Wasterslide transfers for Daqan shields, looking for recommendations!

By pancakeonions, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Hey forumites,

What's a good source for Waterslide Transfers/ Decals for the soldiers' shields? US based sellers preferably, but any sellers would be great (links please!). I'm only aware of gripping beast, but it looks like they're designed to fit entirely over their models' shields and thus might not work well for my Daqan dudes.


Ideally, I'd love small icons/ logos that could be put into the middle of the shield, and then held in place with a wash/ dip or varnish.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

If you can find a specific logo you like, it's actually incredibly easy to make your own waterslide transfers. They sell waterslide printer paper on Amazon, it's around $1 a sheet. Just make sure you get the right kind for your printer. Inkjet and laserjet need different paper.

If there's anything in their range of symbols that interests you GW decals have some neat iconography and lots of folks have extras so it might not cost you anything if you ask about. Alternatively, there are tons on ebay.

I used "Salmanders" Space Marine icons for mine, but there are lots of varities. The Marine ones (and many others) are nice because they are all small enough to fit on a shoulder pad which makes them a good fit for shields. The trick is to pick something that looks cool but isn't immediately recognizable as a common Warhammer trope. This is what they looked like pre-dip. They held just fine on their own, but under the dip they're bombproof.


Edited by eilif

That looks fantastic eilif!!!

I'm painting my Daqan as Black Templars, so will check out the GW transfers.

@Hos Thanks!

Here is what the most common basic Space Marine Decal sheet looks like. All the BT emblems are black so you'd have to give your shields a different background color. If black works for you I'd be happy to send you as many of the BT emblems as you need. I've got plenty and probably won't be using them.


If you need red or white, there is this sheet from Forge world. Not sure of the size comparison or if it is in-print or not, but I'm sure Forge World can tell you.


There's also a number of fan made sheets that you can print on your own decal paper a google images search will show you some options.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

Edited by eilif
11 hours ago, eilif said:

If there's anything in their range of symbols that interests you GW decals have some neat iconography and lots of folks have extras so it might not cost you anything if you ask about. Alternatively, there are tons on ebay.

I used "Salmanders" Space Marine icons for mine, but there are lots of varities. The Marine ones (and many others) are nice because they are all small enough to fit on a shoulder pad which makes them a good fit for shields. The trick is to pick something that looks cool but isn't immediately recognizable as a common Warhammer trope. This is what they looked like pre-dip. They held just fine on their own, but under the dip they're bombproof.


Hey just wondering for the green what colour and type of paint did you use? It's the first green colour scheme I could find

Edited by sithvlad

Testors makes clear and white decal sheets you can print on from your inkjet printer. I will post the picture when I get my Cavalry done to show you the final product.

If you are using light colors, you can use the clear paper, but if you are using a dark background the clear paper can be too transparent and get lost. That is when you want white paper.

This video illustrates my point:

6 hours ago, sithvlad said:

Hey just wondering for the green what colour and type of paint did you use? It's the first green colour scheme I could find

I used " Rustoleum 2x Ultra Cover Satin Leafy Green" from the hardware store. It's a satin spray so you don't get quite the "tooth" for additional paint layers that a flat paint would, but it works out well for s tabletop quality paintjob, is quite inexpensive (4 bucks for a big can) and there's a pretty wide variety of colors to choose from. I wrote about it and give some tips for use here...


...and in that blog post I also link to the Beasts of War post where I first saw the paint scheme that I essentially copied for my figures.

I avoided satin spray for a long time, but this past year I've been using it more frequently on terrain. The orange on this sci-fi train was from the same line of paints.



Here it is on an Indiana Jones Jungle cutter (followed by a bit of wash and drybrush) that I've turned into an industrial instalation. The lighter you mist it (over a dark prime/undercoat) the more worn it looks.


Edited by eilif
20 hours ago, eilif said:

@Hos Thanks!

Here is what the most common basic Space Marine Decal sheet looks like. All the BT emblems are black so you'd have to give your shields a different background color. If black works for you I'd be happy to send you as many of the BT emblems as you need. I've got plenty and probably won't be using them.


Hi mate, blacks crosses are what I'm after, the shields are white with black edges. Thanks for the offer, I'm in Australia, so I'm happy to buy them off ebay.

Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm looking for a stylized cracked skull, and may try using some of those do it yourself transfers. (BTW, don't try googling for cracked skull images, unless you have a strong stomach. Ugh. That was a not fun google search...)

Go to ginfritter.com for tons of cool decal sheets. I bought the one that is like a french battle standard that looks awesome. I'll upload some pics asap. They are $10 or so per sheet after shipping is figured in. Good customer service to and fast shipping.

what about this:


went with the Fallout hobbies fleur de lys design, had to cut some of them to fit the elongated shields, but the results are quite ok.

