Rune Golem

By noteclado, in Runewars Tactics

That is a lot of points invested into something that has 0 rerolls though.

I find things do better with a reroll over more threat. Especially if theres red dice. Threat3-4 is already quite high. The amount of times ive ran a 2x1 and have them roll 0 damage has made me willingly cut off a threat to get a reroll. Even a single golem can hit fairly hard, the problem comes into its random speed and lack of reroll.
And of course, durability.

Yea people say "Rune golems are so tough with their 6 defense!" Most of the time it doesn't matter since alot of stuff will attack you before you attack. Unless you are using a special.

5 hours ago, TallGiraffe said:

Yea people say "Rune golems are so tough with their 6 defense!" Most of the time it doesn't matter since alot of stuff will attack you before you attack. Unless you are using a special.


Yes, shame about that in5 attack. The models are sooo good-looking, I would just love the sight of a whole army of (gone rogue) golems on the battlefield. Of course it would cost a fortune but the main questions would be whether you could a) have enough fun and b) win enough (?any) games, to make the cost worth it. I got so carried way with the thought one evening that I converted one to be a Kari-proxy - mounted on a hero base and hurling a ball of fire. (Also because I don't go a bundle on the Kari figure). Almost certainly wasted my time I guess.

Edited by CastleRock
text in wrong place
22 hours ago, Vineheart01 said:

That is a lot of points invested into something that has 0 rerolls though.

I find things do better with a reroll over more threat. Especially if theres red dice. Threat3-4 is already quite high. The amount of times ive ran a 2x1 and have them roll 0 damage has made me willingly cut off a threat to get a reroll. Even a single golem can hit fairly hard, the problem comes into its random speed and lack of reroll.
And of course, durability.

I like them 2*2, a lot. Now to get all 4 painted.

I think 4-5 armour is plenty, just don't charge the deathstar right away, engage late. The 3 speed is also very good for using golems as tar pits, they do admirably.

i just wish 4 damage wasnt the most common amount of damage even a random 2x1 unit can do. That, in the end, is the real problem. Killing a golem outright doesnt happen much, killing it in 2 rounds is almost guaranteed.

12 minutes ago, Vineheart01 said:

i just wish 4 damage wasnt the most common amount of damage even a random 2x1 unit can do. That, in the end, is the real problem. Killing a golem outright doesnt happen much, killing it in 2 rounds is almost guaranteed.

This. Adding an extra wound would fix them.

34 minutes ago, TallGiraffe said:

This. Adding an extra wound would fix them.

Run 6 with sheild wall ?

On 6/30/2017 at 11:58 AM, Vineheart01 said:

Especially when seeing the Threshers have 5hp...i really dont get why the Runegolem has 2. 4 armor isnt that hard to pen, its just difficult to 1shot without a huge block of trays or mortal strikes.

I've often thought about the Rune Golems' 2 health. Seems low for a warrior made of rock. But then I remembered something from the lore about placing a rune stones in its forehead or something. All you have to do is dislodge the rune that is powering it, and the thing crumbles. That's probably what the designers were going for with high defense and low wound threshold.

1 hour ago, Parakitor said:

I've often thought about the Rune Golems' 2 health. Seems low for a warrior made of rock. But then I remembered something from the lore about placing a rune stones in its forehead or something. All you have to do is dislodge the rune that is powering it, and the thing crumbles. That's probably what the designers were going for with high defense and low wound threshold.

Sort of like the Golem of Prague, eh?

You take away the magic that powers it, you don't tear it apart.

Well I understand the lore side yet from a gameplay side it seems really fragile and lacks rerolls until you spend 50 points and the units die pretty fast.

5 hours ago, TallGiraffe said:

Well I understand the lore side yet from a gameplay side it seems really fragile and lacks rerolls until you spend 50 points and the units die pretty fast.

They also have a built in +1-2 defense up. They can be quite tough.

I have been watching this thread for a while now and everyone seems to think that rune golems are an attack option. They aren't, they are support/tank.

Put wind rune on them and take advantage of their init 3 skill/defense combo to stunt charges or move out of the way with the rune, or to reduce damage potential with their stun skill.

If you want to take a bigger unit take terrifying heraldry to build up panic for a cav charge.

3 hours ago, Orcdruid said:

I have been watching this thread for a while now and everyone seems to think that rune golems are an attack option. They aren't, they are support/tank.

