Having suffered catastrophic losses, the Alliance cell in the Aturi Cluster prepared to abandon their hidden base. Preparations were nearing completion when a long-range Imperial patrol pinpointed the location of the base. Alliance sensors detected the Imperial call for reinforcements, and the Second Fighter Group was scrambled to provide cover for the fleeing GR-75 Medium Transport as it completed loading essential material and all remaining personnel from the base.
We join the action on Turn 3. The Transport, having completed loading, has just left the docking bay as a Gozanti Class Cruiser exits hyperspace. A VT-49 Decimator, carrying Tactician and a Rebel Captive, piloted by a Patrol Leader and a Hotshot Copilot, engages the small rebel fighter screen at the edge of the asteroid field. The A-Wing and the ARC drop its shields, while its return fire is easily dodged.
Turn 4 sees the Transport burning forward at maximum speed. The Gozanti, assigned to deploying troops to take control of the base, launches a pair of TIE Interceptors, one of which is immediately burned down. A pair of TIE Bombers arrive, setting their sights on the fleeing Transport. The ARC (piloted by callsign "Magnet") puts a hurt on the Decimator, including Blinding its Pilot.
Turn 5, the Transport runs headlong over an asteroid in its haste. The Decimator, desperately and successfully avoiding asteroids and minefields both, places himself directly in the path of the onrushing Gozanti, and is crushed. The Gozanti deploys its final fighters, a pair of Academy Pilots (yes, this is Epic-Casual; we broke the rules), and tries ineffectively to fire on "Magnet" (as in "Laser-Magnet"). The second TIE Interceptor was erased before it could shoot, and the first TIE Bomber has very nearly been destroyed by the combined efforts the other members of the Second Fighter Group.
Turn 6, a new threat emerges from hyperspace: an Elite Lambda Class Shuttle, carrying the Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade herself, into the fight! The damaged TIE Bomber is dispatched, while the other Bomber was unable to maneuver out of the way of the swiftly fleeing Transport and was crushed. One Academy Pilot earned his stripes, perfectly positioning himself to hit the Transport at Range 1, while the other was caught in traffic and crushed by the Gozanti - whose pilot also crushed an asteroid and triggered a mine! All members of the fighter group hit the Cruiser, which was beginning to crumble under the combined firepower and poor piloting.
Turn 7 sees the Transport and the Cruiser running at full power to their respective targets. The Lambda moves to engage the fleeing Transport, and the two ARCs move to engage it, leaving the A-Wing to clean up the Cruiser. "Madness!" you say. But this is the Aturi Cluster, and pirate modifications are the rule - the A-Wing sports a Heavy Laser Cannon. The Academy TIE Fighter Pilot continues to prove that he is worthy of promotion, blasting away at the fleeing Transport.
Turn 8 finds the Lambda making a critical piloting error in his haste to engage his foes. He puts his ship and its hapless crew directly in the path of the fleeing Transport, to be crushed on the very next turn. And the Gozanti will this Turn fall prey to the HLC of a very angry A-Wing.
We were lucky: we one-shotted both TIE Interceptors and clogged flight lanes such that the massive Epic ships reaped more than their fair share of foes. I am disappointed the the Gozanti ate the Decimator before I could kill it myself, but those are the breaks. If we'd had this kind of dice-luck in earlier missions, we would not now be in full retreat! Oh well. But the Transport got away, and all Imperials were destroyed - perhaps the Base will remain available, mothballed, should the Alliance attempt to mount another bid for the Aturi Cluster.
Next Mission: the Transport must drop out of hyperspace to effect minor repairs before regrouping with the main Rebel fleet. Will their trip be uneventful, of will they encounter further resistance?
Edited by Kleeg005