Game Master's Guide: Handling the Acquisition System

By nadomir, in Rogue Trader

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Let's just say that the Processional of the Damned is huge - immense beyond belief, and in defiance of all reason. The second Designer Diary for Lure of the Expanse previews the inclusion of the Processional of the Damned, and this is mentioned: "[Wrath] Umboldt told of a vast procession of wrecked space hulks, as if all the lost ships in the Segmentum (or perhaps the galaxy) had washed up on this benighted shore."

It seems very deliberately to be an impossible number of ships.

The idea was to try and convey a sense of scale. LM dosn't seem to grasp the scale of how large some of these fleets are. Even at Chamber's more conservitave crew numbers, hundreds of millions (a few dozen billion in FFGs numbers) of men are manning armed vessels in Obscurus alone. Further, while Ixnaid sector may be ship poor, Scarus, that other sector boardering Calixis, is home to one of the Bastion Fleets, meaning it's on par with Battlefleet Cadia and even larger then Battlefleet Gothic.

It's further expressly stated in the BFG Reserve Fleets rules that Battlefleet Obscurus has more ships then they have men to operate them. 'Instead, whole shipyards are filled with silent, inactive vessels, often representing classes of ship outdated or scarce." (Armada, pg 29)