8 hours ago, Xindell said:Don't count on Thrawn being in this. If you reread the article, it really only mentions Rebels once, briefly, with this sentence, " Inspired largely by the characters and events of Rogue One , Rise of the Empire introduces a plethora of new heroes, villains, starships, troopers, and vehicles from that film, alongside other characters, ships, and events from Star Wars: Rebels and the classic trilogy, plus new missions that add more drama and intrigue to your games." Seems to me this is saying, the majority of what you are getting is from Rogue One, but we tossed in a few things from Rebels along with more content from the original trilogy as well. I suspect that Rebels reference was put in there largely to explain the existence of the Interdictor in this expansion (perhaps some mission cards as well). I suspect that what we are seeing here is simply the first expansion to this game. The next one will be a Rebels based expansion and we will see people like Thrawn, Minister Tua, Admiral Konstantine and the Grand Inquisitor against Hera, Sato and whoever else they deem "leader" enough to make their way in (Kanan, Sabine?). Now that we know they are willing to make expansions, there is no reason to believe this will be the only one. Rebels will get it's day, after season 4 (and the show) is over and we know who everything that happened and who the best "leader" options will be.
I think that could happen but I prefer more filtering and thinking. An example, Thrawn is a very important figure, not just because he is Thrawn but because he is a Grand Admiral too. On the other hand someone like Konstantine or Tua are random characters, they are not important in itself, they don't have an important role in the narrative, they don't have a real story to themself. I rather have expansions with less "let's take property XY and make it into an expansion" as "let's take a topic and put in what makes sense and what people would like to see". So a more thoughtful process. It was so weird in Armada to get a card with the Interdictor that featured Commander Aresko, who was just a forgettable, stereotypical, badly written and designed character. I get that the new canon doesn't have that many characters but it's not like can't use the new books and comics, invent something new or even use the old EU. Either you get someone people don't know or someone people like, both options that are more attractive than something that doesn't fit or is just plain bad.
I also think it's a bit weird to have someone like Jabba be called an agent of the empire as if the underworld would be controlled by the Empire. I rather like to see the underworld as being their own faction. His introduction in the expansion is as weird as Chirrut.