Fly Solo - Replacement for IG-88?

By PilMerah, in Imperial Assault Campaign


I'm about to start the Fly Solo mission. I don't want to use the IG-88 token nor do I want to buy the expansion, since he only appears once in the campaign and there are already enough villains (Weiss, Royal Guard Champion, Vader). Any recommendations on what I can replace him with for that mission without altering the balance too much?

Royal Guards? Elite Stormtroopers? Stormtroopers plus Imperial Officer? Regular Trandoshan Hunters?


I'm not sure on the balance, but thematically Boba vs Solo is pretty cool. Plus he is one of the coolest looking figures :)

Maybe Grand Inquisitor. They're both speed 5, which is important, and despite being 3 points less the Inquisitor is better, although his shorter range will compensate for that.

Thanks a lot both! Great ideas.

I'm more tempted for Boba at the moment given the thematic appeal. Most of my friends don't watch SW Rebels so they won't know who the Inquisitor is.

One more thing, if you have searched around on this forum you'll see many people talking about how Fly Solo is "broken" or at the very least incredibly difficult for the Rebels. I have played it twice, and each time it was a fairly easy win for me as the IP. If we were to play it again, I would try giving Han Solo the "True Cunning" ability (on defense apply +2 blocks for every evade), which apparently he had when they created the mission initially. I think I read somewhere that Han nerfed right before release - yet this mission was never altered. I'm not sure how other's feel, but that is what I am going to try if we play it again.

The main problem that I've seen is that (spoilers....)

Han usually just dies to the Elite Trooper deployment that spawns right next to him. He's too slow to get far enough away from them, and unless he rolls well (and the Imperials don't have a lot of upgrades they can put on the troopers), they'll take out most of his health in one activation.

You could always throw in a probe droid model and say that it's got IG-88's programming uploaded into it, then just use the regular IG card. Iggy is kind of the Ultron of Star Wars, after all.

Edited by subtrendy

When I played the mission as the IP, Han managed to survive the initial attack with 1 health remaining!

The Rebels really had no chance though and conceded as I had the exit point completely guarded and they couldn't risk Han getting close at all.

Do you mean what figure should you use to represent IG-88 or you want to replace him outright with say a Boba Fett?

If it's the latter, I'd say either Boba Fett or Bossk, as they're both bounty idea if that's balanced though.

Spoilers for Fly Solo mission (though, let's be honest, if you're this far in the thread you've probably spoiled everything already)

Personally, I found IG-88 to be a perfect unit for this mission. His Arsenal ability was devastating in that he could just camp near the exit (to be specific, at the middle top of the "T") and hit just about anybody who got even close to him twice per activation. It made my Rebels slow down Han significantly, which let my other units catch up with him and basically pincer him in. It was a total massacre.

In my first campaign that had two heroes with Legendary, though, it was the total opposite. I couldn't get close to Han.

IG-88 card is in the box. If you have Return to Hoth you can use one of the HK droids with the original deployment card

Both times I've seen Fly Solo played (once as Imperials, once as a Rebel), the Rebels got Han out safely. There were some lucky defense rolls involved, and when I was a Rebel it helped that we had Gideon and Fenn to get him moving -- and fast.

Anyway, my recommendation would be to use the IG-88 card, but just use another miniature as a stand-in (Boba, Bossk, an HK, BT, Triple-Zero) if you really don't want to buy the IG-88 pack.

I played the mission three times, twice with Diala, once with Diala and Gideon. Now THAT is broken :D I wonder if all that force pushing convinced Han to believe in hokey religions and ancient weapons :) Two out of three ended with Diala force pushing Han out of the map. I placed the eTroopers somewhat thematically (guarding the room while the officer interrogates) one in each corner of the locked room, and they didn't stand much chance of catching AND shooting at Han - since move just as fast as him and he gets a shove on top.

But I can imagine how playing this competitively is a total trainwreck. Spawning the eStorms right at the door and with around 50 more threat worth' of units all converging on Han and stuns/bleeds in the mix, that 12 hp would melt.

6 hours ago, Kraemet said:

Two out of three ended with Diala force pushing Han out of the map.

Escaping (RRG, page 12) needs movement points to spend, so Push from Force Throw doesn't do it. (Tactical Movement or Command from Gideon would.)

Edited by a1bert