Why do u play Doom when there is Descent?
Doom vs Descent?
A. I own Doom but not Descent.
B. I don't plan to buy Descent, as I love Runebound, already have Warhammer Quest and Dungeoneer, and don't really want another dungeon crawler.
Doom offers a different experience compared to Descent. While not a completely different game, since the mechanics are similar, the sci-fi atmosphere, being Doom related, and provding me the with a dungeon crawl experience with guns.
I've toyed with the idea of Mage Knight Dungeons, Descent and others I've found over at the board game geek but I have to devot more research to finding one I'd enjoy for a long time that is also acceptable to my gaming group. Descent is a top contender right now for my money and there is plenty to like about it (notably that it is based on the Doom rule set).
My question for you was this topic supposed to elicit uproar or is it just a friendly question asking why we play a game that is no longer officially supported by FFG when there is a similar game that has active support? I'm leaning towards the latter of the two.
I prefer Sci-Fi and Futuristic games (Doom, Warhammer 40k, etc.) over Fantasy type. I still wouldn't miss out on good ol' Warcraft though, probably the only fantasy game I like.
My preference for Sci-Fi is the reason why I'm getting Cosmic Encounter and Starcraft TBG soon
I had to decide between Doom and Descent recently, when I knew I'd buy one of them but didn't know which it would be. A few things influenced my decision:
- Game time - a typical Doom game will (at least that's what I'm told) last less long than a typical Descent game
- Complexity - I have ample complex games, Twilight Imperium is my favourite game currently and requires over an hour to explain rules before you can even start, Doom's rather light rules are a nice change
- Descent's RPG elements - if I want to play an RPG, I'll play an RPG; I don't need a game to tell me with cards which items I can buy, a good GM with a couple source books will be more than adequate
- Difficulty - the Invader player in Doom is apparently significantly stronger than the monster player in Descent, where even level end bosses are apparently "meh, he'll be dead in a round or two"
- Setting - I love the Doom atmosphere, and unlike the sucky movie the board game actually kept the "invaders from hell" background and tries (and succeeds) to stay true to the FPS roots
- Budget - Doom with all expansions is just plain cheaper than Descent
Overall, I bought Doom over Descent, and I am very happy with it.
Doom is meant to be a hard game for the Marines, so you know what to expect. Descent is meant to be balanced between the heroes and Overlord, but isn't at all. A good reason to play Doom, in my opinion.
Plus, the people I know usually like sci-fi more than fantasy.
I have both games. I really like fantasy games and my fella (who I play the most boardgames with) loves Sci-fi but is not a total board game addict like me. Therefore, Doom gets played more often because it is more to his taste and takes a lot less time to play.
Descent gets played when we have friends over for a weekend - i.e. when we have more time and because they are more into fantasy genre.
Although to be honest when it is just the two of us we both prefer Arkham Horror because it is co-op and you can scale the time easier.
I prefer Doom much more over Descent. While I own Doom and not the latter, I like the whole sci-fi atmosphere in Doom compared to the fantasy one in Descent. Also, I find that Doom is a bit more streamlined and can be played in a shorter amount of time than Descent. But most of my reasons are matters of opinion.
Doom> Descent. Less fluff, takes less time, and is a much more intense experience.
I own and play both. I guess I just find Doom to be more exciting/challenging.
I ended up getting Descent due to a christmas present gift voucher from my local game store
- and I still like Doom more. But I will get all the Descent expansions very soon, too, I guess
Own both but it's been a while since I've played Doom. The reason? Road To Legend and the Advanced Campaign. Descent is so complex, it feels like a board game with one or two expansions already squeezed into it. For that reason, we didn't play it very often, UNTIL the Advanced Campaign came out, now it seems like the only game we play.
I wonder if you could create a Campaign for Doom?
Hey bikinilord, I got a good question back to you. Since you asked us why we play Doom when there is Descent... I want to ask you...
Why do you play Descent when there is Doom?
They're two similar but different games, and they scratch different itches. I like them both, and thus play them both. Descent, with all it's options, really opened up with the Advanced Campaign, a slow build up of the characters as the game progresses. Doom is a more run-n-gun game, fun in its own right (though if you were to compare Doom against Space Hulk, I'd probably choose Space Hulk). There's the Sci-Fi vs. Fantasy as well, just different itches to scratch, etc.
