Exploriters and multikeys

By Erich4, in Rogue Trader


Why does an Exploriter have a multikey as starting equipment? They are used with the security skill, and as far as I can tell they don't get that skill.


First of all, the class is spelled 'Explorator' (simply because you miss-spell them consequently, no offense ment).

Now for your question:

I think it's an oversight of some sort. Whoever made up the starting gear for the explorator probably didn't even had a look at the skills this class can learn and simply asumed, that an explorator would be able to use any kind of tools and thus included the multikey.

LOL I can't resist... it's "constantly" not consequently, "misspell" not "miss-spell", meant not "ment" (I'll let offence / offense slide out of courtesy for rebellious colonists ;¬) ). More seriously, I think you're right with the explanation, there are a few little problems with the RT book, text errors aside, including this and the missing "Hunting Rifle". I'd consider giving an Explorator the ability to treat security as a 'Basic Untrained' skill, myself.

Well, english isn't my native language, you know and I'm kind of out of practice. But thanks for the corrections.

The Explorator is given the tools and is expected to learn in the field.

Gaidheal said:

LOL I can't resist... it's "constantly" not consequently, "misspell" not "miss-spell", meant not "ment" (I'll let offence / offense slide out of courtesy for rebellious colonists ;¬) ).

Rebellious colonists!? Ha! We fought you off with little more than farmer's militia! And we were doing just fine until the French swooped in to save our aseh, uh, steal all the glory!

Heh, a rare understanding of history, there. I was all set to bring out the French but you clearly know. ;¬)

The irony being that it was considered economically unviable to retake the colonies (indeed the hated taxation was because the colonies were actually costing considerable amounts of money to maintain and not showing anything like the returns they once had) but later there's all those minerals, gold and oil. You could have been another Canada, wouldn't that be nice? :¬)

Well, suits me right to correct someone's orthography without using a spellchecker myself... preocupado.gif