Retreat from the Aturi Cluster

By Kleeg005, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Having suffered catastrophic losses, the Alliance cell in the Aturi Cluster prepared to abandon their hidden base. Preparations were nearing completion when a long-range Imperial patrol pinpointed the location of the base. Alliance sensors detected the Imperial call for reinforcements, and the Second Fighter Group was scrambled to provide cover for the fleeing GR-75 Medium Transport as it completed loading essential material and all remaining personnel from the base.

We join the action on Turn 3. The Transport, having completed loading, has just left the docking bay as a Gozanti Class Cruiser exits hyperspace. A VT-49 Decimator, carrying Tactician and a Rebel Captive, piloted by a Patrol Leader and a Hotshot Copilot, engages the small rebel fighter screen at the edge of the asteroid field. The A-Wing and the ARC drop its shields, while its return fire is easily dodged.


Turn 4 sees the Transport burning forward at maximum speed. The Gozanti, assigned to deploying troops to take control of the base, launches a pair of TIE Interceptors, one of which is immediately burned down. A pair of TIE Bombers arrive, setting their sights on the fleeing Transport. The ARC (piloted by callsign "Magnet") puts a hurt on the Decimator, including Blinding its Pilot.


Turn 5, the Transport runs headlong over an asteroid in its haste. The Decimator, desperately and successfully avoiding asteroids and minefields both, places himself directly in the path of the onrushing Gozanti, and is crushed. The Gozanti deploys its final fighters, a pair of Academy Pilots (yes, this is Epic-Casual; we broke the rules), and tries ineffectively to fire on "Magnet" (as in "Laser-Magnet"). The second TIE Interceptor was erased before it could shoot, and the first TIE Bomber has very nearly been destroyed by the combined efforts the other members of the Second Fighter Group.


Turn 6, a new threat emerges from hyperspace: an Elite Lambda Class Shuttle, carrying the Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade herself, into the fight! The damaged TIE Bomber is dispatched, while the other Bomber was unable to maneuver out of the way of the swiftly fleeing Transport and was crushed. One Academy Pilot earned his stripes, perfectly positioning himself to hit the Transport at Range 1, while the other was caught in traffic and crushed by the Gozanti - whose pilot also crushed an asteroid and triggered a mine! All members of the fighter group hit the Cruiser, which was beginning to crumble under the combined firepower and poor piloting.


Turn 7 sees the Transport and the Cruiser running at full power to their respective targets. The Lambda moves to engage the fleeing Transport, and the two ARCs move to engage it, leaving the A-Wing to clean up the Cruiser. "Madness!" you say. But this is the Aturi Cluster, and pirate modifications are the rule - the A-Wing sports a Heavy Laser Cannon. The Academy TIE Fighter Pilot continues to prove that he is worthy of promotion, blasting away at the fleeing Transport.


Turn 8 finds the Lambda making a critical piloting error in his haste to engage his foes. He puts his ship and its hapless crew directly in the path of the fleeing Transport, to be crushed on the very next turn. And the Gozanti will this Turn fall prey to the HLC of a very angry A-Wing.


We were lucky: we one-shotted both TIE Interceptors and clogged flight lanes such that the massive Epic ships reaped more than their fair share of foes. I am disappointed the the Gozanti ate the Decimator before I could kill it myself, but those are the breaks. If we'd had this kind of dice-luck in earlier missions, we would not now be in full retreat! Oh well. But the Transport got away, and all Imperials were destroyed - perhaps the Base will remain available, mothballed, should the Alliance attempt to mount another bid for the Aturi Cluster.

Next Mission: the Transport must drop out of hyperspace to effect minor repairs before regrouping with the main Rebel fleet. Will their trip be uneventful, of will they encounter further resistance?

Edited by Kleeg005

In discussions after the Mission, we wondered if perhaps we'd made things too easy, if perhaps the Imperials needed to mount a more sizeable force to have a better shot at taking the Base. I am of the opinion that we were lucky. The others wanted to see more Academy Pilots, at least.

We also discussed a different, more Epic set-up, with the Rebel Base in the middle of one of the long edges, more rocks, and more mines. Imperial forces would then deploy at randomized locations along the other long edge, more in keeping with Epic rules. I'm not sure if this would make it too easy for the Transport to escape, though. Thoughts?


