend energy to do actions and comms booster, quickdraw manages to finish the section and then I lose stuff~ Kagi was in a bad position, any bank would remove him and removed he was~

What remains at that point


Right after that my Duchess got smashed up by the raider as he blocked me with Tomax, I didnt take photos every turn so we're missing some of the sequence, anyway, things looked dire enough for me as I lost omega Ace, Omega Leader, Quickdraw and in the following picture, the last moments of Carnor Jax, but I also managed to remove Jonus at some point.

All ive got left now are 2 Upsilons but they have clean shots on the Rear of the Raider, plus Vessery to help out, holding on for his life with 2 hulls remaining and stunned pilot crit.

Opponent has Stridan, rear section raider, howlrunner and tomax still (but he used up both ion torpedos on turn 1 and 2)


Upsilons and Vessery are enough to remove the Raider and now the hunt for the remnants begins, Howlrunner is the first to go as I coordinate barrel roll my vessery to do a K4 further than he anticipated and Howlrunner got caught in my trap~ Only Tomax and Stridan remain


Which was simple enough to get rid of with Vessery doing most of the work!

The final chase for the enemy Stridan


My opponent considers that Dormitz needs to be FAQ'd because its too powerful in Epic games. I wonder. That Raider throwing 3 homing missiles plus 2 primary weapons is way too powerful if you start at normal Setup ranges...

Had the semi finals today for the league and I'm going to the finals which should happen in 2 weeks-ish - I have to win twice to actually win the league, as its a double eliminations and I'm going up against the top bracket winner who hasnt lost once in the eliminations series. So if I beat his list itll be his first loss, rematch immediately with the list of his choosing to counter mine, itll be interesting if I get there.

Anyway, the semi finals were up against the C-Roc, unfortunately we didnt really get to see much of it.


Setup as follows, I asked him if he really wanted to deploy that way and he said yes, I assumed he was going to do 1 straights the whole game or something.

Turn 1 BEFORE combat: (Carnor blocking Focus/Evade from 6 ships, thanks to coordinate boost, push barrel roll, 4 straight)


Turn 1 AFTER combat: (IG88-B and Kagi removed)


End of Turn 2 - Omega Leader exploded, C-Roc banked 2 into oblivion (probably cloaked and escaped), 2 Z and 2 Scyks destroyed

Turn 3 after combat - Zuckuss dead, last 2 Scyks Dead


Fuzzy Turn 4 - 1 Z removed, Stridan out of play area (didnt matter at this point, MoV isnt accounted for, just did a white 3 to get my action, anything else was a bump)

- SWHXLcI.jpg

Before the last turn - Last Z removed, Omega Ace died the turn before,

A little over half my points remaining on the table, Boba tried but after this last photo, I had him at range 1 with carnor and quickdraw at range 2, game over.