Help a noob make a deck!

By Tug-thug, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've only used the starter deck before, so making a deck is proving to be a challenge for a noob.

I've got an idea but ideas from noobs aren't always good.


Rogue / Command

Sets: Spirit of Rebellion


1x IG-88 (Spirit of Rebellion #20)
1x Death Trooper (Spirit of Rebellion #1)

1x Blackmail (Spirit of Rebellion #23)
2x Personal Shield (Spirit of Rebellion #24)
1x Vibroknucklers (Spirit of Rebellion #25)
1x Ascension Gun (Spirit of Rebellion #59)
2x Armor Plating (Spirit of Rebellion #89)
1x Fast Hands (Spirit of Rebellion #150)
1x Training (Spirit of Rebellion #125)

1x Slave I (Spirit of Rebellion #22)
1x Interrogation Droid (Spirit of Rebellion #17)

1x Sustained Fire (Spirit of Rebellion #64)
1x Traitor! (Spirit of Rebellion #65)
2x Undying Loyalty (Spirit of Rebellion #67)
2x Doubt (Spirit of Rebellion #80)
2x Arms Deal (Spirit of Rebellion #81)
2x Bait and Switch (Spirit of Rebellion #82)
1x Friends in High Places (Spirit of Rebellion #83)
1x One-Quarter Portion (Spirit of Rebellion #85)
1x Relentless Pursuit (Spirit of Rebellion #86)
2x Scrap Buy (Spirit of Rebellion #87)
2x Salvo (Spirit of Rebellion #121)
2x Cheat (Spirit of Rebellion #143)

Total cards: 30

I'm basically trying to maximize ig88s ability by attacking the deck with discards and free upgrade pickups.

That and make it all shoot so dice matches.

Do you have access to any Awakenings stuff? IG-88 really wants a ton of expensive ranged damage upgrades in there, so if you have 'em, add some Holdout Blasters, Jetpacks, and IQA-11 Blaster Rifles. Also, Vibroknucklers might not be so good, since they're melee damage.

I assume you mean 2x IG-88 (i.e. elite version)? Other than that, looks really good! Switching around the commons and uncommons might be interesting - in SoR, they're mostly all good, but I really like Improvisation, Training (for the Death Trooper), and Swiftness.

Maybe try using IG-88 to regenerate Thermal Detonators or Infantry Grenades? That's also a fun strategy.

Keep up the good work! Good luck, and may the Force be with you!

It is a good start. Not a big fan of Ascension Gun. The deck needs some more cost efficient events. Less one of's

I bought 96 booster packs, these are literally all the upgrades I could come up with to for the character themes and colors. I was trying to stay yellow weapons and equipment.

I don't have any awakening stuff. I got into the game too late for that.

I was trying to maximize my opportunities to discard my yellow upgrades so I can get them cheap/free with event cards.

It's my first attempt. Apparently I didn't do too bad?

I could drop an armor plating, if I am thinking right it is endless use as I can just pick it back up and re equip it with ig88.

Edited by Tug-thug
Added info

I think IG-88's ability is a little underwhelming at the moment. He's kind of like Finn: someone who will get stronger as new sets are released. He's still a good character - lots of health, big damage - but I wouldn't try to build for his ability at this stage.

Over the course of Awakenings some general rules of deckbuilding emerged. They were:

- Always aim for 10-14 dice upgrades.

- Dice supports aren't as good as dice upgrades.

- Two of every event is better than one of every event.

Like all rules, they're made to be broken. SoR has shifted the dynamic a bit. And even during Awakening ePoe would pack more upgrades, and Veers almost made dice support viable. It really comes down to your characters and playstyle.

That being said, for Iggy and the Deathtrooper, I see no reason to deviate from this formula.

So my advice? I think you've got the balance of events right, when you have 1x something, the other 1x something fills the same role, so it should balance out. Don't fret IG-88's ability, and instead build to his inherent strengths. Include some red guns, throw in 2x Imperial Discipline if you've got them (if only for the dice), and add some utility upgrades.

It's not a bad attempt, but to my eye it doesn't follow the formula to success, so I have a hard imagining it winning a lot. Your experiences may differ.

There are many Common and Uncommon Cards that will add some more options to the deck. These can easily be traded for or purchased as singles, many players will give them away if they have a large number in excess of what they want.

Star Wars Destiny Data Base is a good place for card info.

I also feel that the upgrades you have are too defensive, yet damage will still be done that is unblockable or your opponent will have more dice with damage faces than you can defend against. So you get worn out over a period of time. The tactical question then asked is, does keeping a character alive for one extra turn make a difference where it is so light on offense it only does a modest amount of damage for having it.

I think you can get decks down to 10-14 Upgrades, but like the others have said you may find yourself a touch short until you gain some better personal experience and practice. Someone at Worlds had 8!

That practice is so very important in Destiny. There is just no better way to tune a deck than to play it as unlike other games you start with the characters in play and you gain a fixed number of resources each turn, so you can play the deck solo and see if the resource curve is working or not.

You are better off running FN with eIG88. FN allows you to use those yellow weapon dice, then overwrite them and discard them.

IG88 can then bring them back from discard cheaper, giving you 2 bangs for less bucks.