Pirate modifications? I like it! Custom title or just shoehorned in? I've been wanting to try and start a campaign with some friends ad stuff like this is perfect to get them interested.

41 minutes ago, DarmanSkir said:

Pirate modifications? I like it! Custom title or just shoehorned in? I've been wanting to try and start a campaign with some friends ad stuff like this is perfect to get them interested.

Well, pirate in the sense that by standard 100/6 rules, it's illegal. By HotAC rules, it's fine.

Ok question here. How are the ARC's doing??? I only ask as the group I play in is doing HoTAC as well and I am piloting a Z-95 headhunter with some upgrades, but I really want to get my pilot in an ARC, bit according to our GM the ARC and K-Wing (my other favorite ship) unbalance the campaign and can break it. Is that the case in yours???

1 hour ago, Ghostrider58 said:

Ok question here. How are the ARC's doing??? I only ask as the group I play in is doing HoTAC as well and I am piloting a Z-95 headhunter with some upgrades, but I really want to get my pilot in an ARC, bit according to our GM the ARC and K-Wing (my other favorite ship) unbalance the campaign and can break it. Is that the case in yours???

We had two ARCs in this last campaign. Which we lost pretty badly. So, no; I don't think they're overpowered. They are slow, and roll very few defense dice, and therefore just melt in the face of all those TIE swarms that HotAC loves so well. One of the issues I had was that we went with someone's suggestion that the Alliance Refit title should use up a Modification slot, and cost 5 points. And I ejected so many times, twice losing my most expensive Upgrade. Which was the Alliance Refit. Which I therefore paid for three times, for a total cost to acquire and run the ARC of 20 XP. Which was a **** lot. I ended at PS6, while we had an A-Wing at PS9.... If we run HotAC again, we will likely make the Refit a free Title, just like any of the other titles - and maybe use a Modification slot in the same fashion as the B-Wing, or maybe not. The other ARC in our group did not purchase the Refit until several missions after acquisition, and he had the damnedest pushing any damage through.

We are considering allowing Zeds in our MotAC campaign upcoming. How does your group work them, compared to the X's?

Good to know, I'm going to pass this info along to my GM (he is a great guy and will work with folks on the campaign).We can only use Rebel faction upgrades, talents, etc. and as of right now, no one has taken Alliance Refit, although I have looked at it and might take it. As for the ARC, my pilot is going to have to go on a mission to acquire one, so I don't have it yet, but hopefully soon. As for the Z-95, it's a bit of a glass cannon, one/two shot trick pony, our GM did allow anyone taking one 10 points to start/equip your ship with at the start of the campaign . My ship has the following upgrades.

Improved shield's (3 total)

Homing missile, and concussion missiles

Guidance Chip

Astromech. (I have the one that allows all of you white maneuvers to be green)

And I just upgraded to PS4.

I am saving up for Hull upgrade which will make my Z (3/3)and since we can only take an upgrade once its the best the ship's going to be. So you have to be smart when fighting and know when you punch out so you don't die, of course this makes me low man on the totem pole XP wise as I usually have to punch out early (my call sign is Oddball) and we have four folks flying Y-Wings (and they are tanks) with all sorts of nasty stuff on their load outs. Overall we are enjoying the campaign and I have been reading how other folks like/dislike the campaign. Again thanks for the info on the ARC's.

Folks, keep posting about these missions! I am very much enjoying them! I am planning to run a few games alone, or with a few people, to get used to the rules. A friendly, not-so-local game store is thinking on running a HotAC game a few times a month, so I am shooting for that too. Just not enough X-Wing players in Benicia, sadly.

Keep it up, guys!

Do you have a link for an ARC player sheet?

2 hours ago, Scopes said:

Do you have a link for an ARC player sheet?

You may have to resize it.



The Imperials have gained the upper hand in the Aturi Cluster. Their positions are fully entrenched, and reinforcements are pouring in. The Rebellion's minimal base must be abandoned, all personnel and as much material as possible removed to a safer location.

Set-up: Use an Epic 3x6 play surface. A large-ish base with two docking bays, but no Emplacements, is centered on one long side of the play area. Place eight asteroids and six minefields wherever the players want. A GR-75 should be docked on the far side of the base; all Rebellion ships launch at set-up from the near docking bay. All Imperial ships deploy from the opposite side; Die-roll positions 1-6 spaced equidistant along that side.

