Where is the hunting rifle?

By korekore, in Rogue Trader

In the starting gear of the Arch-Militant it lists one of the options as a hunting rifle but there is no hunting rifle I can find in the weapons section. So umm what happened and where is it? Am I missing it?

It's missing from the Rogue Trader rulebook. You have two options:

1 - Replace it with a Long Las, they are similar weapons.

2 - Buy the Dark Heresy core rulebook and use the stats from there.

I'll do you one better.

Hunting Rifle from Dark Heresy, pg 130:

  • Name: Hunting Rifle
  • Class: Basic
  • Rng: 150m
  • RoF: S/-/-
  • Dam: 1d10+3 i
  • Pen: 0
  • Clip: 5
  • Rld: Full
  • Special: Accurate
  • Wt: 5kg
  • Avl: Scarce (though, apparently someone's stolen them all from the Kronus Expanse so they might be harder to find as this thread would attest to ;-) )

We need to sticky one of the where is the hunting rifle threads. This gets asked every month.

Pah... hunting rifle... use the NOMAD found in the Inquisitor's Handbook :)

By all means use it. If, you know, you want to take the time to fly back to the Calaxis sector, and hang around for a while on scintilla while you get one custom-made for you.

It shouldn't be that much of a problem. As described in the rules for starting gear you can make one "free" aquisition. So you allready got your Nomad some time earlier in your career. It's not even overpowered when compared to all those best craftmanship plasmaguns and the like, so go for it.

nadomir said:

Pah... hunting rifle... use the NOMAD found in the Inquisitor's Handbook :)

Yes I am a fan of the Nomad Hunting 'Instrument' as well! You shouldn't go on a giant beastie safari without it!

What is a nomad? Some kind of super rifle?

The Nomad is in the Inquisitors Handbook. The real world equivalent would be along the lines of a 50 cal sniper rifle or Elephant gun.