Doom: great one off game.
Descent: great campaign game.
Also, in DooM you get to use the FIST. That alone pushes aside all the other problems in the DooM game.
You can use your Fist in Descent, just most people don't (it's in the main rulebook). Also, give me another week or two and we'll have a Campaign for Doom
I own both games, DOOM and Descent. So here are the reasons, why DOOM ist better than Descent.
1.) Better balanced.
2.) Incredible Survival-atmosphere.
3.) The chainsaw.
4.) The clear rulebook. It has not so much rules like Descent, but they all fit together in a perfect way. The game with the most mechanics is not the best, when they don`t work together.
5.) The DOOM-universe is simply fantastic.
6.) The PVP-modes within the addon.
7.) DOOM ist the original, Descent only a copy of the DOOM-mechanics. And I love originals.
8.) It is a male game!!!
9.) Better scenarios.
10.) Less downtime.
11.) Teamwork is more neccessary than in Descent. Every enemy is dangerous, as well at the end of a scenario. In Descent, the balance sucks, because the heroes are too weak in the beginning and too strong at the end. In DOOM the marines have to play like they were one.
Both games are good, and the only reason we are comparing them is because they are based on the same basic rules. There really isn't much point... (no offense intended). If you like descent, play descent, if you like doom play doom.... if you like me are hyperactive, play both
I play both, but like Doom better gameplay wise. Will the premise of RTL is fantastic, the balance and rules issues are out of the window. Additionally, I find Doom a bit easier to modify, and the atmosphere is just a bit more tense with the marines one the slightly weaker side. Makes a victory for the marines give a sense of achievement.
While in descent I' ve seen boss monsters be killed in one or two hits, never even getting a turn.
Much like many of the other posters, I like that DOOM plays more quickly. Not having to invest 6+ hours into a single map is a great thing. If we have that kind of time we'll play two maps, or a game of DOOM and Starcraft.. or a game of World of Warcraft.
DOOM encourages a survival mindset. The marines are not unstoppable killing machines, and really cannot take the time to try and kill everything. You have a mission, and you need to concentrate on it. In Descent, the monsters are often so easy for a hero to kill with even an average weapon, and the quests are often quite unclear as to what you're supposed to be doing at various points.
They are different, and I'm glad to have played both, but I own DOOM and I'm not sure that I'll be buying Descent.
I have to argre with everyone else here, I just like the sci-fi better than fantasy. I had both and have played both. I sold my copy of Descent. I would like some more Doom goodness. A scenario book would be very welcome.
Call me crazy, but having owned and played both, (much to my wife's dismay) I am currently trying to find a non-cheesy way to incorporate the two... kinda like Talisman 2ed. attempted with their Timescape expansion... only not with a suck story.
I really wouldn't be that hard to add some of the refinements of Descent into Doom:
- Give each marine 3 Fatigue
- Reconfigure the weapons to use surges
- Add 2 or 3 Traits to the marines (Melee, Bullet Weapons, and Energy Weapons?)
- Create a few Marine cards that have different starting values (i.e. weapon traits, health, armor, speed, etc)
Probably the trickiest thing to update would be the Invader deck for Threat costs. I think everything else wouldn't be uber hard to put together...
I originally bought Doom, and loved the game...bought the expansion and played the snot out of it...until my dice faded. At that point, I didn't know I could contact the company to replace them and whatnot, so the game went un-played for over a year.
Then, one night I sat in on a game of Descent...I will admit, I was intimidated by all the bits and amount of rules...but as soon as someone said that I had to "declare an action...Run, Battle, advance, or ready" I picked up on the game in 2 turns. Granted, it took several more times playing to fully understand the rules.
After that, I invested in Descent as well as all the expansions, bought a case to carry things around (pre RtL) and then bought another to hold everything once RtL was released, followed by sleeves and foam for the RtL Lt models.
After everything was done and said, to this day I prefer Descent over Doom for one simple reason. Fantasy Flight Games still supports Descent.
It is only a matter of time before Doom falls like another great FFG game...Marvel Heroes
Yeah, what ever happened to Marvel Heroes? I'm glad I grabbed a copy, always enjoyed the game even though it rarely sees table time...