SP weapons

By Erich4, in Rogue Trader

OK, what the heck are they.

They are mentioned in the rule book as a special weapon training, but I can't find a definition of them anywhere. I tried a forum search, but every post I could find assumed you knew what they were.

Any help (and maybe a page number?) greatly apriciated.



Page 120 of the RT book

SP stands for Solid Projectile weapons, Basicly, the pistols, rifles, machineguns etc we use nowadays.

Solid Projectile... the good ol' 21st century gun. They are covered under the various Universal weapon trainings and described on pages 120-121. It's quite possible FFG accidentally left out specific words explaining that SP = Solid Projectile.

I.E. Stub pistols (automatics), Stub revolvers, Handcannon, etc.

Thank You.

And here I thought that the solid projectile weapons were called stub guns or slug throwers. gran_risa.gif


They are but the SP category is meant to make the rules easier and clearer... apparently it failed, hehe!

There is a slight difference between the two.

Stub-<anything> is generally used to refer to cased ammunition, i.e. exactly like modern bullets.

Auto-<anything> tends to refer to automatic caseless weapons. i.e. bullets that contain a solid propellant aspart of a the bullet, rather than as a case bit to be discarded.

This isn't hard and fast, autocannons for instance are usually depicted with large casings.

It is however usually a good rule to follow.

SP merely refers to all solid projectile weapons that aren't bolt weapons (or exotics).

The case/caseless distinction has blurred somewhat these days. I think the last time it was stated was in 2nd ed. 40k

I was going to ask on the DH forums.... Need not ask now.