Questions and confirmations

By hive angel, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Monster Reference Cards

I play as the overlord and my GF uses three heroes. I am currently using the 3 side of the moster reference cards, because my GF is controlling three heroes.

Should I be using the 4 side since the OL is included in the total players and not total heroes?


During the OL's turn a monster damages a hero and the hero gains a stun token (If I read correctly, all a monster has to do is cause damage and the monster will place a stun token on a hero). The rules seem pointless unless a hero is stunned multiple times.

During the hero's turn, after the hero removes does the hero,

A. Receive one movement or one attack

B. One full Action, advance, battle, etc. as if the stun has no effect at all

OL Card drawing and threat

Normal game with no campaign

OL should draw two cards and gain one threat token per hero.

If my GF uses three heroes I should draw two cards gain three threat tokens per turn.

Normal game using simple campaign rules listed on the quest booklet

Assume Heroes have finished 1 quest and are at lvl 2. OL draws +1 card and gains +1 threat token per player

Normally OL should draw normal 2 cards and gain 1 threat token for each hero.

Campaign and hero lvl 2, If my GF uses three heroes I should draw 3 cards and gain 6 threat tokens. This seems somewhat unbalanced. I can run the deck out with power cards and spawn monsters a lot more often. The heroes only get a few l100 coins each.

Is the simple campaign worth it. Should I left my GF keeps the same players and skill cards or just play new characters with new skill cards each new quest?

Coin Piles

Each hero gains 100 coins each so if there re three heroes there should be 300 coins total split between the heroes.


Hero opens treasure, OL flips the treasure token and gets a number. This number corresponds to the contents listed for that particular number in the quest booklet and not the amount of treasure drawn per player.

For instance if the treasure token has a 2 on the bottom, the heros gain the contents listed in the booklet. They do not get 2 treasure card draws per hero, plus the contents listed for the treasure in the quest booklet.

A lot of confirmation to see if I am doing things correctly.


I want to understand and master this game before hitting an expansion.

1) You should be using the 4 side. It's the number of players, not heroes.

2) A stunned hero basically gets half a turn, so the answer is "A". Even though you've removed one stun token, the hero is stunned that turn.

3) I'm unfamiliar with the normal campaign rules, so cannot help you here, sorry :(

4) Correct, the number on the treasure token is just to correspond with the Quest booklet to see what's in that treasure chest. It does not mean you gain additional treasures.

5) I recommend picking up Tomb of Ice as your first expansion ;)


hive angel said:


During the OL's turn a monster damages a hero and the hero gains a stun token (If I read correctly, all a monster has to do is cause damage and the monster will place a stun token on a hero). The rules seem pointless unless a hero is stunned multiple times.

During the hero's turn, after the hero removes does the hero,

A. Receive one movement or one attack

B. One full Action, advance, battle, etc. as if the stun has no effect at all

Stun is referenced in JITD, p. 15, 16, 23: After inflicting at least 1 damage (before applying the effects of armor) to a figure with a Stun attack, place a stun token next to the figure. A figure can have more than one stun token next to it at a time. Named monsters cannot be stunned, and master monsters suffer reduced penalties when stunned. If the figure was a hero, the hero does not receive a full action this turn. Instead, the hero may only move a number of spaces up to his speed or make one attack or place one order. A stunned hero cannot use any ability that requires advancing, running, battling, or readying (except for placing a hero order).

hive angel said:

OL Card drawing and threat

Normal game with no campaign

OL should draw two cards and gain one threat token per hero.

If my GF uses three heroes I should draw two cards gain three threat tokens per turn.

Normal game using simple campaign rules listed on the quest booklet

Assume Heroes have finished 1 quest and are at lvl 2. OL draws +1 card and gains +1 threat token per player

Normally OL should draw normal 2 cards and gain 1 threat token for each hero.

Campaign and hero lvl 2, If my GF uses three heroes I should draw 3 cards and gain 6 threat tokens. This seems somewhat unbalanced. I can run the deck out with power cards and spawn monsters a lot more often. The heroes only get a few l100 coins each.

Is the simple campaign worth it. Should I left my GF keeps the same players and skill cards or just play new characters with new skill cards each new quest?

In the campaign, the overlord gains threat and cards as normal. Going down lower in the dungeon does not increase their threat gain or card gain.

hive angel said:

Coin Piles

Each hero gains 100 coins each so if there re three heroes there should be 300 coins total split between the heroes.

Yes, this is correct

hive angel said:


Hero opens treasure, OL flips the treasure token and gets a number. This number corresponds to the contents listed for that particular number in the quest booklet and not the amount of treasure drawn per player.

For instance if the treasure token has a 2 on the bottom, the heros gain the contents listed in the booklet. They do not get 2 treasure card draws per hero, plus the contents listed for the treasure in the quest booklet.

Follow the quest guide for that treasure chest. The would get 2 treasures per hero if it said "2 treasures"

The basic campaign rules, which have no resemblance whatsoever to the advanced campaign rules used in Road to Legend and Sea of Blood, dictate that the heroes and overlord start the game with certain advantages based on the number of quests the heroes have completed.

They seem kind of tacked on, they're not written in a terribly clear fashion, and hardly anyone uses them at all, but I believe "+1 card and +1 threat per hero" means that the overlord starts the game with one extra card and X threat, not that he collects it as a bonus on every turn . That would be crazy powerful.

hive angel said:

Campaign and hero lvl 2, If my GF uses three heroes I should draw 3 cards and gain 6 threat tokens. This seems somewhat unbalanced. I can run the deck out with power cards and spawn monsters a lot more often. The heroes only get a few l100 coins each.

Is the simple campaign worth it. Should I left my GF keeps the same players and skill cards or just play new characters with new skill cards each new quest?

The bonus cards and threat for the OL are a one-time bonus at the start of the dungeon, you do not get this bonus every turn.

You can let your GF keep the same heroes and skills each time if you like (makes setup faster), so long as you remember that ONLY the heroes and skills are kept. Weapons, gear, money, extra training or skills beyond the starting 3 are all lost with each new dungeon.

I don't think the basic campaign is worth it at all, and I think it's safe to say many on these boards would agree. Just play the game regularly (with the same heroes and skills if you like.) If you want a persistent campaign experience, try Road to Legend or Sea of Blood. Each is independent of the other so you don't need to buy both unless you really want them. Sea of Blood has a newer, more refined rulebook that benefits from errata discovered after Road to Legend's release, but the seafaring campaign setting may or may not appeal to you.

I appreciate all the replies.

The real question is, how did you get your GF to play?!?

Man I'd kill to have my wife play... ;)


Thats exactly what you have to do. Kill....

Every campaign I started, my GF played one or more heroes.

It's very easy. Just make sure your girlfriend likes boardgames as much as you do gui%C3%B1o.gif

I am soooooo happy with my GF, she LOVES boardgames (and the same ones i like as well) and that goes for PC games too (long live multiplayer games)!!!!

Now all i need is to get her to OL a bit more, and i'm completely in heaven! angel.gif