Is this game easy to play/learn

By VAYASAN, in Battles of Westeros

I recently discovered Imperial Assault and Descent and I LOVE them. Even the wife enjoys playing as its reaosnably simple.

Looking at FFG games, I realised something, somebody gave me a battles of Westeros box to paint up years ago and after painting...they never came to collect (its a friend, told them loads of times ive painted it and come get it).

Anyway, now im into FFG and I realise BOW is FFG, im interested in resurrecting it...question is, is the game easy to learn and to play? Dont have loads of time to dedicate to it so cant get into another complicated game.


It's definitely not easy, and in addition the rulebook is a total disaster (to the point that people at BGG, with the blessing and external help of Rob Kouba, who's the author for BoW, re-did all the rules for the whole line), but it's one of the greatest games I've ever played. It's brilliant, and fun, and fantastic in terms of depth and strategy. I'd say the general rules (how to order troops and how to resolve combats) can be learned pretty easily, but then you have quite an intricancy of effects to consider that will impact your games. So, possibly the good answer is: it's not that difficult to learn, but it's really difficult to master