Looking for some feedback on the idea of running a tournament, 75 minute matches with 100 pt lists, with a few different objective format types!
Examples could be:
a) "King of the Hill in Space": Create a triangle of asteroids in middle. After 75 minutes the highest point value ship within the asteroid cluster gets a bonus 25 points for team. Then look at final point results based on ships destroyed/remaining per standard rules
b) "Nebula - Battle in a Space Cloud": Scattered Deployment of Ships and Obstacles placed in Quadrants by random roll. Minimum range 1 apart from each other (ships on same squadron have no minimum). Roll One Red Attack Die for each obstacle/ship, each quadrant represented by a symbol: Hit, Crit, Focus, and Blank. The Hit quadrant will likely be the most dense and the Crit quadrant likely vacant. But you never know! Plus this means round 1 shooting is highly likely.
c) "Protect that Ship!": Each squad designates a single ship to be a VIP. When that ship is destroyed the opponent gets bonus 25 points.
d) "They're Coming in Waves": Ships Enter Board edge at different turns. Turn 1: Each opponent Deploys 1st Ship, Turn 2: Both Deploy 2nd Ship, Turn 3: Can deploy NONE to ALL of remaining ships, Turn 4: MUST deploy all remaining ships.
Fun? Too Complicated? Other preferred Formats?
(Inspired by old Warhammer Fantasy Scenarios, I must admit)