[GenCon 2017] Dinner for Villains Fri Aug 18th 9PM

By Hinomura, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game


Being ret-conned from the L5R story won't stop the Spider Clan from once again offering an open invitation to anyone of a villainous disposition to join us at the Buffalo Wild Wings in downtown Indianapolis for an evening of excess and debauchery seldom witnessed before! Why? Because evil makes the very best of dinner companions, and WILL rise again!

Okay, maybe excess and debauchery is going a little far, but I can promise good food, good drink, and great company. We'll be meeting up at NINE PM at the B-Dubs on East Washington Street on Friday August 18th, the same location as the last six years. We'll be in the restaurant area in case anyone under 21 wants to attend - order whatever you like, and tip heavily!

We originally had thirty spaces currently reserved, but have added more twice. This is now the absolute maximum of seats we can get - please make sure you contact me before attending! If you would like to attend, please PM me on here with your real name (don't worry, if you prefer to be listed below under your forum handle, just let me know).

UPDATE - Increased our reservation to 36!

As is our tradition, special play mats will be offered to attendees. Stay tuned for more details!

I'll keep a running list below, and will update this post as needed.

Looking forward to seeing my fellow villains there!


1. Daidoji Ryushi
2. Bayushi Akai
3. Rob Woelk
4. WTGeoff
5. Ealachan
6. Jason Pere
7. Ian O
8. Hida O-Win
9. Yurishi
10. Sparks
11. Daigotsu Cielago
12. Rogue9
13. Hinomura
14. Liam T
15. Rhiannon
16. David
17. Chuda Riichi
18. Chuda Riichi +1
19. Keith B
20. Devin B
21. Tonya S
22. Lapp
23. Mrs Lapp
24. Ryan Romans
25. Amelia A
27. TheItsyBitsySpider
28. GoblinTactician
29. Braelr
30. Braelr+1
32. Wave
33. Tim Wells
34. Nathan L
35. Foxtrot Four
36. William
37. Chris Martin
38. Mike P
39. Will W
40. Mat'knuck

Edited by Hinomura
25 minutes ago, Hinomura said:

Okay, maybe excess and debauchery is going a little far


I think this conflicts with the Thrones Karaoke night, but I'll try to do both like last year.

12 minutes ago, Kakita Shiro said:

I think this conflicts with the Thrones Karaoke night, but I'll try to do both like last year.

Is someone getting married there?

12 minutes ago, Builder2 said:

Is someone getting married there?

Did I say there was?

21 minutes ago, Kakita Shiro said:

Did I say there was?

Was going for a "Rains of Castamere"/Red Wedding joke but I guess I didn't word it right.

List updated!

Sign me up! Ryan Romans

You got it, dude!

This does conflict with the Crane Clan dinner, just an FYI.

25 minutes ago, Mirith said:

This does conflict with the Crane Clan dinner, just an FYI.

We know.

Given that Shiro-sama and I are sharing rooms again this year, we've obviously been in conversation to try and avoid clashes. However, there are only so many opportunities to run these (Saturday night is usually reserved for bigger events, and the convention wraps up at 4pm on Sunday), so some clashing is unavoidable.

Also, being a pedant, the Crane dinner was organized well after this - I had the time slot locked down in January. Doesn't mean that they're conflicting with us, not the other way around? ;)

We waited to see the schedule first. Thursday is the 12-8 inaugural tournament while Friday is 12-7. Seemed like a no-brainer.

Edited by Kakita Shiro

Was not intended as a criticism, just a note!

Bob Martin wants to join up!

Michael Higgins +1 spouse

Bumping this!


Heya folks

Increased our reservation to 36 to give us a little more wiggle-room. If you're interested in attending, please contact me via PM and let me know!

I know there are several people who have reconsidered their GenCon attendance due to the unfortunate inability to get tickets. If you previously reserved a space but now are not attending, please contact me and let me know so I can free up the space.


16 hours ago, Hinomura said:

Increased our reservation to 36 to give us a little more wiggle-room. If you're interested in attending, please contact me via PM and let me know!

Nathan Lipinski for a seat at the Villain's table

*pm said you couldn't receive msgs

Foxtrot Four and William for the last two seats. Hoping to be there!

*PM sent as well.

Thanks for the heads-up, Nathan - didn't realise I'd somehow disabled messages! Should be good now.

I've added all three of you. I've also contacted B-Dubs to see if we can wangle a few more places.


Heya folks

I've pushed the start time back to NINE PM in order to allow for the Friday LCG tournament running long. I've also managed to finangle a few more spaces, but we do now have a hard cap of 40 spaces.


Is this the largest Dinner that's happened? Near 40 people seems huge!

That's a LOT of people. Who knows how these things normally go down? As much as I would hate to spoil the surprise I'd hate to show up unaware of what a clan dinner even is.

We've been around and above 30 in the past, but this year definitely looks like setting the bar.

As for what it entails, without official involvement from the game's producer, it's simply a social gathering of passionate fans of the game, with lots of food, drink, and conversation. There will also be a special play mat that attendees can pick up if they wish - more details nearer the time!

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!