Poll: who's your favorite character?

By Kyle Ren, in Star Wars: Destiny

Again, I'll wait until interest in this thread tapers off and then post the results.

So, like the title says, who's your favorite character? It can be for any reason - sheer power in the game, thematic appeal, cool art on the card, you name it!

My own personal favorite is Hired Gun. I've always liked Rodians, I think they're a cool and fun alien species. I really like the art on that card. Also, his dice is just really powerful! Plus, he can have Second Chance and Jetpack. Who wouldn't like that?

With 48 characters in the game now, there should be plenty of options! I'm eager to see what you come up with!

Right now, in game: Vader

runners up (can be switch depending on my mood) Rey

Chirrut Imwe

general grievous.. cough

Game-wide I'd have to say Poe.

Obi-Wan Kenobi OT. Favorite character of the original trilogy, and best actor in star wars.

Game wise? Vader. Overall? Three way tie, Obi, Luke, Vader.

I love the artwork for Padmé. So much so I went and bought the single... Didn't think much of the B-side though. :0P

It's funny how you can be drawn to apparently disconnected and dissimilar things, only to discover much later they share something at their heart.

In this case the concept design for Padmé/Amidala was by Iain McCaig, one of my favourite childhood artists from his work in the fighting fantasy books series in the 1980's. I had no idea he was behind these concept designs until much later, and happily admit to feeling kinda proud when I found out that an artist I'd admired as a boy was now working on major movies.

Vader and Palpatine would be my 2nd

Game wise - Poe.

Star Wars wise - Ahsoka Tano.

Hired Gun

Game wise: 1st Rey, then Mothma, then Unkar (yes, that ugly face stings opponents so much :P)

Lore wise (I mean how much they are adherent to what you would expect them to do in the game): Obi-Wan, Grevous, Krennic.

Definetly vader


Poe, I love how well he works with Black One, and also I want to run him and finn in a deck so bad.

Aurra with her fast hands.

Currently in Destiny it's Bala Tik he was the first character I pulled and I always seem to find him in my deck.

All of Star Wars its the Executor Bounty Hunters ever since seeing the movies and reading tales of the bounty hunter they have all just been so cool.

Game wise, Vader, he was my first pull.

fav Star Wars character though is Bossk, second Boba Fett. Hope to see those two in the game.

Game wise - I like count Dooku in the fisrst set got really hurt in SOR coming out.

from the movie - Vader

Unkar Plutt.

well, joke aside - Jango & Jabba because both are awesomly represented. I can't wait to see Bobba.