Alternate, Techno-Magic Setting.

By commanderq, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

So, after trying to run a game with the basic setting the book gives and having some decent sucess trying to get inside the worlds head as the GM, I decided that for the second game I was going to run was going to be of a setting of my own creation. To do this, I took the idea of techno magic, and decided that each of the major 3 races, Humans, Durkust and Sylvaian were each powerful enough to have evolved on there own and become major power players.

The structure of the universe for this setting works as such. Everything is within the soul flux, which itself expands outwards to infinity. Inside the soul flux, some times there are eddies and currents that form. from within these eddies of concended energy matter starts to form. As the matter starts to form out of the concednced energy it increaces the pull of the eddie causing more energy to fuse into matter on the tiny chunk. As this process continues various minerals are created out of diffrent densities of energy that created them. One mineral in particular is called Koresite. (ill come back to koresite in a sec). At a certin point the matter will start to generate its own field of energy. (simlar to a magnetic field). This field repels the soul flux, and eventually when it becomes stong enough to completly stop interaction with the soul flux, the matter cools off, and will start to support life, if its big enough.

Also due to the nature of this formation all of the continents in these spheres are floating. You can ajdust if there is a polar up or down at your GMs discression as it could be diffrent between each area. Personally i just said there is a polar up and down that estabilishes itself upon entering a sphere. (for simplcity sake). although a cool world where the center was hollow would be pretty dang awsome.

So any way, you can take this idea however you want. the direction i took it, was each race, (Humans, Sylvain, and Durkust) each evolved seperatly on there own sphere. And there evolution was directly influenced by the amount of koresite in the rocks. koresite is a supernatural energy absorbing rock. normally it just absorbs the energy and then dissipates it slowly. Humans evolved in an area with tons of koresite, as such mages were very rare, and born psyonics were vitually non existant. However they eventually learned how to use koresite to tap into the soul flux surrouding them (via a ritual performed by mages), thus creating magical battery. the humans used this battiers for all facets of there society and there technology exploded. They are the most technologicly advaned out of the 3 races, and have used powerful genetic engeneering to create psyonics.

The Durkusts sphere had a low amount of the material, which made mages much more common. They live in iron bark trees which the have used magic to grow taller. the family lives in a tree, which each head of the sub family living at a diffrent level. The highest member of the family lives in a small loft at the top, but he rules over every one else in the tree. They have also tamed dragons for riding. The psyonics are trained as warriors and taught to ride dragons as knights for there family. the Mages are usually healers, or leaders of the tribe. (iv waved the compulsion toward picking fire for them).

The Sylvian live in a sphere almost devoid of koresite, as such just about everyone is able to cast spells to a certin degree, but only some of the population actually specilizes in it. The profession in Sylvain society are also tied to there naturally ability to cast, as such most people, even in mundae jobs use magic rather than machines to perform work. (cooks use magical fire, etc..). Also Sylvain do see the need for large machines and have adoped, they each wear an amulet, given to them when they become an adult of the city where they live. The amulet is tied to there gift, drawing power from them regulary. In and of it self the amulets power is insignificant, however when a whole city of them are combined the power output is huge. This ambiet power supply is used for large constuction projects, as well as any other large jobs that machines are better suited for.

All three races have ships which can enter the soul flux and fly about. Trade is flowing between each of them, but the political relations are tense. The Sylvain and Durkust fought long 50 year war when they first encountered each other. However the arrival of the humans on the scene made them both draw up a cease fire. (the humans were not behind them in tech, but rather the distance between the 3 spheres was large. the humans were rather isolated, whereas the sylvain and durkst spheres were reletivly close). The humans immense technology made the durst and sylvain hold fire, and make sure they wernt overwhelmed individually by the new foe. So the tention is there for all sorts of fun adventures. There are also numerous smaller spheres where life didnt explode in any great diversity, but plants grow, and some smaller animals grew. These places are habitable and have been colonized by all 3 races. Some spheres have turned into major trading hubs etc.

Its a way of getting a phesdo space setting w/o actually going into space.

That's a very intriguing concept. Looks like it is rife with player possibilities.