So, as the title mentions, won my first two "real" games over the weekend. I don't get the opportunity to play often, but when I do, I get slaughtered by my friend who just throws Imperial squads together by what just looks cool XD (it's REALLY frustrating since they're all my ships and cards...) Needless to say, if a Rebel group gets destroyed by that kind of group, I tear it down and start over.
These games last longer than some might be used to since they use a point limit of 150 over 100.
My team consisted of:
Han Solo YT-1300
classic Falcon title card
Kyle Katarn
Gold Squadron Pilot
Engine Upgrade
BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Ion Cannon Turret
Bomb Loadout
Cluster Mines
Tycho Celchu A-Wing
A-Wing Test Pilot
Push the Limit
Chardaan Refit
Sabine Wren TIE Fighter
Sabine's Masterpiece
Captain Rex
EMP Device
Captured TIE (which didn't do a damned thing since the players I went up against were using all 6+ PS pilots)
First game, Sabine EMPed 3 of the other guy's TIEs into the same large rock. Second game I was up against another Rebel player and sent both of his B-Wings off the side of the game area from my Y-Wing's Ion Turret. Both games, I only lost one ship: my A-Wing... so, I'll need to tweak Tycho a bit
Won my first two game shop matches!
Nice one, well done and it's good to see a 4-ship build for the Rebels.
Your Y-Wing build is fiendish! Good job.
I actually pulled off extra munitions last minute because I didn't wanna be a complete **** to the other Rebel player who had only played a single game 3 days earlier. It's the only reason Sabine has Juke. Normally I go for Horton in the Y-Wing for the re-rolls, but this set up worked out **** good. I'm still working on rebuilding Tycho, but I don't see him getting much better without getting some new abilities that I don't already have... which means (oh no!) I'll have to go out and buy some Scum ships
The scum ships are amazing to play with and I cant wait to get my hands on more..
I just got my first handful too! Grabbed the Shadow Caster, HWK-290 (it'll only fly with the Scum lists), one M3A, two Protectorate Fighters, two Kihraxz fighters, and a Starviper. I haven't had a chance to play them, but their cards have already boosted my existing lists... that Rigged Cargo Chute is currently on every YT-1300 and 2400 in my other lists and I can't WAIT to try it out in a game
I always like playing more points. The more of my ships on the mat, the more fun I am going to have.
The PS 5 Khiraxz and M-3A's can be really fun with crack shot and even better if you can get your hands on some attanni mindlinks. Throw in Polab in a HWK and you have four PS 5 ships that can activate and fire in any order you want. The dials are similar enough you can fly in formation or split up and flank. With some control cannons/turrets on the Scyk and HWk you can set up the Khiraxz's for some prime shots.
And yeah, that Y-Wing is just mean.
Great kid! Don't get cocky.
But seriously, nicely done, it's a great feeling to get that first win.