Getting effective use out of bad characters

By Ryric, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Corbon said:

RhunDraco said:

1. My argument exactly.

2. Ditto.

I don't want to put words in my friend's mouth, so I'll assume he read the original rules to mean that the skill categories on the sheet are the only categories you can purchase from. He is an awfully busy guy: new kid, tournaments in table tennis *and* Warhammer 40k, so I will just say that he likely didn't think about it much.

However, I am now armed with more data and will be talking to the group about it at our next session.

In fact it is explicit that you can choose any skill deck.
DJitD pg18
* When purchasing treasures or skills, the hero player draws the card at random from the appropriate deck (selecting any one of the three skill
decks when purchasing a skill).

Further indirect confirmation frm the FAQ (pg9)
Heroes may only acquire Feats that match their skill set. A hero may not gain any feats, regardless of skills purchased, that fall outside their printed skill set.
(the second sentence would be unnecessary if heroes were restricted to buying skills from within their printed skill decks).

Exactly. I've posted the relevant pages and paragraphs on our group's playing journal for all to see, and hopefully we'll be able to get together soon and hash it out. We're doing an RtL game and in gold, so I don't want to try and retcon anything (I wanted a slightly different skill set, but what I've got now for Vyrah is actually pretty good). It can wait for next game.

Thanks for the input all!