Vassal Summer Tourney 2017 - Round 1

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

4 hours ago, Darth Veggie said:

Too late ;-)


More seriously, I'm just happy with a win lol

JJs Juggernaut vs RStan (Player 1)

253-183 (MoV 70)

7-4 Win for JJs Juggernaut

Objective: Contested Outpost

A really well played game to RStan. His Mothma MC30s came in hard and fast, wiping out on of my TRC90s as well as both my flotillas. I was, however, abel to take down Foresight on here way through, as well as one of RStan's TRC90s. My squadrons easily took out the YT-2400s without losses. I tried to swing my second TRC90 around to take out RStan's TRC90 with the help of my squadrons, but a strong activation ended with me losing my second TRC90. In the end, I scored 3 station VPs to RStan's 1.

Vlog: Tourney JJs vs RStan.vlog?dl=0

I thoroughly enjoyed our game @JJs Juggernaut . Glad to jump on the voice chat bandwagon for Vassal games now which definitely makes the experience better. Good luck to you again in your future games in this tournament and hopefully your Red dice aren't so feast when it's overkill and famine all other times :D

@CaribbeanNinja vs @thecactusman17 scheduled for Tueasday 5/16/2017. Exact time TBD, likely early-mid evening time PST.

Biggs won 7-4 with 77 MOV.

Safe to say, no one else will even get close to beating him. JJ has already crapped his pants out of fear because he also scored 7 pts.

Rocco v dr alex

288-66, 9-2 to Rocco, MoV 222

objective: precision strike

Rocco most unsportingly used tactics to make me deploy on a wonky angle, then outflanked me and killed all my support while I was left with nothing to shoot but YY-1300's and x-wing's.

ho hum, at least with 2 points I'll be playing other people who are rubbish now

@ManInTheBox and @Maturin scheduled for Sunday 14th at 11am GMT (4am Pacific time).

In one corner the plucky contender: Leia.

In the other corner, the icon of the Rebellion: Leia!

Edited by ManInTheBox

@Lyraeus vs @Dorrin314 is set for Monday 5/15 at 7 pm PST/ 8 pm MST

4 minutes ago, Dorrin314 said:

@Lyraeus vs @Dorrin314 is set for Monday 5/15 at 7 pm PST/ 8 pm MST

I am so going to die a horrible death here...

1 hour ago, Ginkapo said:

Biggs won 7-4 with 77 MOV.

Safe to say, no one else will even get close to beating him. JJ has already crapped his pants out of fear because he also scored 7 pts.

I am likely to give up a 10-1 so I don't know...

Regardless I am going to learn a lot and have a lot of fun! This will be a blast @Dorrin314 !

Doobleg vs NebulonB is kicking off in 5 (well, the setup, anyway - turn up in 30 for the game proper ;) ).

10 of 23 games played:

We have the full spread, from a couple of 10-1 games to some very close races.

Ginkapo is no longer on the bottom!

Round 1

1: @Irishmadcat VS @moodswing5537
2: @ManInTheBox VS @Maturin
3: @Truthiness VS @Undeadguy - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 262 to 0
4: @CaribbeanNinja VS @thecactusman17
5: @Visovics VS @Darth Veggie - Match Results: @Darth Veggie is the winner 33 to 444
6: @Lord Preyer VS @Aresius - Match Results: @Lord Preyer is the winner 333 to 132
7: @JJs Juggernaut VS @RStan - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 253 to 183
8: @SkyCake VS @Green Squadron 3 - Match Results: @SkyCake is the winner 207 to 0
9: @SoonerTed VS @Roquax
10: @fullmetal2017 VS @jp82729
11: @NebulonB VS @doobleg
12: @SilentSteve VS @Matt Antilles
13: @Hystarr VS @Paindemic7708 - Match Results: @Paindemic7708 is the winner 16 to 400
14: @emfrank VS @Plagueis
15: @Dr Alex VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Rocco79 is the winner 66 to 288
16: @BrobaFett VS @comatose
17: @itzSteve VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @Villakarvarousku is the winner 53 to 149
18: @BiggsIRL VS @Ginkapo - Match Results: @BiggsIRL is the winner 305 to 228
19: @Tokra VS @MattShadowlord
20: @pt106 VS @GiledPallaeon
21: @Lyraeus VS @Dorrin314
22: @PodRacer VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @drdoom28704 is the winner 194 to 196
23: @MrScience VS @ThrawnsMB


