Vassal Summer Tourney 2017 - Round 1

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

37 minutes ago, Undeadguy said:

When is the first round supposed to end and when does the second round start? I will be unavailable from 5-24 to 6-2 because I'll be in Cancun and travelling.

The 17th is the last day.


Double Post

Edited by Truthiness
1 hour ago, Truthiness said:

The 17th is the last day.

Round 2 will run until the 28th or so.

@SilentSteve vs @Matt Antilles ends 10-1 to me (450-37)

Steve won the toss and chose to go first, he chose my Capture the VIP. He set up his AF and Yav to charge at my flotillas that were going to grab the VIP and run, and his CR90 coming on the right flank. I set up Admo in front of Yav and the AF, my CR90 on the same flank as his, and my Lib set up to charge up the left flank. Early Round 2 he hit my Awings hard and killed Shara and wounded Tycho. Since he didn't have Intel, he had to kill Shara to get at the Mc30 he was trying to bomb. Due to Shara's counter, Tycho coming in to shoot it, and some flak, I was able to kill Dagger squadron Round 2 I believe. This helped to reduce the bomber damage a lot since there was now only 1 Bwing on the board. I pushed my Liberty hard up the flank at the end of Round 2, ready to smash some stuff at the beginning of Round 3. Round 3 he activated Yav first since I had a medium range shot on its side from the Lib, and he did some damage with the bombers, killing my flotilla. The Lib then put the hurting on Yav, but left it at only 1 hull and then rolled 2 Accuracies and 5 hits into the tail of the AF, which had 2 damage from the earlier round. This allowed me to H9 a hit and block all his defense tokens; which was just enough damage to allow me to double ram it to death. I think this turned the tide heavily in my favor, because his main carrier and flagship was now dead. Tycho got the clutch kill on Yav at the end of the round. Admo took a beating from bombers and ship fire. Next round I killed his flotilla with Admo, and our CR90s traded fire. I was also able to put some rounds into it from the side of my Liberty. His CR90 had 1 hull left and was right next to Tycho (who hadn't moved since being sent in to shoot Dagger) and he tried for a second clutch kill in a row, but failed. First activation of the next round and Steve flew his CR90 out of range of everything. My Jaina had a squad command set up, and Tycho flew in and got the kill on his last ship. I realized it afterwards, but he had forgot to use his Reinforced Blast Doors on his Corvette. If he had, his CR90 would have gotten away, and the final score difference wouldn't have been so high.

Final tally: I killed all his ships, he killed one of my flotillas and Shara. I escaped with the VIP.

A very fun and intense game with a great opponent!

Logfiles (I lost connection halfway through)

Edited by Matt Antilles

SoonerTed v Roquax

Objective: Advanced Gunnery

Roquax: 445

SoonerTed: 64

Status with 3 games remaining:

Round 1

1: @Irishmadcat VS @moodswing5537 - Match Results: @moodswing5537 is the winner 148 to 187
2: @ManInTheBox VS @Maturin - Match Results: @ManInTheBox is the winner 214 to 155
3: @Truthiness VS @Undeadguy - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 262 to 0
4: @CaribbeanNinja VS @thecactusman17
5: @Visovics VS @Darth Veggie - Match Results: @Darth Veggie is the winner 33 to 444
6: @Lord Preyer VS @Aresius - Match Results: @Lord Preyer is the winner 333 to 132
7: @JJs Juggernaut VS @RStan - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 253 to 183
8: @SkyCake VS @Green Squadron 3 - Match Results: @SkyCake is the winner 207 to 0
9: @SoonerTed VS @Roquax - Match Results: @Roquax is the winner 64 to 445
10: @fullmetal2017 VS @jp82729 - Match Results: @fullmetal2017 is the winner
11: @NebulonB VS @doobleg - Match Results: @doobleg is the winner 171 to 275
12: @SilentSteve VS @Matt Antilles - Match Results: @Matt Antilles is the winner 37 to 450
13: @Hystarr VS @Paindemic7708 - Match Results: @Paindemic7708 is the winner 16 to 400
14: @emfrank VS @Plagueis - Match Results: @Plagueis is the winner
15: @Dr Alex VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Rocco79 is the winner 66 to 288
16: @BrobaFett VS @comatose
17: @itzSteve VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @Villakarvarousku is the winner 53 to 149
18: @BiggsIRL VS @Ginkapo - Match Results: @BiggsIRL is the winner 305 to 228
19: @Tokra VS @MattShadowlord - Match Results: @Tokra is the winner 399 to 63
20: @pt106 VS @GiledPallaeon - Match Results: @pt106 is the winner 305 to 45
21: @Lyraeus VS @Dorrin314
22: @PodRacer VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @drdoom28704 is the winner 194 to 196
23: @MrScience VS @ThrawnsMB - Match Results: @MrScience is the winner 349 to 167