Put wind rune on them and take advantage of their init 3 skill/defense combo to stunt charges or move out of the way with the rune, or to reduce damage potential with their stun skill.

If you want to take a bigger unit take terrifying heraldry to build up panic for a cav charge.

Funny, I only ever used the stun thing once, like back in the 100 point skirmishes days. It turned out to be an important play.

perhaps I need to adjust how I use them

I bet there might be a useful upgrade or two for them in the upcoming Rune Golem expansion. From the screenshots I know there's 3 Daqan only siege upgrades but they're for embedding Rune Golems in other units. They've shown 3 equipment upgrades (one is Master Crafted Weapons) but who knows what's lurking under the other two. They're neutral upgrades but perhaps they'll only be usable by siege units.

2 hours ago, Daverman said:

I bet there might be a useful upgrade or two for them in the upcoming Rune Golem expansion. From the screenshots I know there's 3 Daqan only siege upgrades but they're for embedding Rune Golems in other units. They've shown 3 equipment upgrades (one is Master Crafted Weapons) but who knows what's lurking under the other two. They're neutral upgrades but perhaps they'll only be usable by siege units.

We know one of them is wind rune as we have yet to see it in daqan expansions.

Edit* And the heraldry is probably cursed signets.

Edited by TallGiraffe
4 hours ago, Daverman said:

I bet there might be a useful upgrade or two for them in the upcoming Rune Golem expansion. From the screenshots I know there's 3 Daqan only siege upgrades but they're for embedding Rune Golems in other units. They've shown 3 equipment upgrades (one is Master Crafted Weapons) but who knows what's lurking under the other two. They're neutral upgrades but perhaps they'll only be usable by siege units.

3? That's the sticker, I'm willing to wager we get another frontline card and a support rune golem upgrade (maybe back rank?) where they give the unit their distribute stun ability.

2 hours ago, TallGiraffe said:

We know one of them is wind rune as we have yet to see it in daqan expansions.

Good catch, I could have sworn it came in the Oathsworn expansion. So that leaves us with one facedown "equipment" card. I'll still hold out hope it could be a siege unit-only upgrade :P The Carrion Lancer expansion comes with several "training" upgrades but they won't help Rune Golems since they can't take them.

Also unsure exactly what those 3 Daqan only "heavy" upgrades are. Frontline and Support Rune Golem cards for sure, maybe a duplicate Support? Something new?


1 hour ago, Darthain said:

3? That's the sticker, I'm willing to wager we get another frontline card and a support rune golem upgrade (maybe back rank?) where they give the unit their distribute stun ability.

That would be nice. Those times when I have gotten a Rune Golem into contact with the enemy it's always a temptation to use the stun action but darn it, he's in combat! I want to smash things (especially before he dies). Giving a block of Spearmen the ability to stun could be nice.

8 minutes ago, Daverman said:

That would be nice. Those times when I have gotten a Rune Golem into contact with the enemy it's always a temptation to use the stun action but darn it, he's in combat! I want to smash things (especially before he dies). Giving a block of Spearmen the ability to stun could be nice.

It would, but as mentioned, I have no issues using a 4 block of golems as a tar pit, and stunning people while my flanking cav destroys them. Cavalry are the heaviest hitters atm.

Would love an equipment that allows you to reroll blanks.

1 hour ago, TallGiraffe said:

Would love an equipment that allows you to reroll blanks.

its called the rank from the 2 golems you get :D

8 minutes ago, Darthain said:

its called the rank from the 2 golems you get :D

Extra wouldn't hurt.

There's 4 Daqan-only Heavy Upgrades. I'm betting it's 2x each of Front Line Rune Golem and Support Rune Golem, but it's definitely at least 2x Support and 1x Front Line. Also, it looks like one of the equipment upgrades is Master-Crafted Weapons


Edited by Budgernaut
1 hour ago, Budgernaut said:

There's 4 Daqan-only Heavy Upgrades. I'm betting it's 2x each of Front Line Rune Golem and Support Rune Golem, but it's definitely at least 2x Support and 1x Front Line. Also, it looks like one of the equipment upgrades is Master-Crafted Weapons

Everything in there we already know about that Budgernaut. MCW was in there when they announced it and the Wind Rune was when they did a preview. Support Golem seems like it is indeed the stun.

MC weapons in golems makes little sense (upgrade is rarely worthwhile imo, I put it in small cavs with RD but that's about it.) We have better options that go more with the inspiration ability, not to mention 2 surgea out of double red is tough.