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Darth Veggie 10 400 1.0
2 @Paindemic7708 10 384 1.0
3 @Truthiness 9 262 2.0
4 @Rocco79 9 222 2.0
5 @SkyCake 8 207 3.0
6 @Lord Preyer 8 201 3.0
7 @Villakarvarousku 7 96 4.0
8 @BiggsIRL 7 77 4.0
9 @JJs Juggernaut 7 70 4.0
10 @drdoom28704 6 2 5.0
11 @PodRacer 5 0 6.0
12 @itzSteve 4 0 7.0
13 @RStan 4 0 7.0
14 @Ginkapo 4 0 7.0
15 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 8.0
16 @Aresius 3 0 8.0
17 @Undeadguy 2 0 9.0
18 @Dr Alex 2 0 9.0
19 @Visovics 1 0 10.0
20 @Hystarr 1 0 10.0
21 @Lyraeus 0 0 0.0
22 @BrobaFett 0 0 0.0
23 @NebulonB 0 0 0.0
24 @SilentSteve 0 0 0.0
25 @ManInTheBox 0 0 0.0
26 @Roquax 0 0 0.0
27 @Matt Antilles 0 0 0.0
28 @moodswing5537 0 0 0.0
29 @MattShadowlord 0 0 0.0
30 @ThrawnsMB 0 0 0.0
31 @fullmetal2017 0 0 0.0
32 @emfrank 0 0 0.0
33 @CaribbeanNinja 0 0 0.0
34 @GiledPallaeon 0 0 0.0
35 @Maturin 0 0 0.0
36 @Tokra 0 0 0.0
37 @Plagueis 0 0 0.0
38 @jp82729 0 0 0.0
39 @Irishmadcat 0 0 0.0
40 @SoonerTed 0 0 0.0
41 @pt106 0 0 0.0
42 @doobleg 0 0 0.0
43 @Dorrin314 0 0 0.0
44 @MrScience 0 0 0.0
45 @comatose 0 0 0.0
46 @thecactusman17 0 0 0.0

Doobleg vs NebulonB has been paused at the end of turn 3, to be continued Saturday 1200 GMT. :D

MrScience vs THRAWN'S MIGHTY BRAIN (ThrawnsMB)

349:167. MOV of 182

Win to MrScience.

Also props to Thrawn for an entertaining game, and also for being a very friendly player for someone still grasping Armada vassal.

Don't forget! Doobleg vs NebulonB continues in three hours! (1200 GMT) :D

2 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Victory to @moodswing5537 148 v 187 for an Mov of 39 and 6-5.

Turn 2 ended with a demo one shoting a cr90A who I flew badly and tw zr95 failing to make howl even expend a defense token. Jonus helped Murder all three flotillas. I lost most of my squads but killed everyone of his squads but Jonas. Also murdered his slicer floittila. Never got close enough to scredd with the liberty. The game ended up with liberty trying to chase him down and failing. Glad I wasn't lifeboating I'll tell you that.

Great oppoenent very courtoues even if it was way past his bed time.

Edited by Irishmadcat
2 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Match was paused at round 3. We will continuous tomorrow.

4 hours ago, doobleg said:

Don't forget! Doobleg vs NebulonB continues in three hours! (1200 GMT) :D

Did you finish?

Doobleg vs NebulonB has finished, with the score 275-171 in favour of doobleg.

I was first player, and the mission was Contested Outpost. We both had 5 activations, a large-base ship, and a zippy APT crit-machine, so this was gonna be a tough match.

Immediately upon starting turn 2, Bright Hope used his tractor beam to slow the Raider, then sliced his dial away from maneuver. While this was, at first, merely inconvenient, the second time doing this left the Raider floundering, and set Admonition up to deliver a lethal double-arc killing blow in turn 4. As a result, The A-Wings that the Raider was supposed to shut down had a field day in the board centre, taking the fight to the Imperial squadrons and making short work of them.

Meanwhile, the MC80 sat on the station, patiently awaiting the arrival of Demolisher and Avenger , coming in from the left and head-on respectively. Turn 3 saw the Rebel ship take a savage side-arc hit from the Demolisher . Eager to escape, the MC80 abandoned the station and tried to dodge around the oncoming Star Destroyer, leaving its side-arc exposed. When the ISD activated in round 4, the boarding troopers spent the MC80's defence tokens, making them useless in the face of Avenger 's blistering front-arc onslaught. With the Rebel capital ship down, the station was in Imperial hands!

The remaining transports sought to flee, and Bright Hope once again slowed Demolisher 's progress. Luck was with the Avenger 's side-arc gunners, however - they managed to block the transport's scatter token, and took the ship down for good. Demolisher then chased down GR75, choosing to ram the ship into submission in the final turn.