A VT-49 Decimator (Patrol Leader) with Tactician, Rebel Captive, Hotshot Co-pilot deploys at set-up, using Attack AI. The rebel Captive has unwillingly given up the general location of the base, and the Decimator is on long-range recon to pinpoint its position, whereupon it calls for reinforcements.

The GR-75 is equipped with a Combat Retrofit, Tibanna Gas Supplies, a Backup Shield Generator, an Engine Booster, Toryn Farr crew, and an Intelligence Agent (for flavor only). The GR-75 may begin to flee on Turn 3, and must escape via position 6 to jump to hyperspace outside of the asteroid field.

Setup D6 or 3/4 Decimator (Hard Mode: + 1 TIE Fighter for each player over two)

Turn 3 D6 or 2/5 Gozanti with full TIE Fighter complement (Hard Mode: +1 TIE Int per player)

Turn 3 D6 or 4-6 TIE Bomber for each odd numbered Player – Strike AI on the GR-75

Turn 6 D6 1 TIE F per even player

Turn 6 D6 1 TIE F per odd player

Turn 8 D6 1 Random Elite Pilot (Hard Mode: +1 at 4 or 5 players if PS8+)

The Gozanti is equipped with Docking Clamps and the Dual Laser Turret Hardpoint, an Operations Specialist and a Weapons Engineer, and a Sensor Team. The Gozanti is tasked with investing the Rebel Base and capturing any personnel who have not yet escaped, and with securing any data files left in the computers. Its maneuver dial should always be set to move as directly as possible towards the Base, as quickly as Energy production requirements allow.

All Imperial ships use attack AI, except the Bombers which use Strike vs the GR-75. The Bombers are loaded out with Ion Pulse Missiles and Extra Munitions.

All Rebel ships may ignore the Minefields placed at set-up; they recognize our IFF transponders.

Once the GR-75 is safely away, all remaining Rebel ships may also flee to hyperspace.

This is Hostile Territory, and we have 12 Turns (Hard Mode: 10 Turns) to complete the mission. If the GR-75 is disabled, we lose immediately. Successful escape allows one more mission – getting past an Imperial Raider on blockade duty.

This whole set-up is in response to Total Failure in the Aturi Cluster - once you've accumulated three Imperial Victory Points and have lost the campaign. It is meant to be difficult, if not impossible. Our initial run through this Mission and subsequent victory lead to discussions on making it more difficult. Some of those additions have been added, and some are optional (Hard Mode). I hope some folks here will give this a try, should the campaign not go as well as we hope they all do. And if you do, please give us some feedback - it is of course still a work in progress.

Details of Part Two will be coming shortly.

You guys should run a campaign returning to the Aturi Cluster. Could push the timeline a bit, leaving it one of the last imperial clusters to be cleared out. Could say they refuse to acknowledge the Galactic Concordance, and has since turned into a haven for Imperial forces that are still loyal to the empire that was.

As survivors of the first attempt at eliminating the imperial presence, you have once again been sent in to finish the job. Maybe with a few (At that time, 5ABY) prototype T-70 X-Wings? Maybe through the campaign you can have the odd TIE/FO or TIE/SF make an appearance or something.

But thats what I love about HotAC, you can play it out however you like, with any story you have in mind! Can't wait to hear more of your missions!

On 5/6/2017 at 3:22 PM, Kleeg005 said:

We had two ARCs in this last campaign. Which we lost pretty badly. So, no; I don't think they're overpowered. They are slow, and roll very few defense dice, and therefore just melt in the face of all those TIE swarms that HotAC loves so well. One of the issues I had was that we went with someone's suggestion that the Alliance Refit title should use up a Modification slot, and cost 5 points. And I ejected so many times, twice losing my most expensive Upgrade. Which was the Alliance Refit. Which I therefore paid for three times, for a total cost to acquire and run the ARC of 20 XP. Which was a **** lot. I ended at PS6, while we had an A-Wing at PS9.... If we run HotAC again, we will likely make the Refit a free Title, just like any of the other titles - and maybe use a Modification slot in the same fashion as the B-Wing, or maybe not. The other ARC in our group did not purchase the Refit until several missions after acquisition, and he had the damnedest pushing any damage through.

We are considering allowing Zeds in our MotAC campaign upcoming. How does your group work them, compared to the X's?

