My Condensed Worlds Report

By miferr, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I want to keep this takes time to write one of those long reports, I'm guessing most people are not that interested, and my memory fails me in some points. :) If you want more detail let me know!

My fleet:

  • Decked out MC80 Star Cruiser
  • CR90 with Jaina's Light, TRC, and Madine
  • 2x CR90 with TRC
  • GR75 with Slicer Tools and Quantum Storm
  • Shara, Tycho, and 2x Z95

Game 1: 6-5 win against a Rieekan Ramholes fleet! Great game!

Game 2: 2-9 loss against Ackbar 2x AF + Jaina's Light + 2x GR75 fleet (I think). I made some mistakes that cost me, but still a great game!

Game 3: 3-8 loss against Ackbar 2x MC80 + 8x YT2400 fleet. I believe I should have won this game easily, but I was tired and made a very dumb mistake by keeping the CR90s too slow. Nevertheless, I had a good time!

Game 4: 8-3 win due to my opponent not showing up. Come on, guys! If you want to play Destiny or IA, fine, but then don't sign in!

Game 5: 4-7 loss against Vader Demo + 2x Arq + 2x Goz. Great game!

Ended up #54; not a great showing, but except for game 4 I had a great time! Made a lot of friends and put faces to forum to watch people fix @JJs Juggernaut 's tire...played games while everyone at home was working, and with people from different countries.

Your story is very cool. It must be very cool to be in such a big event. Congratulations

1 hour ago, miferr said:

Game 1: 6-5 win against a Rieekan Ramholes fleet! Great game!

Game 4: 8-3 win due to my opponent not showing up. Come on, guys! If you want to play Destiny or IA, fine, but then don't sign in!

1. For Game 1, I would like for you to go into a little detail if you remember. This was against Jon's Ramholes, and we need as much intel as possible.

2. Game 4, this is so true. People were just dropping to play other games. $70 for a Deck box is a bad deal.

3. Why is your brother so cool? :)

I think I played you game 5 opponent in round 3. Did he have about 60-70 point of squadrons cover with mainly Tie Fighter aces?

26 minutes ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

1. For Game 1, I would like for you to go into a little detail if you remember. This was against Jon's Ramholes, and we need as much intel as possible.

As you know, he had 6 CR90s with RBD and ET, and 3 GR75s. Even with no squads, he had me out deployed. I knew he was going to be able to shuttle Rieekan off to empty space, so my only hope was to blow up his ships before I got rammed to death. My goal with Madine--and I had thought of this as my counter to ET ramming before the tournament started--was to get past his CR90s. He spread out his CR90s so he could cover more area, but it also gave me an opportunity to squeeze in between ships. I kept everything at speed 3, with a couple of CR90s bumping up to 4 at times. I generally had navigation commands on my ships at all times. Then instead of focusing on lining up shots, I focused on nestling my ships to the sides or in between his ships.

He was usually able to slow a CR90 down enough to catch a corner and ET ram, but he was never able to get 2 ships to do it. I knew the plan was somewhat working when I saw 2 damage cards on multiple ships, with no ships destroyed. With as many ships as he had, I got several front arc Liberty shots against his ships, which was death to his ships...though not instant death due to Rieekan.

It helped me that we both were forgetting to shoot with our CR90s. We were so focused on navigation! That game was all about positioning.


3. Why is your brother so cool? :)

Who told you that?

16 minutes ago, pt106 said:

I think I played you game 5 opponent in round 3. Did he have about 60-70 point of squadrons cover with mainly Tie Fighter aces?

He was a British guy with a ponytail. He had Ciena, Valen, Howlrunner, Mauler, Tempest, and a Lambda I think.

11 minutes ago, miferr said:

He was a British guy with a ponytail. He had Ciena, Valen, Howlrunner, Mauler, Tempest, and a Lambda I think.

Yes, that was him.

6 hours ago, miferr said:

He was a British guy with a ponytail. He had Ciena, Valen, Howlrunner, Mauler, Tempest, and a Lambda I think.

I havent got a scooby who that is.

8 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

I havent got a scooby who that is.

This is like the opposite of meeting a foreigner and assuming they know everybody else from that country.

"Oh, you're from Scotland? Right, I met a fellow from there a few years back. James MacSomething? Tall guy, red hair, you know him?"

24 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

This is like the opposite of meeting a foreigner and assuming they know everybody else from that country.

"Oh, you're from Scotland? Right, I met a fellow from there a few years back. James MacSomething? Tall guy, red hair, you know him?"

Yeah but I know most uk Armada players. Thinking a bit more there are a couple of players it could be.

I think his name may have been Charles, but then again that was the name of my 2nd round opponent so I might be getting confused.