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Matt Antilles 10 400 1.0
2 @Darth Veggie 10 400 1.0
3 @Paindemic7708 10 384 1.0
4 @Roquax 10 381 1.0
5 @Tokra 10 336 1.0
6 @Truthiness 9 262 2.0
7 @pt106 9 260 2.0
8 @Rocco79 9 222 2.0
9 @SkyCake 8 207 3.0
10 @Lord Preyer 8 201 3.0
11 @MrScience 8 182 3.0
12 @fullmetal2017 8 140 0.0
13 @Plagueis 8 140 0.0
14 @doobleg 7 104 4.0
15 @Villakarvarousku 7 96 4.0
16 @BiggsIRL 7 77 4.0
17 @JJs Juggernaut 7 70 4.0
18 @ManInTheBox 6 59 5.0
19 @moodswing5537 6 39 5.0
20 @drdoom28704 6 2 5.0
21 @PodRacer 5 0 6.0
22 @Maturin 5 0 6.0
23 @Irishmadcat 5 0 6.0
24 @NebulonB 4 0 7.0
25 @itzSteve 4 0 7.0
26 @RStan 4 0 7.0
27 @Ginkapo 4 0 7.0
28 @ThrawnsMB 3 0 8.0
29 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 8.0
30 @Aresius 3 0 8.0
31 @Undeadguy 2 0 9.0
32 @GiledPallaeon 2 0 9.0
33 @Dr Alex 2 0 9.0
34 @SilentSteve 1 0 10.0
35 @MattShadowlord 1 0 10.0
36 @Visovics 1 0 10.0
37 @SoonerTed 1 0 10.0
38 @Hystarr 1 0 10.0
39 @emfrank 0 0 8.0
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 8.0
40 @Lyraeus 0 0 0.0
41 @BrobaFett 0 0 0.0
42 @CaribbeanNinja 0 0 0.0
43 @Dorrin314 0 0 0.0
44 @comatose 0 0 0.0
45 @thecactusman17 0 0 0.0


You have until tomorrow to complete your games.

You've had ample time to schedule, so no extensions will be given.

Gk- we are half done, should be finished around 5pm PST tomorrow.

I hear Ninja and Cactus are playing tonight.

5 minutes ago, Truthiness said:

I hear Ninja and Cactus are playing tonight.

Bothan spies?

On 5/10/2017 at 1:51 PM, thecactusman17 said:

@CaribbeanNinja vs @thecactusman17 scheduled for Tuesday 5/16/2017. Exact time TBD, likely early-mid evening time PST.

@Truthiness definitely has Bothan spies though.

We are playing at 7:30 Central (12:30 am GMT)

Edited by CaribbeanNinja
Just now, CaribbeanNinja said:

@Truthiness definitely has bothan spies though.

Missed that scheduling.


4 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Outstanding games:

4: @CaribbeanNinja vs @thecactusman17 No word about scheduling have reached my ears. Possible failure to schedule?

16: @BrobaFett vs @comatose Should be half played by now. Or?

21: @Lyraeus vs @Dorrin314 Might take place on Wednesday. Otherwise concession.

