20 May Store championship at The Deep in Huntsville Alabama

By WGNF911, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Argh! Same day as Gigabites???

Which is closer? Argh

Distance wise or time wise? Assuming there are any roads left in Atlanta to drive on... hmmm....

1 minute ago, Boston1809 said:

Distance wise or time wise? Assuming there are any roads left in Atlanta to drive on... hmmm....

That's a big assumption, tornado-rainy-season.

Two weeks y'all!


One week y'all!

40 players at the XWing store championship today.

TOMORROW!!!! Bring 2 copies of your list, one with objectives, one without. Registration begins at 10 and we will start at 11 so please have your fleet ready. Bring cash to order food or bring something to eat.