So I picked up a copy of Grimm awhile back, the whole setting intrigued me a great deal and I enjoyed reading the book through. I have however, no experience whatsoever with tabletop RPGs. Nor does anyone in my gaming group. We are all avid video and boardgame players, and have been thinking of trying RPGs for awhile now. The question is, which one?
Now since I already own Grimm it may seem natural to start there. But, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition put out by FFG looks like it could be a pretty nice set for those new to roleplaying. Especially those coming from a boardgaming background who are a bit more used to "feelies". So my question is simple, which role playing game would be the best to start with? Bear in mind that I (as the GM) have no role playing experience whatsoever, nor do any of my players (there are about 3 others).
Grimm seems like it might be nice, being so simple and easy to understand, and the setting looks like it could be a lot of fun for my group. But grasping and understanding a new set of rules has never been a problem for my group (having played many different of boardgames), and the added structure of WHFRP may actually be a good thing for someone new to GMing or RPing in general. So I was curious what you guys thought, can a group of comepletely inexperienced roleplayers sit down at a table to play Grimm and have a fun time with their first role play experience? Or would it be better to start with something like Warhammer to give my players (and myself) a bit more "grounding" to go off of?
Though I'm sure we'd try Grimm either way (once we became more experienced at roleplaying in general), I guess what I'm asking is, is it to un-structured for inexperienced role players to cut their teeth on? Or would the "feelies" of WHFRP be better for a group of first time gamers who are used to seeing a bit more cardboard in front of them?
Any advice would be really appreciated, thanks!