question about mata and kata

By wblackthorn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

when you leave a lvl in a advanced campaign game mata and kata come with you.what if they are carrying stuff does teh stuff come with you.or does it stay behind?

we ruled it would stay behind last time but some of teh party thought it should come with them.what do you all think?


Setting up in a new dungeon level follows (mostly) the same steps as setting up in standard quest. The only markers that get placed are those called for by the map.

I could see an arguement for letting it come with them (at least within the same multi-level dungeon), but I personally favour the idea that it would not come with them. Mata & Kata are meant to go pick things up or run them between two heroes, they aren't meant to be extra bag space. This is without any rules support, of course, that's just my personal feeling.

Having said that, I'm kind of surprised the question hasn't been asked already (at least not that I've seen), so kudos for originality! =)

What are the limits on what they can do?? That's my question.

We've been allowing them to open chests and carry items, but we put a limit on them opening doors.

Is this what everyone else has been doing???

The original version of Mata and Kata only allowed each of them to carry an item. No chests, coin piles, rune keys, etc. They just fetch potions and help heroes trade items back and forth and have NO other function.

There are revised rules for them in SoB, which make them better at trading items and allow them to work together to carry one chest, treasure pile, or rune key (but a hero still needs to open/collect it before it does any good). SoB rules page 44:

Mata and Kata
These familiars are granted by a Wizardry skill card, and follow the rules governing familiars. Mata and Kata’s speed is 6. Mata and Kata are both represented by markers that may move independently of each other. The familiars can each be given or pick up and carry one item (including potions). They can give a carried item to an adjacent hero (or each other, whether they are adjacent or not ) by spending one movement point.

If Mata and Kata begin their turn in the same space, they may move together. While moving together, they may pick up and carry one chest, treasure pile, or runekey. If they wish, they may still carry one normal item instead. Mata and Kata cannot enter the same space as another figure while carrying a chest, treasure pile, or runekey. Mata and Kata may separate at the beginning of any of their turns, but if they do, any chest, treasure pile, or runekey they are carrying must immediately be dropped and left where it is.

As familiars, they do NOT:

  • Prevent monsters from spawning in their LOS
  • Open doors or chests
  • Trigger event markers
  • Attack or receive damage
  • Block movement or LOS
  • Use or benefit from any items they may be carrying

Familiars normally cannot perform any movement actions, which means opening doors, chests, etc. Mata & Kata are no exception, the only thing they can do is move around, and carry an item or two. They can carry chests if both of them do it, but they cannot open the chest.


Or what Antistone said...


Antistone said:

As familiars, they do NOT:

  • Prevent monsters from spawning in their LOS

Wooooah! I thought the rule was monsters CANNOT spawn within LOS of familiars. All familiars.

Familiars, except for Boggs the Rat, don't have LOS where spawning is concerned. In fact, that's Boggs' only special ability, if they can all do it, why ever get Boggs?


shnar said:

Familiars, except for Boggs the Rat, don't have LOS where spawning is concerned. In fact, that's Boggs' only special ability, if they can all do it, why ever get Boggs?


Thanks shnar. Believe or not I've read the rules many times and not been spawning monsters in LOS of Kata and Mata.

I won't now.

Oh dear...poor Gaz is never gonna get to face Narthak. partido_risa.gif

wblackthorn said:

when you leave a lvl in a advanced campaign game mata and kata come with you.what if they are carrying stuff does teh stuff come with you.or does it stay behind?

we ruled it would stay behind last time but some of teh party thought it should come with them.what do you all think?


Anything they are c arrying comes with them of course. Does anybody else anything they are carrying? Of course not. Stuff you ae carrying stays with you, and there is nothing anywhere to change that for Mata and Kata.