i am completely new

By ATM2100, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

is there anything i should know before playing descent? if so plz tell me (still on first time so no spoilers plz)

The app for solo play is outstanding is a great game hope you enjoy

so use the app for a solo, but i am in the middle of one right now what do i do?

There is nothing special you need to know before start playing, other than read all the rules at last twice, in my opinion.

Once you start playing, solo or in group, you'll probably have a lot of questions, start to post here when you have any doubt.

I'll just adress some of the common mistakes new players do sometimes. Some of them are right on the rules, but end being overlooked, some of them have clunky wording from FFG's part, and some of them have had to be cleared from FFG staff:

-Remember that ALL the information is public. Both OL and heros must know all the details on the cards and quests (and rules, of course).

-The Stunned condition makes a figure lose ONLY ONE action of two. They can discard it with the first action, and use the second for whatever they want.

-OL draws a card only when a HERO gets defeated. Familiars, and other things treated as a heroes (like in some quests) won't count for this.

-If you have played Imperial Assault, I'd say try to forget everything from that game before playing this. Althought they have evident similarities, there are so many differences that can make the experience hard to enjoy.

-Finally, on a more personal note (and this just depends on the play group), remember to have fun and try different things. If one of the sides go hardcore, and find the keystone to win every quest, maybe the other players won't have fun.

You will find a lot of interesting links in this sub (pinned at the top from any2cards), but don't worry if after three whole campaigns, everything is still not clear. This is how Descent is.

And in the end...

20 hours ago, leewroy said:

There is nothing special you need to know before start playing, other than read all the rules at last twice, in my opinion.

Once you start playing, solo or in group, you'll probably have a lot of questions, start to post here when you have any doubt.

This is it. Read the rules. Then read again the rules. And then make the other players read the rules. And have them with you while playing. And then come here to ask anything that comes up. People here will gladly answer everything.

Edited by AndrewMM
13 minutes ago, AndrewMM said:

-Remember that ALL the information is public. Both OL and heros must know all the details on the cards and quests (and rules, of course).

Just to clarify: The heroes may look at all OL cards before a round starts, but during the game the OL hand is of course secret.

So I'd say: just start playing. Either a campaign against the OL or cooperatively with the App. If you choose to start a campaign I'd say: read the rules especially thoroughly and try to catch possible questions before a quest. This is important since loosing quests just due to misunderstanding of a rule is annoying and may lead to some imbalances further down the road.

it doesn't seem right that they know OL(thx for the abbreviation) reinforcements, do the get to know the reinforcements?

do familiars really count as heroes in the draw one overlord card?

those last two are easy but I don't like unlearning stuff, Thx for the help!

the more I can know from your experience the better and it is cheap for you and expensive for me so keep it coming even if you think I know it!

Edited by ATM2100
19 hours ago, ATM2100 said:

it doesn't seem right that they know OL(thx for the abbreviation) reinforcements, do the get to know the reinforcements?

This is how Descent is. As I said, this is a common misconception, specially for players who come from other games. Descent is over all a strategy game, and all revolves around people making plans beforehand. The thing is, the quests are balanced through this, so making some of the information, like reinforcements, not public, gives a non intended big advantage to the OL. If all the players ara aware of that, and all agree on mantaining the secret, is perfectly ok, but always keep that in mind.

19 hours ago, ATM2100 said:

do familiars really count as heroes in the draw one overlord card?

No, no, that's exactly what I tried to say. Familiars DO NOT count for drawing cards. Nor any other "treated-as-hero" figures. Only REAL heroes, with hero sheet and such will.

20 hours ago, ATM2100 said:

those last two are easy but I don't like unlearning stuff, Thx for the help!

This is actually related with the first paragraph. Each one has their own rules, and they are balanced with their own inquiries. Some people will find more "intuitive" or "realist" one side or the other, or just "plain better" one approach over the other. In the end, is just different games, with different rules, and different balance, so is always better just following the rules of the game you are playing, if you want to have the better experience. Some end only frustrated, just because they want to apply some of the rules of another game that they like more, and it only makes it for a bad play session, where nothing actually works.

I'd say, try to stick as much as possible to the rules as intended, and see if it fits with your play minds. If AFTER that, there are still things that your play gruop agree to change, then is perfectly acceptable to make whatever workaround that you decide.

2 hours ago, AndrewMM said:
22 hours ago, ATM2100 said:

do familiars really count as heroes in the draw one overlord card?

No, no, that's exactly what I tried to say. Familiars DO NOT count for drawing cards. Nor any other "treated-as-hero" figures. Only REAL heroes, with hero sheet and such will.

That is much better thanks.

Hello ATM2100.

Just wondering what your Descent experience was.

ol loses 2 times, we played the second one wrong, doing the other one now