While the first few turns of this game were pretty intense, what with our move/counter-move strategies unfolding, it turned out to be a lot of fun. NebulonB's strategy with Bright Hope, and his Madine-assisted piloting of Admonition in particular were a delight to watch, even as they thwarted my own efforts to destroy him. I almost pity his future opponents, except I know that if they have as much fun as I did the pain will be totally worth-while. :D

(oh, and Neb said I now have to win this whole thing to justify his loss, so I apologise to everyone in advance, and will gladly accept congratulations at your convenience) :P

Edited by doobleg

appreciate the modesty :)

doobleg was a worthy winner, no doubt there, grats! And I knew I would get into trouble with choosing this damned yellow objective. A friend of mine says "just take what cant hurt you, ever", and its time to heed this. Warm up those planetary ion cannons.

And then Green Knight graciously reminded me - several times - that Bright Hope is there to slow Demo, not a measly raider. Impressively blustering Imperial title or no :)

I should check the fleet manual's chapter on flight path blocking, soon.

Current status:

@emfrank has conceded.

@jp82729 has dropped.

Round 1

1: @Irishmadcat VS @moodswing5537 - Match Results: @moodswing5537 is the winner 148 to 187
2: @ManInTheBox VS @Maturin
3: @Truthiness VS @Undeadguy - Match Results: @Truthiness is the winner 262 to 0
4: @CaribbeanNinja VS @thecactusman17
5: @Visovics VS @Darth Veggie - Match Results: @Darth Veggie is the winner 33 to 444
6: @Lord Preyer VS @Aresius - Match Results: @Lord Preyer is the winner 333 to 132
7: @JJs Juggernaut VS @RStan - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 253 to 183
8: @SkyCake VS @Green Squadron 3 - Match Results: @SkyCake is the winner 207 to 0
9: @SoonerTed VS @Roquax
10: @fullmetal2017 VS @jp82729 - Match Results: @fullmetal2017 is the winner
11: @NebulonB VS @doobleg - Match Results: @doobleg is the winner 171 to 275
12: @SilentSteve VS @Matt Antilles
13: @Hystarr VS @Paindemic7708 - Match Results: @Paindemic7708 is the winner 16 to 400
14: @emfrank VS @Plagueis - Match Results: @Plagueis is the winner
15: @Dr Alex VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Rocco79 is the winner 66 to 288
16: @BrobaFett VS @comatose
17: @itzSteve VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @Villakarvarousku is the winner 53 to 149
18: @BiggsIRL VS @Ginkapo - Match Results: @BiggsIRL is the winner 305 to 228
19: @Tokra VS @MattShadowlord
20: @pt106 VS @GiledPallaeon
21: @Lyraeus VS @Dorrin314
22: @PodRacer VS @drdoom28704 - Match Results: @drdoom28704 is the winner 194 to 196
23: @MrScience VS @ThrawnsMB - Match Results: @MrScience is the winner 349 to 167


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Darth Veggie 10 400 1.0
2 @Paindemic7708 10 384 1.0
3 @Truthiness 9 262 2.0
4 @Rocco79 9 222 2.0
5 @SkyCake 8 207 3.0
6 @Lord Preyer 8 201 3.0
7 @MrScience 8 182 3.0
8 @fullmetal2017 8 140 0.0
9 @Plagueis 8 140 0.0
10 @doobleg 7 104 4.0
11 @Villakarvarousku 7 96 4.0
12 @BiggsIRL 7 77 4.0
13 @JJs Juggernaut 7 70 4.0
14 @moodswing5537 6 39 5.0
15 @drdoom28704 6 2 5.0
16 @PodRacer 5 0 6.0
17 @Irishmadcat 5 0 6.0
18 @NebulonB 4 0 7.0
19 @itzSteve 4 0 7.0
20 @RStan 4 0 7.0
21 @Ginkapo 4 0 7.0
22 @ThrawnsMB 3 0 8.0
23 @Green Squadron 3 3 0 8.0
24 @Aresius 3 0 8.0
25 @Undeadguy 2 0 9.0
26 @Dr Alex 2 0 9.0
27 @Visovics 1 0 10.0
28 @Hystarr 1 0 10.0
29 @emfrank 0 0 8.0
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 8.0
30 @Lyraeus 0 0 0.0
31 @BrobaFett 0 0 0.0
32 @SilentSteve 0 0 0.0
33 @ManInTheBox 0 0 0.0
34 @Roquax 0 0 0.0
35 @Matt Antilles 0 0 0.0
36 @MattShadowlord 0 0 0.0
37 @CaribbeanNinja 0 0 0.0
38 @GiledPallaeon 0 0 0.0
39 @Maturin 0 0 0.0
40 @Tokra 0 0 0.0
41 @SoonerTed 0 0 0.0
42 @pt106 0 0 0.0
43 @Dorrin314 0 0 0.0
44 @comatose 0 0 0.0
45 @thecactusman17 0 0 0.0

@comatose and I plan on attempting a two part game during the overlapping availabilty we have, which roughly 3:30-5:30 Monday and Tuesday of this week. Should be ample time to finish.