We definitely scheduled and posted it here a few pages back. Today, the 16th. 17:30 Pacific time (USA west coast -7 GMT) or 00:30 GMT

Edited by thecactusman17
2 minutes ago, thecactusman17 said:

We definitely scheduled and posted it here a few pages back. Today, the 16th. 17:30 Pacific time (USA west coast -7 GMT) or 00:30 GMT

Yes. Missed that one. Got it cleared up. Move along, this is not the missed scheduling we're looking for.

BrobaFett and comatose has finished! BrobaFett took the win 244 to 100 for an MoV of 144. We played my Station Assault. On deployment, he left me a corner for one station, so I put them both near there with my squadrons and ships set up to defend them. It was a tense fight, but in the end he took down Yavaris, both flotillas, and both stations. He lost Suppressor with a Raider surviving only due to 5 blanks on reds across two turns. All of his Defenders died as well. BrobaFett was a great opponent, I look forward to playing him again sometime.

Log files (second one only has end state)

[Edit: No Raiders died, just one Gozanti. Points were right thanks to @CaribbeanNinja ]

Edited by comatose

Thanks for the awesome game Comatose! I had a blast, and look forward to the next time we run into each other accross the table.

Also, Comatose is such a gentlemen he doesn't capture how close this was. If his Assault Frigate had a squad command instead of concentrate fire on the last turn so he could move bombers into range then my ISD would have been sunk as it finished a smoking wreck. That AF by the way, was the last ship standing and escaped with 1 hull because a Raider whiffed it's black dice roll to trigger APT.

Literally the game was on the knifes edge the entire time and was just as likely to be a huge win for either of us. That's the best kind of Armada game, win or lose!

Thanks to the peanut gallery that watched to and made every move even more tense :)

Edited by BrobaFett

@CaribbeanNinja vs @thecactusman17 has finished. CaribbeanNinja wins 7-4 with 94 points MOV (CN 350 - TCM17 256). We played my Most Wanted.

This was an intense back and forth game of daring, risky plays that resulted in ships flying off the board on both sides, including my own Demolisher (which was Sliced out of navigate options at the last minute). However, to preserve his fleet Ninja had to sacrifice his own Most Wanted Demolisher to kill the Devastator ISD.

However, with the Caribbean Demolisher out of the picture the game rapidly swung back in my direction until Ninja beat feet in with a Slicer Tooled Gozanti, which combined with Admiral Montferrat on General Tagge's raider to prevent me from getting a last second desperate hit with my own Most Wanted Gozanti.

This was one of my most exciting games yet playing my current list, and I'll be looking forward to my next game vs @CaribbeanNinja .

Google Drive link to .VLOG :

Edited by thecactusman17
added vlog

Final results, round 1:

Players confirmed withdrawn: @jp82729

Players conceded without playing, withdrawal not confirmed: @emfrank72 @Lyraeus

Round 1

1: @Irishmadcat VS @moodswing5537 - Match Results: @moodswing5537 is the winner 148 to 187
2: @ManInTheBox VS @Maturin - Match Results: @ManInTheBox is the winner 214 to 155
3: @Truthiness VS @Undeadguy - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 262 to 0
4: @CaribbeanNinja VS @thecactusman17 - Match Results: @CaribbeanNinja is the winner 350 to 256
5: @Visovics VS @Darth Veggie - Match Results: @Darth Veggie is the winner 33 to 444
6: @Lord Preyer VS @Aresius - Match Results: @Lord Preyer is the winner 333 to 132
7: @JJs Juggernaut VS @RStan - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 253 to 183
8: @SkyCake VS @Green Squadron 3 - Match Results: @SkyCake is the winner 207 to 0
9: @SoonerTed VS @Roquax - Match Results: @Roquax is the winner 64 to 445
10: @fullmetal2017 VS @jp82729 - Match Results: @fullmetal2017 is the winner
11: @NebulonB VS @doobleg - Match Results: @doobleg is the winner 171 to 275
12: @SilentSteve VS @Matt Antilles - Match Results: @Matt Antilles is the winner 37 to 450
13: @Hystarr VS @Paindemic7708 - Match Results: @Paindemic7708 is the winner 16 to 400
14: @emfrank VS @Plagueis - Match Results: @Plagueis is the winner
15: @Dr Alex VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Rocco79 is the winner 66 to 288
16: @BrobaFett VS @comatose - Match Results: @BrobaFett is the winner 244 to 100
17: @itzSteve VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @Villakarvarousku is the winner 53 to 149
18: @BiggsIRL VS @Ginkapo - Match Results: @BiggsIRL is the winner 305 to 228
19: @Tokra VS @MattShadowlord - Match Results: @Tokra is the winner 399 to 63
20: @pt106 VS @GiledPallaeon - Match Results: @pt106 is the winner 305 to 45
21: @Lyraeus VS @Dorrin314 - Match Results: @Dorrin314 is the winner
22: @PodRacer VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @drdoom28704 is the winner 194 to 196
23: @MrScience VS @ThrawnsMB - Match Results: @MrScience is the winner 349 to 167


