Droid Wave Painted Up

By SoundsGouda, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Hey guys! Just finished up the latest wave - what do you think?




awesome droid eye. need some more red eyes on Dark C-3P0

great job

Where can I see your other minis? : )

Thanks everyone!

@Chrisael I don't have them online anywhere at the moment, but I'll be setting up an imgur hopefully this weekend and link to it here.

I really love the two droids at the bottom! For a couple of all-black units you managed to give them a fantastic amount of... texture? contrast? (sorry I don't really know my painting terms :P ). In any case they look like they're actual metal droids despite being painted in all one colour.

What did you use to get that dark metallic color for the droids? Black + Metallic paint?

It was kind of an accident, to be honest.

I did a few layers of really thin lead belcher to get it even, then I just kept hitting them with GW's blue shade (I forget the name *something Nightshade?) and a few drops of water.

Then they were given a very gentle dry brush with a brighter silver, and details were basecoated with same. Darker details were picked out with lead belcher and a little bit of black. Finished out with an equal mix of Nuln Oil & the blue wash, then did the eyes.

@Spidey NZ I agree 000's eyes didn't register as red, I may take another stab at them when I have a second.