Advanced team play rules (fanmade)

By pnv_Creator, in StarCraft

Starcraft Board Game in Team Play variant
by pnv_Creator
ver. 1.3

For ideas and comments, contact me on [email protected]

I. Team Play in two teams, each team with three players (6 players game)

1. The players seating order would be: Team 1 Player, Team 2 Player, Team 1 Player, Team 2 Player, Team 1 Player, Team 2 Player

2. Normal Victory is achieved when team gains 45 Conquest Points as a sum of the conquest points of all players in the team or when one player in a team reaches 30 points.

II. Set of rules for team play

- FIRST player: in these rules is the player, who has the First player token or plays sooner in the play order.
- Allied area: Area, which has units or bases of allies, but no enemy units or bases.

1. No special victory applies in this game mode
To use this set of rules, skip the “Check for Special Victory” in the Regrouping phase.

2. Allied areas considered friendly
Allied areas are not considered an Enemy Area in the situations, given by these rules. Such areas are considered friendly when:
- Building units
- Retreating a battle
- Executing a Mobilize or Defend Order (Brood war expansion)
- When building a base. Building a base is possible on Allied area on the active planet, of course if the Active player has at least one unit on the active planet.
- Losing resource cards.
- Losing bases.

3. Rules for areas that contain units of more than one player
- The area limit is calculated for the sum of units of all allied players, not separately for each player. For example, if area has a limit of 3 units and an ally has 2 units in it, a player can only move/build only one new unit in it.
- Area, that contains unit/bases of allied players, but no enemy player, is considered friendly for each players, having units/bases in that area for any game purposes.
- Reminder: each area can have only one base in it.
- If allied players have units in a friendly area, only one assist module (Brood war expansion) can be considered when calculating the area limit, so there can be only one additional assist unit in the area.

4. Resolving battle in area, which contains units of two or more allied players (before the battle)
- Allies can discuss with each other their combat cards, start of a battle abilities and strategies.
- The defenders can play only one “Start of a battle ability”, but it takes effect on all allied players. If players can’t decide which one of them should play start of a battle ability, the decision is made by the FIRST player with such ability (but he can only play one of his abilities, he cannot choose to play an ability of an ally).
- None of the defenders draws combat cards in step 3 of “Resolving a battle” as in normal battles, except protoss defenders, but they draw only one combat card, instead of three. Zerg defenders draw one combat card after the battle, according their special race ability.
- Each player assigns combat cards only in the skirmishes, in which he has front-line unit.
- If the defenders must retreat, they must retreat in one area. If they cannot decide which should the area be or which excess units should be destroyed, the decision is made by the FIRST player of the defenders.
- If more than one defender has a Defensive module (Brood war expansion), only one switch of units is allowed after skirmishes are designed, and only units of a player, who has defensive module can be switched. If more than one defender has the defensive module and defenders cannot decide what switch to make, the decision is made by the FIRST player with Defensive module, but he can only switch his own units. According to this rule, if each of two defenders has defensive module, they can switch the places of two units, each controlled by one of them.

5. Regrouping phase modifications
- Bases are not destroyed if there is an allied unit in the area of the base.
- Players do not lose resource cards from areas, controlled by an ally, unless there is a base of that ally in that area. In this case the ally who has base there gains the resource card, but workers on it are returned in the worker pool of the player, who owns them, instead of destroyed.
- If there are more than one bases on a planet of allies, but no enemy area on that planet, all resource cards are received. Allies can decide who gets the resource cards from areas that don’t contain a base on it. If players can’t decide, the decision is made by the FIRST player of them. Allies can switch resource cards from such areas in the Regrouping phase on the “Gain Resource cards” step. The workers are not destroyed when that switch is made, and are instead returned in the worker pool of the player, who owns them. Note that players always gain and cannot give to allies resource cards from areas, on which they have a base.
- If there is a Conquest point on an area, which contains units/bases of more than one allies, only the player with the least Conquest points so far receives conquest points from it. If two or more allies have equal number of conquest points, the conquest points are received by the FIRST player of them.
- There are no Special Victory. Skip the step “Check for Special Victory”.

You forgot about:

a) Strategic areas

If more than one player could use it as usually, this would be very overpowered.

My suggestion of rules for SA:

If there is a Strategic Area, which contains units/bases of more than one allies, all of those allies can execute their orders on this planet like they were special (gold) orders. However, if player decides to do so, he must place such order is Special Order Pool.

b) Guard tokens

Like above: too many players would benefit too much of it.

Another suggestion:

If the defenders use Guard token in battle, all their front-line units gain +1 health instead of +2. This bonus does not stack with any other abilities providing health.

Besides, your rules are excellent. Defending together some areas would be really cool! It's a good idea to decrase defensive abilities for such variant (like drawing very few cards, as you suggested etc.)

The only one thing I could wish is to enable somehow Special Victory. Of course, conditions should be entirely different for team games (more challenging to complete). When I have some reasonable ideas, I'll post them here.

I'm looking forward to playtest those rules. :P

Thank you for the support,

If we have to be honest, the rules are based on the non-expanded SCBD, I don't have the expansion and have only read the rules of it. Thats why there might be some overlooked stuff for the expansion in these rules.

So I've read some more about what you mentioned and your addition seems great. I will include it in my .doc and also I recommend it to all players, who want to try out these rules.