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Matt Antilles 10 400 1.0
2 @Darth Veggie 10 400 1.0
3 @Paindemic7708 10 384 1.0
4 @Roquax 10 381 1.0
5 @Tokra 10 336 1.0
6 @Truthiness 9 262 2.0
7 @pt106 9 260 2.0
8 @Rocco79 9 222 2.0
9 @SkyCake 8 207 3.0
10 @Lord Preyer 8 201 3.0
11 @MrScience 8 182 3.0
12 @BrobaFett 8 144 3.0
13 @fullmetal2017 8 140 0.0
14 @Plagueis 8 140 0.0
15 @Dorrin314 8 140 0.0
16 @doobleg 7 104 4.0
17 @Villakarvarousku 7 96 4.0
18 @CaribbeanNinja 7 94 4.0
19 @BiggsIRL 7 77 4.0
20 @JJs Juggernaut 7 70 4.0
21 @ManInTheBox 6 59 5.0
22 @moodswing5537 6 39 5.0
23 @drdoom28704 6 2 5.0
24 @PodRacer 5 0 6.0
25 @Maturin 5 0 6.0
26 @Irishmadcat 5 0 6.0
27 @NebulonB 4 0 7.0
28 @itzSteve 4 0 7.0
29 @RStan 4 0 7.0
30 @thecactusman17 4 0 7.0
31 @Ginkapo 4 0 7.0
32 @ThrawnsMB 3 0 8.0
33 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 8.0
34 @Aresius 3 0 8.0
35 @comatose 3 0 8.0
36 @Undeadguy 2 0 9.0
37 @GiledPallaeon 2 0 9.0
38 @Dr Alex 2 0 9.0
39 @SilentSteve 1 0 10.0
40 @MattShadowlord 1 0 10.0
41 @Visovics 1 0 10.0
42 @SoonerTed 1 0 10.0
43 @Hystarr 1 0 10.0
44 @Lyraeus 0 0 8.0
45 @emfrank 0 0 8.0
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 8.0

I have no intention of withdrawing. I just couldn't find a time that worked for my opponent last round and felt since it was my schedule that was so busy that I'd take the forfeit. Not that I have a shot at this point but I am looking forward to my next match.

Edited by emfrank72

Players will now be paired randomly with another player with the same number tourney points.

If there is an odd number of players, like in the top where 5 players have 10 pts, one of those players get paired with a random player with the next most tournament points (in this case a guy with 9 pts).

And remember, you can't play the same opponent twice (relevant from round 3 on).

Just now, emfrank72 said:

I have no intention of withdrawing. I just find a time that worked for my opponent last round and felt since it was my schedule that was so busy that I'd take the forfeit. Not that I have a shot at this point but I am looking forward to my next match.


You also have just 1 point less (and the same MoV) as those that got 10-1ed.

So anything is possible. Well, maybe not everything, but you can definitely only climb up from here :D

On 5/10/2017 at 3:45 PM, Ginkapo said:

Biggs won 7-4 with 77 MOV.

Safe to say, no one else will even get close to beating him. JJ has already crapped his pants out of fear because he also scored 7 pts.

