Speculation on the stacked symbols.

By Frimmel, in Star Wars: Rebellion

What are the your guesses on the smaller mission skill symbols on the new leaders? Krennic Leader for example has the two smaller Intel symbols and the one smaller combat symbol? Is this a "half value" or an either or value? Only good on one end of it meaning they wouldn't add if a second intel mission is attempted in his sector?

I think it's a full value for attempts but a null value for opposing?

Like for Krenics mission it needs 3 Intel to attempt.

A lot of the heros we see with them seem to be solo operators. Maybe they only get the smaller symbols if they are the only leader for their faction in the system.

I think they'll simply count towards fulfilling the requirements on mission cards. It makes it easier to play some high level mission cards, but makes the leaders less likely to succeed at their attempts if opposed. Essentially, it opens up the decision making process a bit more and makes using leaders to oppose missions a tad bit stronger. The extra symbols then become a balancing mechanic for the new mission deck, and giving them some advantages over other leaders without just straight up being better.

I don't think they'll at all contribute to dice being rolled, because then these new leaders are simply too powerful (offense, defense; doesn't matter). If you ignore the small symbols, Jyn becomes 1 Intel/1 Spec Ops which seems appropriate. Chirrut is 1 Diplomacy/2 Spec Ops, which is weird but I think his inclusion is overall weird. Krennic becomes 1 Logistics/1 Intel. Lined up against the other leaders in the game, these numbers feel appropriate -- both in terms of game balance, and lore-based capabilities. (I like Krennic as a character, but he should never be rolling more dice than Palpatine or Yularen when it comes to Intel missions)

Edited by sionnach19
56 minutes ago, sionnach19 said:

I think they'll simply count towards fulfilling the requirements on mission cards. It makes it easier to play some high level mission cards, but makes the leaders less likely to succeed at their attempts if opposed. Essentially, it opens up the decision making process a bit more and makes using leaders to oppose missions a tad bit stronger. The extra symbols then become a balancing mechanic for the new mission deck, and giving them some advantages over other leaders without just straight up being better.

I don't think they'll at all contribute to dice being rolled, because then these new leaders are simply too powerful (offense, defense; doesn't matter). If you ignore the small symbols, Jyn becomes 1 Intel/1 Spec Ops which seems appropriate. Chirrut is 1 Diplomacy/2 Spec Ops, which is weird but I think his inclusion is overall weird. Krennic becomes 1 Logistics/1 Intel. Lined up against the other leaders in the game, these numbers feel appropriate -- both in terms of game balance, and lore-based capabilities. (I like Krennic as a character, but he should never be rolling more dice than Palpatine or Yularen when it comes to Intel missions)

I like this interpretation. Otherwise Jyn is the best opposer for Turn to the darkside

The small symbols only affecting mission requirements doesnt make sense to me.

Jyn has a single small diplomacy symbol, so she could do a mission but can't roll dice? Seems unlikely. Also, while 2 symbols is common among imperial heroes, most rebel heroes have 3-4. Jyn, a central character, having essentially 2 symbols really makes no sense.

I think the small symbols will function as normal symbols when they are the active leader in a mission. But do not contribute dice when opposing or when simply in the system.

Edited by Deadwolf
46 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:

The small symbols only affecting mission requirements doesnt make sense to me.

Jyn has a single small diplomacy symbol, so she could do a mission but can't roll dice? Seems unlikely. Also, while 2 symbols is common among imperial heroes, most rebel heroes have 3-4. Jyn, a central character, having essentially 2 symbols really makes no sense.

I think the small symbols will function as normal symbols when they are the active leader in a mission. But do not contribute dice when opposing or when simply in the system.

Jyn may be a central character to the film, but as a member of the Rebellion? Two symbols seems appropriate to me (6 symbols seems insane). Jyn's single diplomacy symbol would allow her to perform any single 1-Diplomacy "Resolve" diplomacy missions. It would even let her try 1-Diplomacy "Attempt" missions, though she would automatically fail if she met any opposition. It would also enable her to help another leader attempt a higher value Diplomacy mission (for instance, her and Lando team up to attempt a 2-Diplomacy mission). There are plenty potential uses for symbols counting towards mission requirements, especially since the new mission decks will theoretically be designed around these leaders. If the symbols work as I'm guessing, their main value is that they add flexibility without being a straight power boost. It also opens up new avenues for decision making: I have more decisions to make, knowing that I can assign Krennic to missions that he isn't necessarily prepared to carry out. Do I count on you not opposing me? Then, you have more decisions in how you choose to play your leaders -- do I hold someone back to stop Krennic from accomplishing a difficult mission unopposed? When recruiting, do I want the more flexible leader (Jyn), or the one who does a single job but does it well? I think this would be more interesting.

