2 TIE/sf Fighters with 1 TIE Bomber

By Whackamatt, in X-Wing Battle Reports


I fought a battle this weekend against a K-Wing with Miranda, Twin Laser Turret, and some Cluster Mines. Her backup was Ahsoka flying Sabine’s Tie Fighter, with the Captured Tie, EMP Device, and Veteran Instincts. Also, Biggs Darklighter with an R5-P9.

His strategy was to keep Biggs in formation with Miranda for extra hits. The TLT would chip away, while Ahsoka would fly into my formation and drop an EMP device.

The idea behind my loadout was Flexibility. To get the best positioning, I would boost after a maneuver. With Primed Thrusters, that could even be after a red maneuver. I would then Push The Limit to barrel roll for the perfect firing position and avoiding the firing arc of Biggs and Ahsoka once she joined the fight.

After the first round of combat, my SF TIEs would have a Target Lock (TL) from the Fire Control System, would be given a free FOCUS token from the TIE Bomber’s Fleet Officer, freeing them up to push them limit exclusively for positioning and to avoid fire.

The Tie Bomber also had the Inspiring Recruit, allowing the SF TIEs to remove the accumulated stress from Pushing the Limit (PTL). After a green move, they could still boost, then barrel roll and fire with a focus and TL. If they ever got out of range of the TIE Bomber, could still boost and PTL barrel roll several times until getting back into range once 3 stress was accumulated.

The Tie Bomber also proved to be quite the distraction, as Ahsoka began to attack that exclusively. With the Lightweight frame and ace rolling, it survived most of the game and even chipped away a few hits.

I targeted Biggs right out of the gate and obliterated him. One of the SFs died, but his K-wing went down early, leaving only the captured TIE. In the end, his support ship with no help couldn’t win against a SF TIE with great flexibility, more hits, and more firepower.

My concern for this loadout moving forward would be against an “ACE” list that would be able to move after me. I would have to be able to predict pretty well where my opponent would end up, but if they boost/barrel roll as well, could be in for some trouble.

RESULT: Victory for me. Woo!

"Quickdraw" — TIE/sf Fighter


Push the Limit


Fire-Control System


Primed Thrusters


Engine Upgrade


Special Ops Training


"Backdraft" — TIE/sf Fighter


Push the Limit


Fire-Control System


Primed Thrusters


Engine Upgrade


Special Ops Training


Scimitar Squadron Pilot — TIE Bomber


Inspiring Recruit


Fleet Officer


Lightweight Frame


TIE Shuttle