100pt Waiqar Tourney Force

By JasonGlass, in Runewars List Building

I've got a tourney on Saturday, and I think this is the force I'll show up with. I would've rather had two 2x1 archer units, but that would have taken me over.

++ Standard Army (Waiqar the  Undying : Wave 0 (2017)) [100 Points] ++

+ Infantry +

Ardus Ix'Erebus [38 Points]: 1 Tray, Ardus' Fury

Reanimate Archers [32 Points]: 2x2 Trays

+ Siege +

Carrion Lancers [15 Points]: 1 Tray

Carrion Lancers [15 Points]: 1 Tray

++ Total: [100 Points] ++

suggest change reanimates into 2x1 + rank discipline and put a 2x1 carrion lancers (if you have 3).

Single carrion lancers are absolutely blight dependant and waste lots of damage, 2x1 can kill the double, can't be blown away on a single cavalry charge and are more flexible in general.

That would be nice, but even if I remove Ardus' Fury, that would still leave me at 101pts. Fine for casual play, but I can't do it for a tourney.

18 minutes ago, JasonGlass said:

That would be nice, but even if I remove Ardus' Fury, that would still leave me at 101pts. Fine for casual play, but I can't do it for a tourney.

If you have 2 copies of Rank Discipline, you can split your archers into two units and add 2x Rank Discipline. Then drop one Carrion Lancer and you'll still have 3 points to play with. It gives you the same total number of units, and your two archer units are as effective as your 1 archer unit. With the 3 remaining points, you could add Ancient Technique to Ardus and you'd be at 99 points.

I personally find 2x2 archers disappointing for their cost. I don't like that configuration.

22 minutes ago, Budgernaut said:

If you have 2 copies of Rank Discipline, you can split your archers into two units and add 2x Rank Discipline. Then drop one Carrion Lancer and you'll still have 3 points to play with. It gives you the same total number of units, and your two archer units are as effective as your 1 archer unit. With the 3 remaining points, you could add Ancient Technique to Ardus and you'd be at 99 points.

This is what I was playing around with in Battlescribe. I like it a lot (and not just because it means I don't need to paint up more units before Saturday).

Welllll, tonight I played against my friend's tourney skirmish force consisting of Kari, and three 2x1 Oathsworn, two of which had Rank Discipline. I got my butt handed to me twice. My biggest problem (aside from a couple dumb choices) was a lack of damage output. The cav's speed let them set the terms of combat, and I was never able to hit back before being destroyed.

So I think I'm going to try playing with Ardus, two 2x1 archers, and a 2x1 carrion lancer unit. It will all be vanilla (it's exactly 100points), but having carrion with threat 2 will be a lot more meaningful. I'll miss Rank Discipline, but honestly, I maybe had 1 decent re-roll.

Ugh. It was quite demoralizing!

The sweet sound of bone being crushed beneath steel shod hooves. Huzzah!

Hawthorne is sad he missed it.

I totally botched it above. I didn't realize Ardus' Fury and Ancient Technique were the same upgrade type. I thought one was an artifact, but they're both unique upgrades.


what do you thhink about this

Ardus IxErebus x1
--Unique: Ancient Technique
Carrion Lancers x1
--Training: Rank Discipline
Reanimates x6
--Heavy: Support Carrion Lancer

Only 3 activations but the reanimate block can give a blight token every turn until is engaged as the carrion lancer.

the main block is tanky et can keep a portion of ground for a while.

So how'd the tourney go?