Your prediction seems just as viable -- having the extra symbols only apply when actively attempting a mission might be one way to handle this (it makes Krennic's "Secure the Plans" card less risky than my guess). But my concern is that it makes the new leaders much, much better than the ones in the base game. They would be far more flexible, and able to perform the most difficult missions that only specialized leaders could attempt. Jyn can give Yularen a run for his money in Intel, or Darth Vader in Diplomacy. Chirrut combines Mon Mothma's Diplomatic prowess with Wedge Antilles' Spec Ops. Sure, the symbols only function when they attempt a mission; but they're still incredibly strong (accomplishing missions is usually more important than opposing them). Yularen, who is already one of the most powerful leaders in the game, becomes a mostly inferior version of Krennic -- I would always prefer Krennic to Yularen, given the choice. If the small symbols functioned like that, then the standard heroes become obsolete as the new ones are simply better. That's my concern: the new heroes would simply become better alternatives to the standard heroes.

It all depends on how modular the game is (can Krennic and Yularen be on the field at the same time? Can Jyn be used in normal games outside of the expansion?). And I'm certain the symbols tie into the new mission cards. But I'd hate to see blatant power creep make its way into a board game expansion, of all things.

7 hours ago, sionnach19 said:

It all depends on how modular the game is (can Krennic and Yularen be on the field at the same time? Can Jyn be used in normal games outside of the expansion?). And I'm certain the symbols tie into the new mission cards. But I'd hate to see blatant power creep make its way into a board game expansion, of all things.

I think this is an excellent point about how modular the expansion will be. I doubt that you'll mix the two mission decks. You'll play one or the other. The new leaders will be "best" against the new deck and the lesser non-power-creeped version is if some of them are "allowed" in games with the old style deck.

I really think that the fact that Jyn would only have 2 symbols to use for opposing, defending, and supporting is a strong balancing factor. 6 symbols for missions is strong, but I dont see her as stronger than ObiWan who can use his 3 intel also for opposing and for supporting other intel missions or Madine, who can use his 2 intel for a mission and then have 2 spec ops for defense against capture. The rebels have many 4 symbol leaders and i think Jyn is around on par, stronger sometimes and weaker others.

From a game perspective, the symbols only fulfilling requirements seems really weak, as those characters would just lose if ever opposed.

In the write-up for the expansion it states that you can promote the heroes and villains in the game. Personally that second tier of symbols represents their new promotion and thus their higher value and potency.

2 hours ago, CaptMook said:

In the write-up for the expansion it states that you can promote the heroes and villains in the game. Personally that second tier of symbols represents their new promotion and thus their higher value and potency.

The only place in the article it talks about that is when they are talking about the Promotion mission, which has nothing to do with the symbols.

Maybe the small symbols roll the green dice, making them essentially half-icons?

7 hours ago, IrishCyborg said:

Maybe the small symbols roll the green dice, making them essentially half-icons?

Maybe although I tend to think the green dice will go with the new units. No reason they also couldn't go with the new leaders as well.

Jyn has 4 small symbols but only 3 green dice.

Also, even if the green dice were 3 single success and 3 blanks, i think that would be extremely strong.

Edited by Deadwolf
On 5/5/2017 at 9:39 PM, sionnach19 said:

I think they'll simply count towards fulfilling the requirements on mission cards.


I don't think they'll at all contribute to dice being rolled, because then these new leaders are simply too powerful

I'm a little late to the expansion news, but this was also my impression on how it will most likely work. This allows these leaders to easily be added into the base game.

Most of the other suggestions would drastically affect the power levels compared to the existing leaders from the base game; I think they're a lot less likely.

When I saw them I had two guesses as to what they would be:

  1. They only counted toward a certain mission type, such as the "Steal Death Star Plans" mission.
  2. If the player wanted, they could commit to sacrificing (removing from the game) the character after the roll to get the additional symbols for that mission. Thematically this made sense to me because all the characters sacrificed themselves to steal the death star plans in the movie. Mechanically, I also think it would be very interesting to add more critical decisions like this to the game.