1. At what PS do you allow the ARC?

2. We used Z-95s as playable ships. They are at least as hard as A-Wings to keep alive, and have no access to the Evade action. I flew one with a missile, and once it had shot the ordinance it was very hard to push damage through without getting absolutely hammered by return fire. Flying them requires a lot of planning. A lot.

56 minutes ago, Scopes said:

1. At what PS do you allow the ARC?

2. We used Z-95s as playable ships. They are at least as hard as A-Wings to keep alive, and have no access to the Evade action. I flew one with a missile, and once it had shot the ordinance it was very hard to push damage through without getting absolutely hammered by return fire. Flying them requires a lot of planning. A lot.

We allowed the ARC starting at PS4, but we put together a side mission to acquire them from a mothballed Imperial refit base - which was actually a trap. There was a significant force waiting for us, and the base was rigged to detonate on Turn 8. We used the Capture Refueling Station mission as a base for this, following it pretty closely.

I've been testing some Attanni Linked Dual Z95s on my own when the addiction gets too strong, and they are, yes, awfully fragile. Nine attempts on five missions for three wins, and I've yet to have both survive a mission.

We started our MotAC campaign last night. One guy took the Dual Z95's and did all right - one ejection, the other ship survived. And another pilot took the Heavy Z95 (+1 Hull, Crew slot, +8 points XP to spend), and he made it out with one Hull left. We lost both Y-Wings, but both Kihraxz Fighters survived, one on one Hull, the other untouched. Interesting tidbit for those looking at a Scum version: Pulsed Ray Shields are *really* strong on Kihraxz - that pilot regenned/blocked four points of damage, and four deaths.

@North_Chart , I like that! We may have to try it. I like the idea of T70's, perhaps without the Tech slot to represent their early production model nature. And given the circumstances, I reckon E-Wing and K-Wing should be allowable. Just for thematic purposes.

15 minutes ago, Kleeg005 said:

We allowed the ARC starting at PS4, but we put together a side mission to acquire them from a mothballed Imperial refit base - which was actually a trap. There was a significant force waiting for us, and the base was rigged to detonate on Turn 8. We used the Capture Refueling Station mission as a base for this, following it pretty closely.

I've been testing some Attanni Linked Dual Z95s on my own when the addiction gets too strong, and they are, yes, awfully fragile. Nine attempts on five missions for three wins, and I've yet to have both survive a mission.

We started our MotAC campaign last night. One guy took the Dual Z95's and did all right - one ejection, the other ship survived. And another pilot took the Heavy Z95 (+1 Hull, Crew slot, +8 points XP to spend), and he made it out with one Hull left. We lost both Y-Wings, but both Kihraxz Fighters survived, one on one Hull, the other untouched. Interesting tidbit for those looking at a Scum version: Pulsed Ray Shields are *really* strong on Kihraxz - that pilot regenned/blocked four points of damage, and four deaths.

@North_Chart , I like that! We may have to try it. I like the idea of T70's, perhaps without the Tech slot to represent their early production model nature. And given the circumstances, I reckon E-Wing and K-Wing should be allowable. Just for thematic purposes.

Great idea for the side-mission! I am running another HotAC this summer and I may do that sort of side mission as well.

Is MotAC the Scum version?

1 minute ago, Scopes said:

Great idea for the side-mission! I am running another HotAC this summer and I may do that sort of side mission as well.

Is MotAC the Scum version?

Mercenaries of the Aturi Cluster, yes. Our homebrew version. We are "Legitimate Beings of Business," caught up in a misunderstanding with the local Imperial forces, high on their recent defeat of the rebel scum in the sector. We don't want to engage in a war, but we will protect our legitimate business interests. And if the Rebellion wants to throw a little cash our way for our efforts in their war, well. Business is business. We're going to run the standard HotAC missions, but using Scum ships, and throwing in a few homebrew "shipping" missions. Also, to reflect the increased Imperial presence in the sector, all missions will have their danger level bumped up. Friendly -> Neutral, Neutral -> Hostile, Hostile -> Freaking Dangerous. Freaking Dangerous will require the inclusion of more Elites, or something of that nature.

@Kleeg005 That would be pretty awesome too! Could add the tech tree in the event of a nearly won/lost campaign. E-Wing and K-Wing for sure, that would fit the time period. Maybe throw in a TIE/fo in there too. Perhaps the Aturi Cluster is where the First Order made it's start?

Who knows, the possibilities are endless!