Hey, folks. I just whipped up what I hope is a handy little sheet for tracking the wounds of your minion groups. It's pretty self-explanatory, but here's the general idea:
Basically, they're little cards you can cut out, or just keep on the sheet. I made a few for Wound Thresholds 3-6, with most of them at 5. Just write in the Name, Soak, and cross out anything past the number of minions in the group.
I was inspired by OggDude's minion sheets (and also I stole his Soak and Wound boxes), but those work best if you know ahead of time what minions your group will be facing, and how many. This way, you can just print a page or two, cut it up if you want, and have a handy sheet ready for whatever comes up. You'll notice that they're the same width as the adversary cards, so if you use those, you can, I dunno, tape the checkboxes to it or something.
I've shared a PDF
, and the ODF file
I made it with LibreOffice, but Google Docs seems to be playing hell with the layout. You're welcome to grab either file and fiddle with it to suit your needs.
Any suggestions on making it more usable are always welcome.