RPG Storytime - Star Wars

By player316037, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

We have been using miniatures, sound effects, music, etc. to create videos about our Star Wars RPG. I thought some of you might enjoy this. (We use both AoR and EotE for this.)

Click below for the playlist, which is made up of 6 videos. (More to come this December.)

RPG Storytime - Star Wars


Aww, Thank you! It's funny you should post today as I was shooting this season's webisodes. They're coming out every year at the same time as the Star Wars movies. There will be six each season. Sorry it takes so long, but it takes that long to play them, write them, then shoot them. This year should be really exciting as the players happen to be actors and stunt performers, so we're actually acting out some scenes and shooting stunts. (Plus, we play the game and shoot in a location where some of the effects for the real Star Wars is made.)

In the meantime, if you all could pass this around so there's a wider audience, I would very much appreciate it! :)

Love this :D